Connecting Political Weblogging

Moral Equivalency

Meryl and Mike Golby are both giving their opinions based on this term “moral equivalency”.

Since neither is referencing my weblog, I am assuming that this effort on both their parts is related to something else other than my posts of this morning.

Update: I hadn’t planned on pursuing this issue because “moral equivalency” is a lose/lose situation — if you want to be informed, or to inform others, and the information isn’t agreed with by someone, you’re indulging in moral equivalency. However, when I searched on the term “moral equivalency, I found a wealth of information that was both scary and fascinating. I had to share some of it.

“Media Bias” says one article titled Creating Moral Equivalency. This article accuses CNN and other publications of media bias against Israel, based on the reporting of the deaths of the Palestinian Thabet and the Israeli Kahana.

“…Amnesty International issued a report demanding, as its top priority, an end to the war against terrorism, giving that an even higher urgency than the elimination of terrorism itself…”, says an extraordinary document by John Eastman titled “Moral Equivalency in International Law”. I found several Amnestry International reports regarding the prisoners at Guantanemo Bay but nothing about ending the war on terrorism. And Mr. Eastman negleted to provide a specific reference point to his claim.

Then there’s the one at applauding the Death of Moral Equivalency. I have to quote this one directly. As it was, it was so frightening I originally thought the words were satire. But they’re not:

    • Those humanistic, “can’t we all get along,” “profiling potential terrorists is racism,” “we’re all God’s children,” Kumbaya, “all we are saying is give peace a chance” moral equivalency equivocators will soon be back. They’ll try to wear down our resolve. They should be ignored. They have lost all credibility, just as the “peace in our time” crowd did at the start of World War II.
    • We know the enemy. We know where they live. Let’s got get them before they get any more of us, and let the moralizers sort it all out later.

There’s the WorldNetDaily’s Moral Equivalency in Left’s Condemnation of Israel. This one says:

    • This refers to the killings at refugee camps outside Beirut in 1982 – crimes committed by Lebanese militiamen. (Long apparently believes the Phalangists had converted to Judaism and joined the Israeli army.) When Time magazine implied that Sharon was responsible for the killings, the general sued for libel and was vindicated, not that this stops Israel-bashers from recycling a decades-old lie.

Fact: I am neither for or against Israel. I am neither for or against the Palestinian people. I believe that the situation in the middle east is between two peoples who are so caught up in hatred of each other that I doubt there will ever be a peaceful solution to this situation. And innocents on both sides of this issue will die as well as active participants, be they called military or terrorist. And there is no right, and there is no wrong — there’s only continuous death. And an overwhelming, sickening, cloying self-righteousness. On both sides.

And if you say that I’m indulging in moral equivalency with these words, then so be it. I’d rather be thought to be indulging in moral equivalency then that bullshit you all believe.

P.S. And let this be a warning — I’ve tried to be reasonable and open and maintain an intellectual discourse regarding my opinions. I’ve tried to respect the viewpoints of others and encourage dialog. And I’ve been slammed in the face with a 20 pound Halibut for my efforts. Some people will not listen to reason, they only listen to animosity. They don’t hear whispers they’re too busy listening to the screams. They won’t hear anything other than me admit I’m wrong and they’re right.

Since I’d rather be hated then ignored, or treated in a condescending manner — so be it.

The line is drawn here. Cross it at your own risk.


Bush on Korea

Our beloved President, Bush, has decided to take his “we’re peaceful and if you don’t believe us we’ll beat the crap out of you” diplomacy to Korea. I imagine that his continued use of the word “evil” when discussing North Korea is going to win us even more friends throughout the world and in Korea — both North and South.

Normally I don’t repeat politics or news events in this weblog — I leave that for the mainstream journals — but I grow concerned that Bush’s popularity is so heavily tied into war, fighting, terrorism, evil, and enemies. I keep hearing about this new security agency and that new patriotic policy and these new laws, and it seems as if the constitution becomes dustier and less used all the time.

It’s ironic, but before I got into weblogging, I wouldn’t have questioned Bush’s comments about North Korea. I wouldn’t have questioned much of what he and Ashcroft are doing — I would have just got along with the public reaction to the events of 9/11. Not because I’m stupid or dense or unconcerned; but because the US reports focus so much on what impacts us, what’s important to us, our security, our economy, our everything. After a while, it’s easier just to accept the patriotic cocoon and to let the government take care of me as it sees fit, because the continued reports of terror become overwhelming.

Now I hear the voices of other peoples and I can’t participate in this isolationism. Worse (better?), I’m starting to see more of a threat within the government than without.

I wonder when Ashcroft will decide that weblogging is anti-patriotic?


Enron and Freedom

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Thanks to Lisa ReinCBS MarketWatch and SF Gate more on Enron, the Jr. Bush White House, and Freedom of the American People.

Mr. President, your “critic free zone” from September 11th is up — time for us, the American people, to take a closer look at what you’re doing. And so far, you and your buddy Ashcroft scare the hell out of me.

Two planes took down the World Trade Center. Two men are trying to bring down the Constitution, break it apart, and sell it cheap. Enron and Freedom — and the year’s just barely started.

Folks, take that red, white, and blue flag out of your eyes and see what’s going on.

History People Political

Bridge Security

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Hmmmm. Increased security at the old Bay Bridge anchor room today. National Guardsmen in plain view as well as some suspicious black vans with heavy privacy glass parked right next to the barricade on my side of the barricade. I should grab my camera and go down and take some pictures — see what kind of excitement I can generate.

Week before last some poor folks moving out of the Bayview Apartments had their moving van surrounded by four CHP cars and two CHP motorcycles. Reason? The movees were darker skinned, had dark hair, and I think one had a mustache. Ah, folks — I have a hint for you. Darker skinned folks with black hair aren’t that uncommon in California.

Last week a homeless person breached the Bridge security and set up an encampment right next to the bridge. It wouldn’t be so bad but this particular homeless person is scarier than shit as he has a habit of chasing people screaming at them. If he’s there, I can’t go to the only store in the area because I don’t know what he’ll do. When I called the San Francisco police department with the problem I was connected with a Sargeant responsible for San Fran’s vagrancy problem. According to him, the San Francisco police department isn’t responsible for any bridge security in any way. I would need to call the CHP instead.


I called the CHP and was connected to Dispatch. I told them a homeless person had violated the Bridge security and was encamped next to the bridge. They said they would send someone out to check it out.

Two days later the homeless person finally just moved away on his own. Today, three days after the homeless person left, Bridge security is stepped up.

There’s a moral to this story somewhere, but damned if I can figure it out.


Early Weblogging Dec 2001

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

If you’re concerned that Ashcroft and the White House are going too far in their hunt for terrorists, email Senators Leahy and Kennedy, as well as your own state senators. You can find senator email addresses at Even if you don’t agree with me, email anyway — let your voice be heard.