Diversity Weblogging

Steve Levy, Dave Sifry, and NZ Bear: You are Hurting Us

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I knew as soon as I saw the Steve Levy article that we would see a backlash about the domination of whites and males in the weblogging ranking systems. While my “Guys Don’t Link” post tried to make a point with humor, and invite the guys to be part of the joke, and the understanding that follows, Levy’s was guaranteed to first of all get notice (after all, he is a white male journalist); get credibility (after all, he is a white male journalist); and, lastly, generate a great deal of guilt.

Guilt is the killer of conversations and the destroyer of discussion because no one wants guilt dumped on them. Mr. Levy, you have hurt us, and you did so with no more than a passing glance and a feeling that “this is just another story”.

But it happened and here we are, and though I sympathize with Roxanne’s weariness of this discussion, I do want to speak to this backlash, and the causes for it. And then I too, will have exhausted all that I can say on the topic, and walk away from it.

First, to the white guys who have been proclaiming your race and sex with such pride: It would seem that not only are you not content with being king of the hill, you also want to be chief underdog, too. Not content to being the center of too many dialogs within weblogging, you also want to be the center of one discussion that, oddly enough, doesn’t center around you: being a weblogger who is not a male, or is not white, or both.

So you’ve perverted the discussion until it is all about you, effectively shutting it down, while making sure that the bits you so desperately need understand that their rightful place is forming a swarm about you.

You see, White Guys, it’s all about you. And you’ll do everything in your power to destroy even an effective conversation, unless it is all about you.

When Levy mentioned ‘lack of diversity’ and pointed a finger at the grouped white males, you cried out ‘foul’ and hastened to point out that Glenn Reynolds and Atrios may be white and male, but they have different opinions, and hence any group they’re in, is diverse. All I can say is that George Wallace would have been proud of your verbal footwork, and supported your distinction.

When a gentle and curious question about having a conference focused on women in weblogging is proposed, you come into comments and you harrangue and harrass and manipulate the discussion, until the concept is tainted almost beyond repair, and yes, the conversation does flow around ‘you’. I, being tired, fell for the trap. Again. I forgot that the greatest hurt I can do to you, the most effective weapon I have, is to ignore you; by not feeding this insatiable and sad need you have, to have all of this be about you.

You proudly claim that yes, you are white guys and discount all the concerns and questions that are being asked, and the challenges being made–not because you necessarily disagree, but because the conversation isn’t about you. It doesn’t matter if you’re seen as good or bad, right or wrong; all that matters is that the conversation be about you.

For once, we had the opportunity to actually explore issues of diversity in weblogging — international as compared to US-based webloggers; white as compared to not white; male and female. We could have grown and been enriched, and maybe we would all been the better for it. More importantly, we may have looked more closely at the technology that drives our perceptions, and had a chance to explore whether blogrolls and popularity lists are more harm then they are worth.

Instead, in a burst of emotional self-defense, it became Whitey versus the Gang. I am waiting for one or more of you to put “White Male and Damn Proud of It!” stickers in your sidebars, as you nod among yourselves about putting down this particular insurrection. After all, this is the ultimate egalitarian environment–anyone can have a weblog. Anyone can become famous. All you have to do, is write well.

Except that you forget that popularity in this environment can lead to opportunity, which, in turn, generates more popularity, and hence more opportunity and so on. Or maybe I have it wrong–you never forget this.

Let me ask you all something, though: if members of Congress or Parliment or whatever body rules you, did what you are all doing now, standing up in session and yelling out, “I am white and I am male!”, would you support this?

If President Bush or Tony Blair or Howard started their next speech with, “I am white, and I am male!”, would you support this?

If the next time most major corporate boards got together the members stood up and said, “I am white, and I am male!”, would you support this?

I would ask that the white guys attending the O’Reilly ETech conference stand up before each session and proudly proclaim, “I am white, and I am male!” If they do, would you support this? (ETech attendees do me a favor: do this, please. I think more could come of this one act than anything I’ve been saying for three years to Tim O’Reilly.)

Perhaps I’m an optimist, but I still think something constructive can be derived from all of this, and that is to look more closely at the technology that is generating the divide between us. I asked earlier whether blogrolls and popularity lists cause more harm than good. I think the answer is, a resounding, “Yes!”

I’m going to borrow some words from Jon Stewart, when he appeared on Cross-Fire (bless you, Norm, for making these videos available). He accused the Cross-Fire journalists, and, in fact, many journalist of harming America because of partisan reporting. He said a simple thing: You are hurting us.

At the time, I didn’t agree with Stewart, for about the same reasons I don’t agree with Levy now. I felt Stewart does more with his satire than he did with this direct confrontation. However, I’m beginning to appreciate the strength of his simple, and compelling approach.

So I’ll say this, directly and honestly, to Dave Sifry from Technorati: Dave, you are hurting us.

The Technorati Top 100 is too much like Google in that ‘noise’ becomes equated with ‘authority’. Rather than provide a method to expose new voices, your list becomes nothing more than a way for those on top to further cement their positions. More, it can be easily manipulated with just the release of a piece of software.

You have focused on comment spam and you see this as the most harm to this community, all the while providing the weapon that is truly tearing us apart. You are hurting us, Dave.

NZ Bear, you are hurting us. With your Ecosystem, you count links on the front page, which give precedence to blogroll links over links embedded within writings, and then classify people in a system equating mammals and amoeba. Your site serves as nothing more than a way for higher ranked people to feel good about themselves, and lower ranked to feel discouraged. There is no discovery inherent in your system — no way of encouraging new voices to be heard. So NZ, you are, also, hurting us.

In fact, to every weblogger who has a blogroll: you are hurting all of us.

Rarely do people discover new webloggers through blogrolls; most discovery comes when you reference another weblogger in your writings. But blogrolls are a way of persisting links to sites, forming a barrier to new voices who may write wonderful things — but how they possibly be heard through the static, which is the inflexible, immutable, blogroll?

So for all of you who have a blogroll, you are also hurting us.

If I had a wish right now, I would wish one thing: that we remove all of our blogrolls and take down the EcoSystem and the Technorati 100 and all of the other ‘popularity’ lists. That whatever links exist, are honest ones based on what has been written, posted, published, not some static membership in a list that is, all too often, stale and out of date, and used as a weapon or a plea.

I would suggest the same for your syndication lists, too–when did you last update it to reflect those sites you really read? I would be content,though, if centralized aggregators such as Bloglines stopped publishing the number of subscriptions for each feed. After all, what true value is this information?

Then we would all start fresh. It would be a new start, and the emphasis would be less on who we know and who we are, then what is being said.

And now, I return to topics of greater cheer: travel and photography and technology, and following my yearly ritual of tweaking the folks at ETech.


Jonathon Delacour heard the call for a sidebar sticker, and has come through in admirable fashion.

Gents, this is for you:

Diversity Technology

Number 9 Number 9 Number 9

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I wanted to welcome you all to this, the third annual Burningbird Bash of ETech! This year’s show promises to be the best ever, especially considering that O’Reilly has, after all these years, finally broken the 10% rule for percentage of presenters that are female!

Yes, indeedy, this year’s female participation is a whopping nine percent (9% or 0.09)! Nine percent! Why, I bet there’s more Windows users in the audience than women presenters!

I want to take a moment now to send out congratulations to Tim and the gang and say, “Job well done! You finally found the solution to the 10% problem!”

Okay, so this introduction to what has become my annual report on the lack of women at O’Reilly’s Emerging Technology conference is a little over the top. Every year, though, I and others say the same thing and nothing changes except this year things are worse instead of better. Once this fact hit me in the face, like a too-dead squid thrown by a fish monger, I had to scramble to find a bigger soap box and louder sound system. I even thought about hiring a troop of clowns to entertain the kiddies while we talk–but my heart just wasn’t in it because all I could see is that 9% rather than the 11% or, gosh, even 15% I had hoped to see.

So much of my discussion lately, though, has been on diversity that I almost decided to forgo this writing. However, where much of the previous discussion has been about diversity in weblogging, this is about diversity in technology–specifically, the lack of female representation at many of the technology events. Still, too much of anything is like eating a cake that’s 90% frosting: no matter how good it is, you’re going to get sick of it before you’re through.

I finally decided to go ahead anyway on this one writing, primarily because there are a few things different about the discussion this year. Now, I don’t know if the differences add to the discussion or to the noise, but since I like discussion and noise, here goes.

I submittaled a paper with a female origination

Whatever the representation of women at ETech, I can say I did my part. Unlike the conferences in the past, I submitted a proposal to ETech this year. Previously when I pointed out the lack of women presenters at the conference, one or more people would come back at me with, “Well, did you submit a proposal.” Now I can say, “Yes, I did”. It wasn’t accepted, but what’s more important is that I did try, I tried to be part of the solution. So, neener, neener, eat your wiener.

I found out in a post at David Weinberger’s that only 5% of the proposals were submitted by women. If we compare percentages, then, a larger percentage of women’s proposals were accepted than men. Now, how many men were invited to speak without proposals, invited to submit proposals, and leaving aside the fact that some of the committee members that decided on the proposals also spoke at the conference–whatever led to the event, a drop in women presenters this year is not a positive direction.

Danah Boyd also submitted a proposal this year, which, like mine, was also rejected. She wrote:

I was actually part of the 5% who applied to etech, only my application was rejected because it wasn’t emerging.

I don’t know if my submittal/submission/proposal was ‘emerging’ or not. It talked about semantic web and achieving critical mass with schemas, so there were all sorts of geeky terms present. But there was also poetry and words to the effect about bringing the semantic web to the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker. On reflection, now, this could have been a mistake.

I have a feeling, though, that the proposal lost out as soon as selection committee saw the title: I, Poet. Compared to “How to geek out your car”, poetry and semantics probably seemed less than interesting. But, as Ms. Boyd points out, there is interesting and then there’s interesting.

After a conversation last night, i wanted to clarify a few things. In conferences like SXSW and Etech, there’s no clear delineation of what is an acceptable topic or not (as opposed to say CHI). I mean – what is interactive or emerging? Additionally, the review panel consists of a very small number of people (all of who are pretty much guaranteed a slot). At CHI, there are hundreds and hundreds of blind reviewers. At SXSW and Etech, the metric is “interesting” – this is where we get ourselves into trouble. Interesting to whom? To the un-diverse review committee?

It wasn’t until I saw in comment in David Weinberger’s post on this issue that I knew who the committee was: Andrew “Bunnie” Huang, Clay Shirky, Cory Doctorow, Brian Jepson, and Marc Hedlund. No, “I, Poet”, a discussion on semantics and poetry wouldn’t have rung any bells here.

But would it have done so if the planning and selection committee were a little more diverse? Say, having one woman on the committee? Or perhaps some faces that weren’t so familiar? Would Danah Boyd’s proposal had been accepted if the committee were more diverse or had stronger ties to the social software industry? Hard to say, and that’s part of the problem, and the concern.

What makes this issue of diversity an even more pertinent one is that across the country, an event was held that did result in a much greater diversity than ETech: SxSW.

It burns so good

In David’s post, an interesting discussion about the lack of women at Etech arose in his comments, and are worth a read. Several were written by Liz Lawley, who also wrote about choosing to attend SxSW instead of Etech at Many-to-Many.

That’s another factor that sets this year’s discussion apart from previous years: the overlap between Etech and SxSW. More importantly, where Etech achieved only 9% participation, SxSW achieved significantly higher numbers.

Nancy White, who did such a great job liveblogging the sessions she attended, also tried to keep a head count of women in each. From what she and others have written, women made up anywhere from 25 to 50% of the participants at SxSW. That’s double to almost five times the numbers of ETech.

This level of participation at SxSW is important in relation to that of ETech for a couple of reasons. First, it shows that women are interested in participating in conferences related to their profession. Secondly, it also shows they’re willing to take the time and cover the expense.

One response that’s been raised time and again about the lack of women at O’Reilly conferences is that woman are less interested in attending conferences, or lack the financial means and/or time to do so. With SxSW and ETech happening virtually at the same time, we can compare the two, side by side, and see that this isn’t necessarily true. Women have the interest, and are willing to commit the time and resources following through on that interest. In fact, one reason there could have been a drop in women’s participation at ETech is because so many chose SxSW, instead. And the question then becomes: why?

Looking at both conferences more closely there some major logistical differences between the two. One is cost–SxSW’s fee is peanuts compared to O’Reilly’s normally quite expensive conference fees. The second is location–the central part of the country, even if it is south-central (well, if we must, south-by-southwest), is more accessible to more people than the California coast; cheaper to visit, too.

A third difference is when the conference was held. SxSW was over a weekend, while ETech was held during the work week. For women, who are usually the prime caregivers for children, it might be easier to arrange care on a weekend than a weekday.

However, I think the major difference was the players. Both conferences had names, though SxSW had more human-interaction and design names than ETech, which focuses more on ‘to the metal’ geeks. But there is more of an intimacy surrounding the players at SxSW than there is at ETech. Frankly, when I looked through the lists of Big Names at both get togethers, the SxSW Names were all people who struck me as being more approachable.

In fact, I think the same could be said of the entire SxSW conference — it encouraged participation, even from the audience. Lively discussions in the hallway aside, O’Reilly’s ETech conference is fairly passive. People sit in rows and listen to a speaker. People go to birds-of-a-feather sessions for interactivity, but these are an aside to the whole experience. Even the entertainment has an orchestrated aspect to the whole thing. Bluntly, ETech is very formal, very superior alpha-geek, somewhat passive, and even rather intimidating.

SxSW, on the other hand, is formed of beloved chaos, tenderly nutured in a solar vat consisting of an odd mix of creative anarchism and social responsibility. I don’t know whether one appeals more to all women more than the other, but I know that if I had my choice, after reading the reports from both conferences, I’d rather go to SxSW than ETech. And I consider myself a ‘to the metal’ geek.

That’s a key point, too, in this discussion. If there are many conferences and people can choose between them, why should we care if conferences such as ETech have only about 10% attendance, as compared to ones like SxSW? After all, these events are open, and nothing is stopping people from participating.

Shake that networking booty

We are living in a time when outsourcing IT companies are charging 3.00 US an hour for labor, and there are fewer and fewer IT jobs every year. It’s becoming tough to be a tech. No, change that: it is tough to be a tech.

One way to keep ahead in the tech industry now is through networking and contacts, and attending conferences is a big part of this. If I were to coldly and dispassionately sit down and choose between SxSW and ETech from this perspective, I would pick ETech. After all, it had folks from Yahoo, Google, IBM, Amazon, Nokia, and movers and shakers from most major IT companies. It’s also a closer match for my skills and experience.

So, then you’re saying: Okay, so what’s stopping you and other women from attending?

One major reason is no one wants to be the freak in the crowd; or worse, invisible. If you’ve never been the only woman in a room full of men (or the only black in a room full of white people), you may not understand how intimidating and uncomfortable you can be made to feel. Especially in technology, where women’s visibility is usually compromised anyway.

It’s hard to network if you just aren’t seen There was another comment in David’s weblog post that I think highlights this. In it, the commenter, Jo, wrote:

I spoke at etech the year previously. Meeting clay shirky after my talk, he made a couple of comments to the effect that “your guy” should look into something, “your guy” might find something interesting. I was too quietly stunned and post-talk-drunk to frame a better reply than “er, i do write my own software, you know.” As a female with a gender-neutral name, i am often assumed to be male by conference organisers, people online, etc. I’m quite used to being the only woman at BOFs, at user group meetings, etc. It’s hard to even notice it any more; it’s just the way i grew up as a geek. I always assumed it would slowly change. But if that’s the case, it’s not reflected on the public platform.

Every year when i see the Etech highlighted speakers’ list with speaker photos, i scroll down disconsolately for the inevitable token non-male face. The 9% don’t get much of a look-in.

O’Reilly’s organisers *are* in a position to “counteract the prevailing cultural forces” in Fred Brooks’ wonderful phrase. How much backlash, of a New-Labour-Women-Only-Parliamentary-Shortlist flavour, would that provoke from those who had been cut out by a defacto quota?

From the recent discussion on women in weblogging, we can answer Jo’s last question about quotas, openness, and what is the chance of folks being provoked into a backlash with a simple answer: a lot. When the status quo suits one group over another, we can’t expect to the former to willingly give it up in the interests of fairness.

People are resistant to change. People are even more resistant to change unless they see the problem impacting on them personally. People are especially resistant to change when the change means they have to give something up. Pigs refusing to leave a particularly fine pool of mud comes to mind.

If ETech is a success for O’Reilly, what is the impetus for the company to change? If the type of sessions and the opportunity to network is a success for the majority of its participants–and the majority of technologists in this country are still white, male, as reflected at ETech — what is the impetus to change? If even among women, some don’t see this situation as an issue, or only do so from a personal perspective, where is the force that could generate the impetus to change?

Why change? Because Etech will be better.

Where have all the semanticians gone, long time passing…

One thing I noticed about both SxSW and ETech is both conferences featured much on XHTML attributes and tags as the wave of the future in the semantic web, but very little representation from what has been the semantic web community for many years. Some–many?– might say this was a positive aspect to both conferences, but is it really so?

In the long run, I don’t think so. I’ve noticed that more of the activity and work related to the semantic web, outside of folksonomies that is, is happening in Europe or Canada rather than the United States. Is it that our country is so caught up in gizmos and gadgets and mini-macs and iPods and cheap and easy solutions and meme of the minutes that we no longer want to take the time and energy to understand the more in-depth and complex, and perhaps less flamboyant, aspects of technology? Are we becoming a nation of fad technologists?

In addition to technology diving into the shallow end of the pool, if you read down the list of presenters, you see, repeated again and again, the same company names: Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Amazon, BBS, Wired, Nokia — all well known technology or media companies, many of whom are indugling in some fascinating advances in technology. Yet there seems to be fewer and fewer representations from smaller companies and independents–to the point where I’m surprised that O’Reilly is even bothering with submissions outside of a picked group of organizations.

Technology as it used in specific well-known companies can be interesting, but the problem with it is that much of the time what each company is doing is unique to that company; and the information can’t be extrapolated to other uses. Not everyone has the same system requirements as Google. Not everyone needs to own a dam.

And frankly, who is to say that how each company uses the technology is the best use of that technology? If you have enormous resources and funding, you can afford to spread out. Smaller companies may need to come up with innovative ways of doing the same thing for less. Yet if an employee of Google is presenting on web services and Jane Blow in off the street doing the same–who is going to be picked? This isn’t always in the best interests of the audience. Thanks to the Google’s fame, we know how it uses web services; I kind of want to hear what Jane Blow has to say. Maybe she has a new twist, and a new idea.

Not just the same companies keep showing up — the same people, too. I read in a weblog from one attendee (and my apologies for no permalink; I had read several and forgot where I saw this one), that when he arrived at the conference he looked around and noticed that it didn’t look all that much different than the year before, or at other events he’d attended in the last year. Same faces, same folks, same groups, and similar topics–the only change being the ‘it’ topic for the year, such as tags and gizmos this year (thanks to folksonomies and O’Reilly’s new gizmo magazine, Make).

Okay fine. Big companies, less depth, familiar faces. But what does all of this have to do with lack of women presenting?

Well, it all comes back to the lack of diversity.

O’Reilly tends to pick from a non-diverse pool of people when planning ETech, and this is reflected not only in the lack of female participation, but also in the fact that the conference is beginning to resemble more of a annual meeting of a club than a conference celebrating innovation. The sessions might be interesting or even entertaining, but they don’t necessarily challenge the attendee–how can they? So many of the attendees are no different than the people presenting.

This lack of challenge, and the resulting epiphanies and excitement that can result from same, shows in so many of the weblog entries about the conference. The sessions were interesting, the people enjoyed them, but no one came away jumping up and down with enthusiasm. Well, except for the Ruby on Rails photo. (For the best take on folksonomies at ETech, also see Sam’s wonderfully ironic posting.)

This, then, forms the impetus for O’Reilly to look more closely at how it manages its conferences, and to begin to diversify the community that both presents and attends: not just because it’s the ‘right’ thing to do; not just because it’s the ‘fair’ thing to do; but because it’s the smart thing to do.

Not unless O’Reilly wants ETech 2007 to look like Etech 2006 to look like Etech 2005 to look like…

number 9, number 9, number 9, …


Search champs and timing

I received an invitation to be part of the next team of MSN Search Champs, and I have to decide by end of day today whether to accept or not.

I am flattered that the MSN team considered me good material for this group, and interested in the whole process. However, this is a real critical time for me, and if I were to get a job or work of some kind, I can’t afford to take time off in mid-April to attend the required Search Camp get-together.

At the same time, we talk about more women being involved in these efforts, and here’s my chance to represent women in technology.

I wish things weren’t so uncertain now, but they are. I’ll probably decline, but I believe I’ll go for a walk and think on it, first.

Diversity Weblogging

Our weekly allowance

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I had hoped to have the first release of Wordform out this week, but ended up helping a couple of folks with their sites, so I’m behind. Hopefully after tonight, I can re-focus on this application, the modifications to my own sites, and to the search for jobs and/or writing assignments.

I did get the Burningbird Micropatron list updated with those who have contributed in the last year. If I left your name off, it was purely accidental; please send me an email with a gentle nudge and I’ll correct the page post haste.

In the meantime, a couple of articles came out recently about women and journalism and women and weblogging that have sparked some interesting debate. Steve Levy writes Blogging Beyond the Boys Club and Mauren Dowd writes, Dish it Out, Ladies.

Dowd’s article has been mostly ignored, except for a rather scathing note from Roxanne, (drawing agreement from Glenn Reynolds), which read:

Here’s the shorter version:

Women with opinions are castrating bitches … Because I want men to like me, I imagine myself a sex pot, mind-fucking them all along the way … This job is hard work … I know there are other women out there like me. Maybe they’ll get J-jobs some day.

Someone needs to smack her square across the jaw.

This was completely different than how I read Dowd’s article. What I read is that it isn’t easy being a woman and an opinion writer, because men generally don’t like to receive criticism from women, and react accordingly:

While a man writing a column taking on the powerful may be seen as authoritative, a woman doing the same thing may be seen as castrating. If a man writes a scathing piece about men in power, it’s seen as his job; a woman can be cast as an emasculating man-hater.

Dowd also wrote something I thought was rather key to much of this discussion. She wrote about wanting, at one time, to be seen as nice when she wrote; not as a hag or harridan. But contrary to how Roxanne interpreted her words, I think Dowd was making the point that opinion pieces are, many times, not ‘nice’–and if you want to do this type of writing, being ‘nice’ can’t be your first consideration. And if you aren’t ‘nice’, be prepared for the consequences.

This ties back into Levy’s piece, which I found to be vague and hastily put together, but which did have an interesting quote about Halley Suitt:

So why, when millions of blogs are written by all sorts of people, does the top rung look so homogeneous? It appears that some clubbiness is involved. Suitt puts it more bluntly: “It’s white people linking to other white people!” (A link from a popular blog is this medium’s equivalent to a Super Bowl ad.) Suitt attributes her own high status in the blogging world to her conscious decision to “promote myself among those on the A list.”

This “promoting oneself to the A-List” was echoed by La Shawn at Vodkapundit, who wrote:

I don’t think the top bloggers have much time to read a lot blogs, and I suspect mine isn’t on their agenda most days. Consequently, I made the same decision as Halley Suitt. I decided that I wanted to promote myself among those on the A-list. I have high aspirations for my career as a writer and blogger, and getting the attention of high-profile bloggers is a necessary step.

For example, I wasn’t booked on MSNBC because my blog is so fabulous. I got a guest spot because I’ve been linked to by top bloggers, and the right people took notice. Other black or female bloggers may be doing something similar or nothing like it at all, but to get where I want to go (in the time frame I want to get there), I must.

Whites are still the majority in America, and the Internet tends to be dominated by whites. It follows that the majority of bloggers will be white. I have no grand theories, at least none I’d care to discuss today, why white men in particular dominate the top bloggers.

Leaving aside La Shawn’s rather US-centric and not necessarily accurate view of the internet, is the trick for being a successful female weblogger to promote ourselves among the A-list? Does this mean, then, that we must act nice, be nice, to the A-List, in order to get the notice resulting in a ’successful’ weblog? Well if that’s true, then I’m really screwed.

I haven’t interacted with all the Technorati Top 100 but I have with a goodly number. For instance, though I’ve not exchanged any real communication with Cory Doctorow at BoingBoing, I have been critical of Creative Commons and some of the work with EFF, and EFF is near and dear to his heart. More importantly, though, I’ve been critical of the actions of some of the people within his personal sphere, and I really doubt I could count on a link from Cory–unless I want to ditch my clothes and run naked down the street crying out, “I am naked in my blog and now I am naked to the world!”, and only then if I end up on the news.

As for Mr. Glenn Reynolds, we had a minor interaction a couple of years ago, where I think I said something to the effect that he waffles in his opinion and never really takes a strong stand on any issue. He got fairly strong in responding to me before we were through, so I think we can safely count him out.

Going down the list, there are several sites that I know that are political, and I’m not a “political” weblogger, though I do write on politics from time to time. Still, I don’t take all of this seriously enough to attract linkage from Daily Kos, Atrios, or Josh Marshall. From what Chris Nolan says, Josh Marshall rarely links to women anyway. And, frankly, I don’t want a link from Kos–it’s sure to feature the word ‘moron’ somewhere in the same posting.

There’s always Little Green Footballs, but I’d rather pass on being linked to by that hate-filled crowd. I will say one thing in Charles’ favor: I was pretty sure that LGF was the first to cast doubts on the letter that led to the whole “Rathergate” thing — not Powerline. However, I think that Powerline is a more ‘acceptable’ weblog, so it got the prize. I guess it goes to show that even within the neocon ranks, there are folks that can go too far.

NZ from Truth Laid Bear linked to me a few times, and even used to run a quote from me in his little quote bar from time to time, but as the chasm of respectability between the political weblogger and “the rest of us” widened, the less relevance we ‘resters’ have, so my ‘Bear’ time is a thing of the past — I think I’m an amoeba on the EcoSystem list now.

Though most of the the political webloggers in the Top are male, there’s a few women. I like Michele from A Small Victory and link to her from time to time, and she does the same with me. I made a prediction about six months back that Michelle Malkin would end up in the Top 100 within three months, and I was right. And as Michelle’s star rises, Wonkette’s falls. Seems to me that Levy’s article is going to be used as an excuse to drop Wonkette.

Now, Malkin did link to me once, and it was a nice link, too. But I couldn’t count on her to link to me again because there’s not one single thing on which we could agree. That wouldn’t matter if I also wasn’t Technorati 550–too low to be of interest, or use.

Same could be said of most of the political sites — if you want notice, you have to pay the price. You have to put in some serious time linking to the folks (what’s the going rate now? Twenty links to a top site can be traded for one link to your weblog?), or some serious time ‘marketing’ yourself to the Big Bad Bloggers.

Now, not all the sites listed are political; in fact, there are several technology webloggers on the list, and I’ve interacted with most of them.

It’s interesting how so many WordPress related folks are listed in the Technorati Top 100. I wonder how much of this is due to the fact that WordPress comes with links to WordPress developers and supporters already pre-loaded in the weblogging tool? Binary Bonsai also has a lot of links because of Michael’s very nice design and people giving him credit. (Now that’s an idea for me–I can finish Wordform and then load my weblog sites into the links. Or I can push Floating Clouds as the next, best weblog design.)

Unfortunately, I’ve managed to piss off the WordPress folk in the list because of my criticism of the tool, so whatever brownie points I make helping folk with their WordPress tool or saying good things about the product have been flushed down the loo.

(Odd, but Photo Matt used to be in the list and isn’t now — filtered out?)

Dave Winer used to link to me off and on in the past, and not necessarily always in a critical manner, but won’t any longer. I’ve crossed the line with that boy and would have to do major booty kissing if I want to get back into his favor. Frankly, I’d rather have oral sex with a crocodile.

I’ve long had pride in the fact that I’m the last link in Doc Searls blogroll. And Doc links from time to time, but I’ve been critical of him in the past, and more importantly, critical of people he calls friends, and Doc is one extremely loyal friend. Still, he’s not one to hold a grudge.

(Just joking about the recent “blogging babe” and “links are dicks” thing, Doc. Honest.)

There’s the folks who weblog at Corante, but the problem is that some of the folk there don’t like me because of what I’ve written in the past, and wouldn’t link to me no matter what I write, or its relevance to their own areas of interest. On the other hand, a few of the folks will link to me if I write something interesting enough, so I have a rather Schizophrenic releationship with that publication.

Scoble still links to me, even though I have been critical of what he’s written a time or two. I appreciate the honesty of his linking, even though I think his views of ‘the link’ itself, are cracked.

(Speaking of linking, the ghost of Mark Pilgrim past has resurfaced, in classic Mark Pilgrim fashion. Hurrah! It’s been too damn dull without him being around. Mark’s also a loyal friend, but whatever squabbles we’ve had in the past are in the past. So don’t Scobelize links to my site, too, Mark.)

Joi Ito not only links to me from time to time, he was an early ‘micropatron’ to this site–this even though I have been critical of Six Apart, Movable Type, Typepad and other ventures he’s involved in. Frankly, he’s a class act — even if he does post dubious emails to his site without any fact checking first.

I’m not sure if Zeldman has ever forgiven me for writing “Tyranny of the Standards” but he mainly hangs with the design crowd and the WaSPers. Most of the design folk here abouts don’t consider me a web designer, even though I’ve written books and articles on the subject. Why? Probably because I sell myself as a backend rather than a front-end developer. Some might say it’s also because my site designs suck. Other would say because I’ve been critical of the Web Standards group in the past.

But I’ve seen the light. Yessir, yessmam — I have drunk the web standards koolaid. Hell, I’ve even incorporated orange back into my site — that ought to be worth something in web design circles. Luckily, I haven’t managed to piss off Dave at Mezzoblue yet, and thankfully I’ll be able to write nice things about his and Molly’s new book later in the week, so there’s still hope for me in that direction.

There’s the “weblogger as journalist” crowd, and Dan Gillmor’s old site is still on the list, but I’ve been critical of his new effort, the whole ‘weblogger as journalism’ thing, not to mention his brother’s writing, so I don’t think I can necessarily count on support from him. As for the other “webloggers are journalists”, the only other one I see on the list is Jeff Jarvis, and unless I run off and have mad sex with Howard Stern, on the air, I doubt I’ll get mention from him.

Then there’s the old time blogger group of Ev, Kottke, Megnut, Anil Dash, and MetaFilter Matt, but if you’re critical of one of these people, you’re critical of all of them, and they don’t forgive or forget.

You know, now that I think on it–if I had just kept my mouth shut more in the past, why I’d probably wouldn’t be looking at taking a nighttime janitor job now. But I never was very good at marketing, and as Dowd said, if you’re a woman and don’t stick with ‘nice’, you have to accept the consequences.

My choices, my consequences.

It’s interesting but we can market ourselves to the ‘A-listers’ and think nothing of it; in fact, we applaud it as good weblogging protocol. But if we accept ads or actively look for sponsors on our weblogs, then our writing is suspect and our motives, impure. You would think that after all these years, we would realize that the coin of this particular realm doesn’t jingle in one’s pocket, or fit in one’s wallet.


Eating dog food

This week is the week for conferences, beginning with SXSW in Austin, followed by O’Reilly’s Emerging Tech conference somewhere in California.

I was a bit disappointed to not be able to go to either, but was surprised by the number of emails from folks who thought I would be at SxSW. I guess it’s the whole “where are the women” thing, which from a post about Zeldman’s opening act, seemed to be emphasized. Interesting. If anyone attends the “Where are the Women” session, send me a link to your impressions.

Hopefully some of the sessions I’m interested in from both conferences will be posted online in one form or another. But did Zeldman really say something to the effect that Anyone good at web stuff is here, anyone who isn’t pretty much sucks? Nah — Zeldman is anal, but he’s not a snob. Must have been joking.

In the meantime, Dave Shea and Molly Holzschlag sent me a copy of their book, “The Zen of CSS Design”, which promises hours of interesting reading. Maybe I’ll learn enough so that I won’t suck, and I, too, can be a SxSW attendee in the future.