
No, HTML5 is NOT at Last Call

It’s unfortunate that the WhatWG made a unilateral decision to go Last Call with HTML5 at WhatWG, as HTML5 is far from ready for Last Call at the W3C.

Supposedly the reason it went to Last Call at the WhatWG is no bugs in the WhatWG database. Considering that there are significant bugs and issues at the W3C, one can only assume that concern about quality is not as strong at the WhatWG as it is at the W3C.

There are also more people questioning decisions, issuing proposals for change, and submitting bugs at the W3C. If one were suspicious, one could imagine the HTML5 editor made this move to assert some form of control.

RDF W3C Writing

It’s a beautiful fall and I’m stuck inside

he fall has been nice, but I haven’t been able to take advantage of the decent weather and pretty scenery. I have a book deadline next week for my new book for O’Reilly, The JavaScript Cookbook.

I can’t do much anyway, because my car is doing very odd things, and I no longer trust it for longer out of town trips. I know there’s a short somewhere, but every time I take it in, it costs me $500.00. But I’m getting a relay click in the dash, the battery light comes up, briefly, every time I start the car (and it’s a new battery), and the speedometer went crazy on one trip. All of this combined is wiring, and wiring seems to be beyond car repair people.

I save the longer trips for the weekend when I can drag my roommate, and my roommate’s car, about. His car isn’t possessed.

I rejoined the HTML WG. Again. The group has come up with a change procedure/process that I can support. There was confusion before about whether HTML WG members could issue formal objections, since supposedly we’re part of the group making the original decisions. The new procedure, though, reserves us the right to submit a Formal Objection if all other avenues are blocked. I’m more comfortable being part of the group, now. I even have a first change proposal assignment, due after the book deadline.

Good news from the group: the HTML+RDFa document is now a published draft. However, the work on distributed extensibility is slow going. It’s difficult to split off the technical concerns from the knee jerk reactions.

You may, or may not, have noticed that I don’t post links to my main feed, or this site, for my Just Shelley site. That site is very personal, and a lot of people who read my stuff are more interested in my more impersonal writings, such as tech. Of course, I haven’t been writing at any of my sites lately. Too busy with the book.

I did get a Wave invite–thanks to whoever sent me it. And yes, I’ve given out all of the Wave invitations I have.

What do I think of Google Wave? I think it’s too much for me, though I did have a fun exchange with Marius Coomans, as he was sailing the ideal waters around Australia. We exchange emails and twitter messages, but there’s something different about seeing a message being typed out by someone who is on a boat, and watching them make corrections, as they’re watching you correct your own mistakes. And you’re on opposite sides of the planet, and different hemispheres. It’s not earth shattering, but it is a bit uncanny.

So what else is there to say about Wave. The user interface sucks, but that’s not unusual for a Google application. The performance is sluggish, but it’s alpha. And it performs better than Twitter. Other than that, though, I’m just not sure about the usability of the service. I know that others like the tool, such as Laura Scott who had a nice write-up.

Frankly, though, I’m really getting burned out on the whole social media thing so I may not be a good judge.

There was another instance where I wrote one thing, and it was interpreted as the opposite. I supported what Kurt Cagle wrote on HTML5, but based on a intense Twitter exchange I had with another person, Kurt interpreted my reaction to be opposite of what it is.

Twitter is useless as a tool for doing more than pointing out a link or talking about what you had for breakfast.


The HTML5 silly season

Cynthia Shelly released an alternative proposed HTML5 draft that addresses the table summary attribute. The responses to her draft have been less than edifying, and demonstrate rather succinctly most things wrong with the HTML WG.

If you follow along in the thread, you’ll see Apple’s Maciej and IBM’s Sam Ruby go back and forth on protocol, a discussion Maciej ends with a suggestion to focus on salvaging a “proposal” from the work. The thing is, providing alternative text in a specification is the proposal, the only that is deemed acceptable to the HTML WG. At least, that’s what we’ve been told in the past.

Not that Cynthia is demanding that the text be used as is. This was a suggested text, addressing how summary could be discussed in the HTML5 specification, in order to ensure proper use. The proposal also removes summary from the obsolete list. Cynthia proposed this alternative text in order to generate discussion, leading to its refinement; to encourage team effort. Simple enough to understand, but then we’re subjected to the typical Ian Hickson disingenuous approach to anything he disagrees with: pretend he doesn’t understand what the proposal is all about.

I couldn’t find any description of what problem this proposal is trying to solve. Could you point me to the description of the issue that is being resolved here? Why is the text currently in the HTML5 spec not considered acceptable middle ground?

It is difficult to evaluate proposals without understanding what problems they are trying to solve.

Incidentally, I believe the process that we are supposed to be following these days is that when there is a problem in the spec, a bug should be filed describing the problem, so that the issue can be tracked. If you could file a bug (or point me to the relevant bug if one is already filed), that would be very helpful.

(At this point I would like to inform my readers: everyone can file a bug, you don’t have to be a member of any W3C organization to do so.)

So, HTML WG team members are told by one of the HTML WG Chairs to provide alternative specification text, while the HTML5 author countermands such a recommendation, with a note that we file bugs, instead. Seriously, I keep expecting the third stooge to enter the scene, stage left.

And he does. The author of, worker extraordinaire for Mozilla, Henri Sivonen, puts on his court jester cap to derail even the potential for worthwhile discussion:

Further quotes are from the proposed text--not from Maciej:
> Summary is one way to provide explanatory information about tables  
> that consist of more than just a grid of cells with headers in the  
> first row and headers in the first column.
Does this intend to say that using @summary is categorically  
unnecessary when headers appear in the first column and/or first row?  
If so, it would be good to make this clear.
> Such explanatory information should introduce the purpose of the  
> table,
Shouldn't the purpose be stated to all readers?
> outline its basic cell structure,
Shouldn't this be generated by the AT from the table model?
> The information provided by the summary is needed by users who  
> cannot see the table, but would usually be redundant for those who  
> can.
This sentence sticks out as non-spec-like. It doesn't state a  
requirement, so it looks odd in the middle of a paragraph that states  
> This must be done in a way that is associated with the table via  
> markup, such that user agents and assistive technology can  
> programmatically determine the relationship.
This sentence could make sense in WCAG-like contexts where things are  
defined in terms of what available software happens to support. It  
doesn't make sense in a spec that defines what software must support.  
(Furthermore, "programmatically determine" is a special term from  
other specs but isn't defined as part of the special vocabulary of the  
HTML5 spec.)

The proposed text seems to imply (in the edits done on examples) that  
having the explanation in a paragraph preceding the table isn't  
sufficient without an explicit aria-describedby link (misspelled in  
the proposed text as aria-described-by). Why is that not sufficient?
> When using summary in combination with another technique, authors  
> must not use the duplicate text, but instead use summary for the  
> parts of the description that are only useful to users who cannot  
> see the table.
What about duplicating information that AT should be able to voice  
based on the table model?
> <table summary="The table is divided into six columns: Map number,  
> Date, Area or stream with flooding, Reported deaths, Approximate  
> costs (uninflated), and Comments. The rows are grouped by flood  
> types into six subcategories: Regional flood, Flash flood, Ice-jam  
> flood, Storm-surge flood, Dam-failure flood and Mudflow flood." 
In this case, the first sentence clearly duplicates information that  
are trivially programmatically determinable by the AT from the table  
model (given proper <th> markup). As for the second sentence, I think  
it would be worth investigating if the salient content of the second  
sentence is also realistically programmatically determinable from the  
table model. On the face of it, discovering the content of the second  
sentence from the table model doesn't seem like an overly hard  
software problem.

So, the text of the proposal that Cynthia provides is addressed to humans, which Henri rejects, because Cynthia’s text should be addressed to machines. She discusses declarative markup, and addresses this discussion to people, in order to ensure that the summary attribute is properly used by web page authors and designers. Henri reduces the whole to algorithms, care and feeding of.

This is a perfect lead in to another discussion about HTML5 taking place elsewhere, in the W3C TAG, which has ultimate responsibility for ensuring the many specifications such as HTML5 work in a complementary manner for the web. The focus of the TAG at this time is detailing issues this group has with the current HTML5 draft, a discussion generating a typically mature level of discussion in the WhatWG IRC channel.

One such issue, as I have noted, as others have noted, is the fact that the specification is given in algorithmic terms, rather than as declarative text—based on discussions of a Document Object Model (DOM) with HTML markup given as a distant secondary item (barely covered, and leaving ripples of confusion in its wake).

The current rendering of the specification is considered more precise for the browser companies, for Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, Opera, and Apple, but the precision completely obfuscates the information needed by thousands, perhaps millions of web page authors and designers.

In the past, the main specification would be about the markup, with a secondary document describing the DOM. And oddly enough, this has worked, if we can believe the evidence of our eyes. Evidently, this wasn’t to the taste of the browser companies, who believe that it is more important that their needs be met, rather than the needs of the thousands, perhaps millions of web page authors and designers.

In addition, rather than leave many decisions up to the implementors of the specification, the editor’s draft seeks to detail, in minute detail, how everything is to be handled by implementors. Precise, very precise. Good luck with the 50,000 or so test cases.

So far, I have submitted three HTML5 bugs:

  1. When Web Workers was removed from the spec, orphan references were left – clean up is needed
  2. To remove the Microdata section, as it isn’t necessary, nor widely supported
  3. To allow other namespaced elements in SVG, since the use of these elements is valid within SVG

And I just submitted a bug for table summary. There will be others. Too bad I’m not one of the elite.

HTML5 Specs W3C

If the Web were the petroleum industry

Ian Hickson, sole author of the HTML 5 specification, on standards in a recent #whatwg IRC discussion:

i think standards bodies are an outdated concept

Using the Firefox nightly, I was able to open an HTML5 document that contains a SVG graphic, and see it rendered, though the page was served as HTML. Wonderful! Unfortunately, running it through the HTML 5 conformance validator was less than joyful, which I’ll cover in more detail later.

For now, returning to Ian’s quote at the beginning of this post, I find it ironic that not only do we welcome, we demand that the browser companies be given free and unfettered reign to define the future of web standards, as they will.

Ironic, because if the web were any other industry—petroleum, pharmaceutical, airline, auto, electrical utility, and so on— allowing the companies who produce products in the industry, free and unfettered reign to define the standards for their industries, would draw howls of protests, and a demand for accountability.


Let loose the hounds of war

The space around HTML 5 just got more active, though whether what will follow will be an improvement in conditions is hard to say.

Because of a series of discussions in the W3C 2 cents emails list, a process is underway to provide a procedure whereby people can now act as their own editors of their own version of the HTML 5 specification. Eventually they’ll either be able to move their documents into Working Draft status, or petition to have sections in the current Editor’s draft replaced with their own sections. If consensus can’t be met on the petition, a vote will occur. Needless to say, you have to be a member of the HTML WG, but anyone can become a member. Just sign up for an account, answer a small questionnaire and you’ll be in. There’s even a FAQ for joining.

Much of the fervor around this move could be seen as a way of correcting the W3C’s chartering mistakes. Much of it, though, is also by people who are, they say, “tired of the complaints”, and see this as an effective approach to shutting up the complainers.

Though there’s nothing formally specified about numbers of participants on a new draft or draft section, Sam Ruby has requested that at least three people get behind any one work, just so the group, as a whole, can see there’s enough interest in the work to make the discussion and/or vote a good use of the group’s time.

Ian Hickson, the editor of HTML 5, has said that he’s asked for new editors in the past. Asked, and asked again. Well, now his request is being answered.