Diversity People Technology

Being nice: To those intimidated and silenced

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I’ve been told in comments associated with a post in the O’Reilly Women in Tech series that I’ve ‘intimidated and silenced’ others, presumably because of my wicked, evil communication skills and general, overall not niceness.

Well, huh.

Do let me know if you’ve felt ‘intimidated or silenced’ by me in the past, and I’ll be sure to send you a warm glass of milk and a cookie.

Here, here’s a fluffy kitten to hold.

I am kitten hear me squeek

(image derived from photo by fieldsbh. Creative Commons)


Gates and Jobs: Highlights

The Highlight clips from the Gates/Jobs mutual interview is worth watching, even if you’re not a tech. Humorous, but also puts a real historical feel behind these many decades now of the powerhouses behind personal computing. The full interview and a transcript is also available from the page.


The Couple

Our apartment complex is quit diversified, which is one reason I like it so much. There’s an older woman and her daughter who wear the most beautiful saris, and the guy across the way is a young hip-hop rapster, or whatever they’re called.

There is one couple who has always fascinated me. I believe they’re Chinese, but they could be descendant from another nationality. For the sake of the story, we’ll think of them as The Chinese Couple.

Regardless of the weather, he’s out every day for a walk around the complex. Most days, his wife accompanies him. I use the word ‘accompany’ loosely, because she always walks five paces behind him. No matter what happens, whether crossing the street or rounding corners, she maintains that distance.

They’re an older couple but not elderly. Probably about five or ten years older than me. When the man walks, he does so with his hands clasped, firmly but comfortably, behind his back. He never looks right or left; never looks back at his wife, but always straight ahead.

She is not quite as rigid. She tends to look at the ground or his back, but I’ve caught her eye a time or too and she has a shy smile for me.

Today, was beautiful, with cool winds after last night’s storm. I was standing at the screen door, drinking my morning coffee when I noticed them. Both were wearing black pajama-like pants and black nylon jackets. He had a black t-shirt, she had a white and blue floral print. Today’s walk differed from all the others, as she was talking on a cellphone.

Now you know when you talk on a cellphone that your walking rhythm is disrupted. While she talked, she began to slow down. When he finished crossing the street in front of our place, she was actually 20 or so paces away from him.

He stopped on the corner, but not to turn around, either to admonish or to wait patiently. No, he lifted his head straight in front of him, and contemplated the top of the large tree directly across the way. Picture, if you will, a mature, distinguished Chinese gentleman dressed in black, hands clasped firmly behind him, face lifted towards the heavens. There he remained, face impassive, the only movement a slight flexing of his back — forward, as if he had risen on the balls of his feet.

She continued walking leisurely, talking on the phone, until she had crossed the street. She moved into her usual place, directly behind the man, but she stopped too soon and ended up being about ten paces back. He didn’t make a move, just stood there, legs locked, hands clasped, face turned to the heaven in contemplation.

Eventually, realizing her mistake, she moved forward five paces, still talking on the phone. It was as if she stepped on a switch, because as soon as she was her usual five paces back, he turned away from the tree, face directly forward, and continued his walk.

She was still on the phone, though, and her pace continued to be irregular. It was just before I was going to look away, just before they moved past the building across the way that I caught him–quickly, and as stealthily as possible, glancing ever so slightly over his left shoulder behind him, to see where his wife was; making an imperceptible change in his pace so that the distance between them remained constant.

People Weblogging

Finally laid to rest

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I’d write on Ford’s funeral, which seemed to be somewhat ostentatious, but I’m afraid that if I mix Ford and Funeral in a post, it will trigger two or more male webloggers into getting into a fight in my weblog comments.

I figured that some word combinations act as a form of literary contra-pheromone, inspiring verbal fisticuffs rather than warm feelings of comradery. I’m desperately trying to find the word combinations that trigger wanting to love me or each other. I know that Google is one of them, but I can’t quite find the rest.

People Political

No slam dunk

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Norm Jenson came out with an endorsement of John Edwards:

John Edwards has announced his intention to run for President of the United States, that he is in favor of universal health care for every American is reason enough to support him, but equally important is that he is electable. I think he is overall the best candidate the Democrats have to offer. I urge you to join me in helping John make our dreams reality in 2008.

I am not so willing to vote for a head of chestnut hair, or skin so white he looks bleached. I guess both does make him ‘electable’ but not necessarily palatable. I heard Edwards talk about making things work, as he labored in a yard in New Orleans. Where was he six months ago? A year?

I tire of empty rhetoric from Democrats as well as Republicans. If someone mentions universal health care, then sit still for a minute and tell me how you plan to implement such, what steps you’ll take. All I hear from the Democrats now in charge in DC is is stay the course, and lookee now Democratic lobbyists can make the big bucks.

No person and no party has my vote in two years. They’ll have to earn it, and do more than curry favor with webloggers and wear a khaki shirt to do so. Universal health care, break up that stupid Homeland Security department, end our involvement in Iraq, because we’re just making it worse, let the gays marry instead of penalizing a small group of people for being different–these are just a start, a beginning. Edwards said that he’s for civil unions for gays but can’t wrap his mind around gay marriage. Well then, I’m for him as president, but can’t wrap my vote around the candidate who will get in the way.

I want to see change in two years. If I see more of the same, I swear to whatever deity rings your bell, I’ll vote for Cheney as a write in candidate, out of spite.