
The wonder of it all

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

The Washington Post created a small but nice animated photo display, with music, showing some of the latest Hubble photos, caught with a new advanced camera system.

Take one minute — just one minute — to lose yourself in wonder.

Photography Places

Don’t breathe!

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.


Today, four cranes made their way underneath the San Franciscan Bay Bridge, necessitating closure of the bridge temporarily. The closure was to prevent the weight of the cars from lowering the bridge span, an undesirable effect considering that clearance between the cranes and the Bay Bridge is only 22 inches — a very squeaky fit, indeed.

Since San Franciscans are always on the lookout for a good party, several folks showed up to witness the crane passage, and the sky was full of helicopters.

Luckily, no one breathed and the cranes made it safely through.

(See related story in SF Gate.)


California Coast

From the Shelley Loves Photography Collection:

The photo above is from the Muir Beach Lookout on the California coast north of San Francisco.

People Photography

Photos: Rock art and coastal guard

I went down to my favorite beach for a walk and Bill Dan, the San Francisco rock artist was there, being interviewed by a journalist (sorry, didn’t catch the publication). I whipped out my camera and grabbed some photos of him and some of his work.

Bill Dan, Journalist, and some of Dan

Bill's shirt says Rock Art

Some admirers looking at the rocks



I was going to Point Reyes for a walk today but ended up at Golden Gate and Crissy Field instead. I picked up a new photo, nothing special but it adds a bit of color.