
Different buttons

I love the magic corners on my PowerBook. I love the fact that if I send my mouse to that corner, all instances (windows) of whatever application currently have focus get displayed in bitty windows, but if I swing it over to this corner, everything with an open window gets displayed. And lets now forget that down here, the windows are swept out and down and I have direct access to the Desktop.

With Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4), I have this Dashboard stuff, so swooping my mouse over to the top-right opens up the Dashboard, and if my iTunes is playing, the little Dashboard widget shows what’s currently playing — not to mention what the weather is outside, and so on.

I was playing with this today when my roommate came in to drop something off and asked me what I was doing. I showed him, swinging my mouse around as things opened and closed–asking him isn’t it the coolest? He looked at it, nodded indifferently, and said, “Sure”.

I looked up at him for a moment, and then opened up this site that Joseph Duemer pointed out on Friday.

“Ah, that’s great! No wait, scroll down more.”

“Look at that! That’s so cute!”


“What is that! HaHa!”

“That’s so cool! Can you send me that link?”

Technology Weblogging

WordPress Two Lookies

I listened to an interview with WordPress developers Matt Mullenweg and Donncha O’Caoimh. It reminded me that I hadn’t checked out WordPress 2.0 yet.

I downloaded the code using the Subversion command:

svn export

This gave me a copy of the code without the Subversion source code control files. I then uploaded it to my server to WordPress Two and had a look around. Asymptomatic has a good review of what’s changed, including a true data abstraction layer, which should make for a more robust product.

From a user’s point of view, the administrative interface is vastly improved, with a much better organized, as well as more attractive design. This is the Post Edit page and as you can see most of the post options have now been placed behind DHTML-based buttons, which can be clicked to expose or hide the specific option. As the page also shows, photo uploads can be handled directly for the post and, though it doesn’t show in the snapshot, in-page preview actually uses an iframe and loads the user’s stylesheet, so you get a chance to see the post ‘live’. You can also use an Ajaxian option to add new categories, on the fly, as you add a post. The Edit page also has a WYSIWYG editor, which you can turn on or off in options.

The theme selection page also has some new features, such as seeing an image of each theme available for use in the page. However, a new option allows the theme designer to attach a functions.php file to their theme, providing options to allow the users to customize the existing theme. In the Default theme, this allows the user to change the header and font colors.

The use of DHTML and Ajax is noticeable in the product, and most of it welcome. As such, the Javascript libraries are setup in such a way that you can access these for your own weblog customizations. However, after the first ‘ooo wizzy’ moment watching the update message fade from bright yellow to pale blue I ignored the effect; so I’m not sure the JS for this particular modification is worth the load.

All in all, WordPress 2.0 is a major improvement over 1.5. Enough that if you’re thinking of moving to a self-hosted weblog rather than a centralized hosted solution, now is the time to give this possibility serious thought.

After this first, quick look, I have only two suggestions for the WordPress development team. The first is remove the section listing those posts currently in draft above the page where the post is developed. It takes page real estate, and you’re repeating what’s already available in the Manage page. The second change I would recommend would be to make the WYSIWYG editing interface plugin-abled so that any number of good WYSIWYG editors can be wrapped and released as editing plugins. I did this with Wordform, and it gives the users an option in the one area they can be most picky: the editor.

(I believe the Desktop can be replaced with a plugin, but if not, this would be another suggestion.)

One thing I do differently, and something for the developers to consider, is a separate preview of the page. I did this with Wordform, using the same files that are used for the main page, but with a preview option. Right now, with the page previewing in the edit page, if the entry has several photos, this could slow the page down when loading and saving after edits. Also, even when you load the stylesheet, viewing the preview in an iframe is not the same as actually viewing it exactly as it would look when published. Still, this is a preference–there are folks who would probably prefer the in-page preview.

I’ll be getting a fresh export and updating the code once a week or so until the beta is released. I’ll cover different aspects of the tool with each release, as well as discuss what I would do to alter the base tool with plugins and administrative extensions.

If you’re interested in playing with the new interface, send me an email and I’ll set you up a test account — if you’re not too scary, or have a name like “Joe Spam” or something.

People Web Weblogging

It’s a mountain Mohammed thing

“So I have a blog” the words read, as I scrolled down the entries at Planet RDF. And then I noticed the author: Tim Berners-Lee.

In his first weblog entry, Sir Tim wrote:

…it is nice to have a machine to the administrative work of handling the navigation bars and comment buttons and so on, and it is nice to edit in a mode in which you can to limited damage to the site. So I am going to try this blog thing using blog tools. So this is for all the people who have been saying I ought to have a blog.

For all those who claim to be first, there is no doubt who was first, though late to this particularly party. Probably all that Web 2.0 stuff floating around.

I do believe that Sir Tim is also the first weblogger to hold Knight Commander, Order of the British Empire. Mind the language, children. Mind the language. No more of this informal lower-case ’s’, ‘w’ when talking about the Semantic Web now.

Web Weblogging


Aside from adding some links and text, my first release of OutputThis! is online. Notice the exclamation point? Punctuation is the new black.

The rollout of the Structured Blogging work is tomorrow afternoon, but I’ve been playing with it today. When SB rolls out tomorrow I’ll list links to the test weblogs, but for now, you can check out OutputThis! Yes, I designed it. Yes, I know you hate it.

There’s been some odds and ends about the ‘forking’ nature of Structured Blogging today. It makes no sense, and the folks who are concerned haven’t posted anything online expressing their concerns, so end of story.

What is it, though, with webloggers who reach a point of success and then seem to stop weblogging? Is that the key to getting rid of webloggers–help them become successful at weblogging, and then they’ll stop weblogging? For all those people who don’t care for me and who would like to see me disappear, here’s your chance: help make me a Successful Weblogger, and I’ll go away.

In the meantime, I have a couple of long posts I’m working on and a links post to some very nice stuff you all are writing. I am surrounded by such talented people, which is good for folks like me; too bad for you, though, that you’re not successful enough at weblogging to give up weblogging.


Quick note before bed

Phil Pearson is talking about the project I’ve been working on for Broadband Mechanics the last few weeks. I’m not working on the Structured Blogging component; I’m creating a middleware server called Outputthis.

A limited version of the service will be up for Tuesday for the Big Rollout, and then I need to add the rest: autodiscovery of web services through RSD; full update and delete for the Profile and Targets. But it should be enough for demonstration purposes and alpha testing/use on Tuesday.

Outputthis provides services that allow you to register weblogs or other resources that you might want to post to through the Structured Blogging “Blog This!” functionality. When you click the Blog This button, one of my services returns a list of weblogs, you check which ones you want, click the button and the next thing you know: the post has been posted to all the sites.

Right now, we’re upgrading the database and I’m fighting a really odd incompatibility between mcrypt and the xml_parser so it’s not running; something I’ll fix in the morning. Besides, it’s too early to turn it on–the rollout is Tuesday, and the focus at the party will be on the web 2.0 stuff like the Structured Blogging plugins (which are impressive); not the web 1.0 stuff, like Outputthis.

In the meantime, whatever Phil and Kimbro and the others have done with the SB plugin is not forking.