RDF Technology

Wiki and Weblogs

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Tim Bray wrote a short note on weblogs and wikis, basically saying that contrary to assertions at Sun and elsewhere that the two are convergent, they’re both very different:

A wiki is a collaborative construction engine, with refactoring and edit-in-place being the dominant forms of activity, and many equal voices singing in a chorus. A blog is more like a content faucet, a source with one voice, always growing at one end; while updates to existing content are OK, the dominant activity is pouring new text and pictures and whatever in.

I can agree that out of the box, the two are very different; not only in implementation, but also in purpose and audience. However, that’s out of the box. It doesn’t take much to morph the one into the other, which I assume is where some of the discussion of convergence enters. (Not to mention that both are considered forms of personal empowerment.)

For instance, a wiki can easily be setup to only allow one editor, and limit one’s work to adding material rather than editing. And as can seen in the Kitchen, it’s not difficult to open a weblog up to the world, and the only thing stopping people from editing their work is habit and etiquette.

This latter is where the difference arises: the technology isn’t limiting how each tool is used, as much as our assumptions on how each is supposed to be used. The most significant assumption is that each writing on a weblog is relatively static and usually is identified by the author. In a wiki, the writing is usually not static and identifying your writing with your name is discouraged to prevent ownership of the material.

Further on, when Tim says that weblogging isn’t anything new, it’s because personal webpages controlled by one individual have been around since the web’s been invented. However, a wiki, with it’s lack of voice other than the corporate whole, and based on an almost universal trust, is very new.

Think of the difference politically: weblogs are Libertarian, while wikis are Green.

(Via Danny)

RDF Technology Weblogging

Thinking out loud: Wordform and Dynamic RDF

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

An issue about attaching metadata recorded as RDF/XML to a web object, particularly a web page, is that there is no clean way to embed the XML into an (X)HTML document; at least, embed the data and still have the page validate.

Yet creating separate files just for the RDF/XML can get messy, as I found when I generated PostCon data for my weblog post entries a while back.

However, with a dynamic page application, such as WordPress, another approach is to have the application provide the appropriate data, based on passed parameters.

For instance, with WordPress, attaching “/trackback/” at the end of the post name doesn’t serve up the post page; instead it triggers the trackback web services. Doing the same with “/feed/”, returns the RSS syndication feed, and so on.

WordPress also has a way of attaching keyword-value pairs to a specific post. I’ve used this data to provide sidebar meta information about a post, here and at Burningbird, and I plan on using this to more depth within Wordform, my customized fork of WordPress.

I’ve been asked whether I would be using this capability to generate PostCon entries. I could, but a slight modification of an RSS syndication feed could do this just as easily. What interests me more is the ability to support RDF/XML generation for a variety of models (i.e. specific vocabularies), architected using built-in utility functions within the weblogging tool. These then would map the data to a structure that could be used to drive out RDF/XML when attaching the specific model name to the post, such as “/postcon/” for PostCon, and “/poetry/” for the Poetry Finder.

Yeah, easier said then done.

What would be nice would be to integrate existing RDF tools and applications to handle as much as this extended semantic modeling and metadata management as possible. A PHP-based API, such as RAP (RDF API for PHP) could be used to handle much of this, and should integrate nicely into the PHP-based weblogging functionality–but how to simplify modeling relationships when your user is barely conversant with HTML, much less something more complex?

The best approach would be to use a plug-in architecture to provide simplified, user-friendly front-ends to collect the metadata based on a specific model. Based on this there would be an RDF Poetry Finder plug-in to collect the poetry metadata, which would then incorporate this data into triples in the database. Associated with the plug-in would be a backend process that maps to a ‘data type’ passed to the tool (that previously mentioned ‘/poetry/’) and generates the RDF/XML for that model.

Wordform is based on a cut of the code of WordPress 1.3, which I believe will be incorporating the capability of adding plug-ins to the administration pages–another piece of the puzzle provided. If not, this is a functionality that should be added – extending the admin UI. Without using DHTML.

So the workflow for Poetry Finder would be:

Create the post using basic weblogging functionality.
Annotate the post with poetry metadata, using the Poetry Finder administrative plug-in.
Use RAP to add the data to the database.

When the Poetry metadata is accessed, by an application passing “/poetry/” as an extension to the post name, the poetry plug-in intercepts the request, via Wordform/Wordpress filter, and uses RAP to pull the data from the database, and generate valid RDF/XML to return.

The same workflow should work with category data, and even at the weblog level. For instance, this could be used to generate a FOAF file if one wished. The strength of this approach, though, is for individual and category archives.

To make the data useful, it would then need to be aggregated, but we have successful examples of how this can be done with RSS and FOAF. A centralized store would need to be created of collected data, and be searchable, but that’s for another late night brainstorming session.


Our Traveling data

Okay, at this point we have city data through OpenGuides (and thanks to Danny for pointing out the article on the front page.) We have London Tube data through . Jo Walsh gives us the poetic (I like it) oranges and lemons, with descriptions of London churches and their location based on the nursery rhyme:

Oranges and Lemons sing the bells of St Clemens
You owe me five farthings sing the bells of St Martins
When will you pay me sing the bells of Old Bailey
When we are rich sing the bells of Sure Ditch

See? I said that poetry and RDF and the semantic web go together.

(Jo was also the first to point to OpenGuides, but I had focused on the oranges and lemons page that Danny pointed out– sorry Jo. Boy, I’m missing important bits and links that are right in front of me, all over the place. However, I’m turning 50 in a couple of weeks, which makes me old and feeble. I have a good excuse now.)

Jo is also working on a project to map the free Wireless network in London. Now that’s going to be essential to the modern day traveler. And blogger.

So now with this existing data, I can travel the Underground, visit a pub, go to church, and blog all about it. That’s a tasty start.


Following on the theme

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Following on the theme of how we can have a lovely time in London, thanks to RDF and the seman…ooops! Semantic Web, has pointed to another set of RDF data related to travel: OpenGuides .

According to the site, OpenGuides is a network of free, community-maintained “wiki” city guides to which anyone can contribute. More importantly, the organization promises to ensure openness of the data by providing RDF/XML for each travel node.

Now this is both great, and a challenge. You see this is a wiki. By ‘node’, in wiki parlance, this means you get RDF/XML for the pertinent page information. So for London, what you’ll get is:

< ?xml version=”1.0″?>
<rdf :RDF

<rdf :DDescription rdf:about=””>
<dc :title>The Open Guide to London: Home</dc>
<dc :date>2004-10-18T21:51:10</dc>
<dcterms :modified>2004-10-18T21:51:10</dcterms>
<dc :contributor>Earle</dc>
<dc :source rdf:resource=”” />
<wiki :version>70</wiki>
<foaf :topic rdf:resource=”#obj” />

<geo :SpatialThing rdf:ID=”obj” dc:title=”Home”>ies –>
<dc :subject>Wiki Info</dc>

<!– address and geospatial data –>
<city>London</city> <country>United Kingdom</country>

<!– contact information –>


(Sorry for the smiley in the code – an annoying, buggy, piece of clever coding on the part of the WordPress developers inserted it. I don’t use smileys. I detest smileys. No offence FOAF people.)

Of course there is more to London than this. However, you have to access each wiki page, and then access each RDF/XML file to get that pertinent bit of information.

To be effective, one would have to build a bot trained to a wiki architecture (where links may or may not go to something that exists), and that can consume any and all related RDF/XML files. It can then be turned loose at a specific wiki; to return to its owner, engorged with lots of juicy, and fully fleshed, data.


In other words, you would need a wiki-aware Smushbot.


Faulty URIs

Dare Obasanjo has a good post today on the failure of URIs when it comes to their role as identifiers within the Semantic Web, and points to a TAG discussion thread and a referendum on this issue.

I don’t subscribe anymore to the TAG emails–too male, too pedantic–so I appreciate having these items pointed out.

Still, Dare sums it up best with The saga continues.