Critters Photography

What the squirrels think

I didn’t take many photos on the trip home, but I couldn’t resist a colony of ground squirrels at the last rest area in Utah.

Ever wonder what a ground squirrel is thinking?








Photography Places

Look what they’ve done to my walk

I walked around my old San Fran home near the Bay Bridge this morning. In particular I wanted to see what they did with the park they were finishing along the Embarcadero by my place.

Oh. My. God.

The park itself is rather nice, with simple green hills and flowers and nice chairs for people to sit on and watch the water. On some of the cement blocks bordering the green, bronze imitation octopus and shells were embedded in the cement, for those tourists who, I assume, were too dense to notice that they’re by the Bay. One or two embedded items might have been nice — several dozen repeating in a pattern, like tile on a kitchen floor isn’t. I’d have taken a picture, but I has to ask myself, Why?

Still, these were not the jewel of the park, the center of attraction. On no. That was reserved for a 60 foot tall bow and arrow embedded into ground.

I stood there for some time looking at the supposed feathers on the arrow, trying to figure out why San Francisco was using a Native American theme for what is a water-based parkway. I assumed that’s what the bow and arrow symbolized. Still, it didn’t make sense –after all, San Francisco has never had much identity with native American history, other than the tribe that took over Alcatraz that one time.

I also wondered if the statue had increased the traffic accident count on the Bay Bridge, with its full view of the, urh, artwork.

(When I came back to the hotel to rest in the early afternoon — still feeling the effects of the drive and the moving yesterday — I looked the statue up. It’s called “Cupid’s Span”, and symbolizes San Francisco as a romantic city. Oh. Good. God.)

After the bow incident, I explored the newly renovated Ferry building, and that was a real treat. Lovely restoration, and the use of the space for upscale dining combined with hometown food purveyors like Acme Bread (Yum! My favorite!) is a great use of space. Not to mention the Farmer’s Market. In fact, I’m heading back this evening for the Thursday night Farmer’s Market, where I hope to pick up dinner. Following, I’ll wonder down to Pier 39 and beyond, saying hi to the Pelicans and seals, and the guys painted silver.

I thought about walking down to the bow and arrow one more time, taking a photo of it in the sunset light, which could only help it (nothng can make it worse). But then I thought — Why? Hopefully I’ll have other pictures for you tonight.


Photography Places

Last digital postcard

Tomorrow I take off for home, and as I’ll have no time to play along the way, this will be my last digital postcard for this trip.

I spent this morning making one last visit to Dog Beach (Crissy Field/Golden Gate), to the Ferry Building and the Embarcadero, and yes, even to the Big Damn Bow and Arrow (BDBaA).

There was some odd activity at the BDBaA. It looked like a guy filming another guy in front of the BDBaA, while that guy was taking pictures, or pretending to take pictures, and the person being filmed was also being photographed. What I couldn’t get into the picture was a woman just out of the frame who was also taking pictures of all of them.

You know, if this were any city other than San Francisco, I would find this strange.


At the Dog Beach, I was reassured to see that yes, part of the beach does still allow dogs, and spent some time this morning watching then. The big dogs are impressive, but it’s the little ones that always catch my eye. Makes me want to get a dog until I remember what my cat, Zoe’s, reaction would be to me getting a dog.

In particular, a little Yorky, feisty little bugger, kept running at the waves trying to take bites out of them. I nicknamed him Bush Junior.


When I leave tomorrow morning, I won’t be leaving my heart, as the song goes. I had a good time in San Francisco, both this trip and when I lived here. I’ve enjoyed the bridges and the beaches, and the dogs, and the surrounding lands. Now, though, my place is in St. Louis.

Well, in St. Louis at this moment — if an opportunity I’ve been given works out, I’ll be moving again in the near future.

Another day, another adventure. See you when I get back home.



Today’s digital postcard

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

The fog was out today, but not so heavy that it triggered the fog horns on Golden Gate. Too bad, really – the fog combined with the horns is unique and one of my favorite experiences.


No dogs on Dog Beach. It looks like pooches are now banned in an effort to protect the wildlife. I can understand the choice, but I did enjoy watching the pups play in the waves.

Still, I imagine the birdlife on the beach is pretty happy about the new laws.


The Ferry Building is finished and the Tower Clock was working when I drove past it to get to the hotel. The Famer’s Market has moved there, and I plan on visiting the building first thing in the morning. I remember the Ferry Building as a hulk of a building, with only the steel frame and front and what was left of the tower.

The park along the Embarcadero where I used to live, down by the Bay Bridge, is also finished. Looks like a huge Bow and Arrow sculpture has been added. Another place to visit tomorrow.


Having a great time. Wish you were here.


Photography Places


The fog was out today, but not so heavy that it triggered the fog horns on Golden Gate. Too bad, really — the fog combined with the horns is unique and one of my favorite experiences.


No dogs on Dog Beach. It looks like pooches are now banned in an effort to protect the wildlife. I can understand the choice, but I did enjoy watching the pups play in the waves.

Still, I imagine the birdlife on the beach is pretty happy about the new laws.


The Ferry Building is finished and the Tower Clock was working when I drove past it to get to the hotel. The Famer’s Market has moved there, and I plan on visiting the building first thing in the morning. I remember the Ferry Building as a hulk of a building, with only the steel frame and front and what was left of the tower.

The park along the Embarcadero where I used to live, down by the Bay Bridge, is also finished. Looks like a huge Bow and Arrow sculpture has been added. Another place to visit tomorrow.


Having a great time. Wish you were here.
