Diversity JavaScript

Ajax, the manly technology

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Seems that O’Reilly has had another one of its invite-only summits, but this time about Ajax. If you’ve missed hearing about Ajax, it’s the web development equivalent of tags (as taxonomy) and metaformats (as semantics). This is part of the technology that makes America, well, America.

A new twist, though: As you can see from the list of attendees, Ajax is the new manly-man technology. Or if you prefer, stud muffin technology.

Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
Macho, macho tech (macho tech)
I’ve got to be, a macho tech
Macho, macho tech
I’ve got to be a macho! Ow….

Macho, macho tech
I’ve got to be, a macho tech
Macho, macho tech (yeah, yeah)
I’ve got to be a macho!

What’s the tech equivalent of butt cracks and belching? Oh, yeah! XmlHttpRequest and Javascript!

Normally I would be all up in arms about the absolutely abysmal ratio of women to men, except we’re talking about Ajax. What did one statement from this summit say? Ajax is to traditional Web, what IM is to Email. Nice and catchy, except I can think of a better analogy: Ajax is to traditional Web, what Miller Lite is to beer.

Macho, macho tech. I want to be a macho tech…


Shelley, you suck

As was pointed out in comments, according to Bill Gates–a kid born rich who got richer– since I am an unemployed computer tech, I must suck.

Anybody who’s got good computer science training, they are not out there unemployed,” Gates said. “We’re just not seeing an available labor pool.”

What Gates means, according to David Weinberger, in light of recent discussions, is that there is a shortage of heterosexual engineers in the US. I think we could take it an additional step and say there’s a shortage of heterosexual engineers in the US willing to work long hours for little pay but the prestige of saying, “I work for Microsoft”.

I did submit my resumé this last week to Microsoft for an opening that someone (going nameless to protect his identity and job) passed on to me. Of course, we’ll have to see if Microsoft follows through, or if they look at my resumé and go, “Wow, this person sucks–let’s hire someone from another country”.

I’m straight, though: does that help?


Gay rights and the blue screen of death

How disappointing that the long fought for gay rights bill lost by one vote in Washington state. And how much this loss can be placed on Microsoft’s sudden decision to withdraw support is hard to say, other than it couldn’t have helped.

Several good writings on the issue including: original report at The StrangerNew FramesBlueOregonCNet and others.

If you want to see how much chatter it’s getting in weblogging, just search Technorati on Microsoft + gay — and be sure to wear your asbestos gloves.

Dare Obasanjo who works at Microsoft wrote on this. Robert Scoble posted a couple of posts and pointed out a post by his his boss’ boss, Vic Gundotra, who wrote:

What about the people in the company who DON”T believe this is a human rights issue? What about those people who believe homosexuality is a moral/social issue? Should Ballmer just say these people are wrong? That “Microsoft the corporation” has decided to take a stance on this social issue?

I realize that many people, including myself see this as a human rights issue. But you do have to stop and consider the people with the opposing view.

Should a CEO pick sides on an issue that is so divisive? Does being “inclusive” and “diverse” suddenly stop when it involves views that are different than the ones we hold?

What the upper management at Microsoft has forgotten is that supporting equal rights for gays does not deny equal rights to others. Giving gays the same rights as every other group in this country does not deny these rights to those who are not gay. Giving gays the right to employment does not mean that straights have somehow lost the equal right to employment. The same can be said to the right to buy a home, get insurance, and any other basic human need.

Even those who are anti-gay can continue being anti-gay…up until it comes to trying to force your company into firing a person for no other reason than they are gay. But don’t worry, being gay isn’t a virus–you won’t ‘catch’ it if your cube is next to a gay person’s. However, I’ve heard that tolerance is contagious if you’re exposed to it for great lengths of time.

A basic premise in our country is if we error, we error on the side of granting more rather than less liberty. Microsoft could have sent a message to the community and its employees who supported the bill that it recognizes there are citizens in this country who do not have full rights, and this bill would help grant some of the most basic: a right to a home and a job. Microsoft would then have sent a message to those who did not support this bill that though it understands their disagreement, supporting the bill does not lessen their existing rights, as there is no guaranteed right to bias and prejudice in the United States.

Instead, what Microsoft has done is show that a small man in a small church can push around a major corporation in today’s intolerant climate, and begin what can be a disasterous reversal of rights gained so slowly over decades in corporate America.

Coors understood what was at stake, as did Boeing, and Nike and a host of other companies that came out in support of this bill. What is it that BlueOregon wrote? From now on drink Coors, wear Nikis, and fly Boeing–but don’t buy Microsoft.

Diversity Technology Weblogging

Passing on the spear

The nice thing about the current generation of women webloggers and their initiatives, such as Sheroes and Blogher, is these are well organized events managed by strong, dedicated women. Hopefully with their efforts, women will no longer continue to be invisible.

For me, personally, an added benefit is that I don’t feel I have to continue to fight the good fight. After all, I’ve been beating this dog for four years, and haven’t seen that I’ve been particularly successful. I think all I’ve managed to do is dissuade any technology company from hiring me.

Being a woman in technology and challenging the sticky bricks of male domination in weblogging (and elsewhere) has always been a bit tricky because unlike most other professions, the tech industry has not only accepted weblogging, it has created the technology that keeps the heart beating and the words flowing. When you challenge the status quo–such as question the number of women speakers at a conference, a company’s hiring practices, or even men not linking to women, whatever–you’re effectively challenging people who could eventually be a potential employer.

Going from “You’re a sexist dog”, to, “Can I have a job, please?”, and actually getting a job only works in the movies.

Still, it never did seem right to just let things slide, and I would, from time to time, push back in my own indubital way. (”Ouch! Hot! It burns! It burns! Hot!”) However, after the recent ‘do’ with Mr. Scoble, Sir, I decided to *retire from the lists and focus on technology and my oddball writing and photography and hikes in the woods, and leave the battle to the fresh blood.

Yeah, I’ve said before I wouldn’t write on this topic again, and then would come back to it. (Not that anyone particularly cared — ever notice how we make these pronouncements on our weblogs and the most people will do is, “Eh, get a load of her, thinking we give a shit.”) That was before the current level of women’s activism. Now, I just don’t need to get in people’s faces anymore–plenty of women already there.

Rock on, ladies.

*Of course, that doesn’t mean I won’t write “Men Don’t Link” Parts 2,3,4,…,n. That other was work, this was fun.

Diversity Weblogging


Couple of events related to women and weblogging are coming in the next few months. I want to talk about both them, but separately, as they deserve. The first event is Blog Sheroes, a meetup described as:

Feminist bloggers meetings starting in NYC and spreading across the nation like a rabid yeast infection.

Humor and strong feminist identity right from the start: my kind of ladies. This event is being held April 24th, in New York city, and has been organized by CultureKitchen and Nichelle Newsletter.

I think Sheroes sounds like the start of something interesting–women webloggers getting together to work on effective solutions to infiltrate the “other side”; kicking entrenched butt out of the way.

And hey! The logo looks good with my weblog!