
Adding trackback entries to individual archive pages

I’m firing on all (one) cylinder today.

Sam Ruby references a citation at Simon Willison, who quotes Tantek:


“…we now have Trackback and Pingback to help automate generating comment hyperlinks to blog-on-blog commentary. While I certainly applaud these efforts at automating the plumbing, I must ask – why is there any distinction in the presentation? I ask because many blogs present separate and different interfaces for their comments, trackbacks, and/or pingbacks.


Good points. After all, these technologies are nothing more than threads to a communication.

For Movable Type, it’s fairly simple to make a modification to your individual archive page to list trackback entries along with your comments. I’ve made this modification to my individual archive pages and thought I would pass on the how-tos of my mod.

Warning: To implement trackback within the archive page following my prefered approach, I did need to make a minor modification to one of the Movable Type’s Perl modules, It’s a minor change: it forces a re-build of the archive page when a trackback occurs so that the new trackback entry displays in a manner similar to how new comments are added, automatically, to the page. You can download the modified file here and replace the in your MT directory (put it into /lib/MT/App/). However, you do so at your own risk. You can find the edits I made because I surrounded the edit with comments containing my name, ‘Shelley’.

Repeat: You do so at your own risk. This modification is not vetted by Movable Type’s creators, Ben and Mena Trott.

For those taking the leap of faith, to add the trackback entries to your individual archives, add the following to your individual archive template:


<div class=”comments-body”>
<a name=”<$MTPingID$>”></a>
<a target=”new” href=”<$MTPingURL$>”><$MTPingTitle$></a><br /><br />

Excerpt: <$MTPingExcerpt$>
Weblog: <$MTPingBlogName$><br />
Tracked: <$MTPingDate$><br />


Note that the re-build of the page does slow the trackback ping, and if the remote site is having performance problems, the rebuild may not occur. However, the exact same process is used with comments, so whatever performance problems we’ll have with comments, we’ll have with trackbacks. Additionally, malicious people (known as spammers) could exploit the ping to add trackback entries pointing to junk — but they can do this anyway with the existing system. Web services are vulnerable that way.

Other trackback embedding approaches are discussed at the Movable Type forum on a thread related to this issue. I didn’t care for the approaches mentioned, excellent as they are, primarily because I would rather put the processing burden on the instance when the trackback occurs, rather than each time the individual page is accessed (by accessing MySql or forcing the page to be PHP or using SSI). I’m putting the burden on the ‘write’ because trackbacks follow the ‘write once, read many times’ pattern.

Still, don’t you like it when you’re given ten different ways to do something?


Oopsie! I didn’t read the MT thread that closely to see that Phil had already created this work around. Teach me not to read the entire thread more closely! And I missed this change originally at Phil’s. Honest!

So, dibs on this bit of creativity goes to Phil! Darn! And here I thought I did something new.


Tying communication threads together

discussion broke out at Sam Ruby’s talks about weblog popularity. In particular, Jim Winstead wrote:


The navel-gazing among some webloggers is pretty monumental, and systems like technorati, blogdex, and popdex reflect that.


I agree with Jim. As I mentioned in my own post, Third Generation of Weblogging, following an analogy of human growth to weblogging generations, this last blog generation is similar to our teen years with our fixation on popularity. S/he with the most links, wins.

The hypertext link is still our most direct tool for connectivity, but we need to make links ‘mean’ something other than bland acceptance and hence popularity. We need to start tying communication together and the link is the tool of choice, but we need to start using links effectively.

Of course, this leads me back to my own personal bugaboo: blogrolls. My blogroll replacement functionality is complete except for one thing — the blogroll links themselves. If I pull these links from the main page, delink them all, this action results in one less ‘class president vote’ so to speak for all my blogroll members. This impacts on each weblog’s ranking in technorati and most watched and the blogging ecosystem, not to mention Google rank. My decision to not go with a blogroll impacts on other people.

Is it fair of me to implement a new way of doing things in my weblog that influences the participation of each of my blogroll listees? The old “my weblog, my choice” of course takes precedence, except that now we’re seeing twistie little threads of community, sticky strands of webbing that tie us together a tad more than is implied by ‘journal’.

After all, if we didn’t care about interaction within the weblogging community, we wouldn’t implement comments, or trackback, or link to each other, or correspond with each other on the phone or within emails. We’d just write and be indifferent to that which doesn’t impact directly on us — the pure journalist who never sees his or her audience.

(I just realized something — going back to writing in a void is almost repugnant to me now. What have you all done to me?)

Yet at the same time, there is a quality of “recommendation” to blogrolls that I don’t care for, above and beyond the political use of blogroll links; an assumption that blogrolls are made up of people whose weblogs, and indirectly writing and opinions, we recommend. You may not mean this by your blogroll, but that’s how people can, and do, perceive them. Do you want to recommend the weblogs you read regularly? Do you read weblogs regularly that you don’t recommend so therefore you don’t list in your blogroll?

At the Blogstreet site, they define Blog Neighborhoods as:


It is a set of Related blogs based on the BlogRoll of the analyzed blog.
For Authors, their Neighborhood is a pool of blogs to track.
For Readers, it helps them to find more blogs similar to a blog they have liked (emphasis added).


But, but, but — the weblogs in my blogroll aren’t similar to mine. In fact, many are quite different. Blogrolls are just like HTML elements: there’s an interpretation attached to them that can vary, considerably, from the original intent.

blogroll == em
blogroll == img
blogroll == a
blogroll == blink!

Anyway, the approach I’m considering at this point for my blogroll replacement is a PHP page that lists links to all of the weblogs that are among my significant quotes, with a caveat that no similarity or agreement with the writing is implied by the link — follow at your own risk. If the buzz sheets are smart enough, they’ll follow a link from my main page to this page, and people will get their votes. If they care. This is in addition to the PHP code that will randomly pick a weblog quote for the weblog main page.

What think?


The third generation of weblogging

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Today I tackled the ontology sections of the RDF book, which left me feeling a little bit as if ants are crawling up my spine. Time for a little break, and a little weblogging.

I’ve been in an email chit-chat with Clay Shirky about online debates and weblogging. As with others in the past, I’m also trying to entice Clay into starting a weblog so he can be as vulner…accessible as the rest of us. One of the things I talked about in my last email to him is my belief that we’re heading into a new generation of weblog usage, one that will have impacts beyond the border of the traditional blog.

We’re starting to see a little of this already with the concept of LazyWeb. Considering that weblogging brings together both client and technologists, we have unique opportunities to explore new and innovative development approaches.

Someone mentions that they would like technology that does A. I think, wow that’s a great idea and I take a shot at creating a first draft of A. Someone else comes along and they like the concept and the first draft, but they have some improvements in the technology, resulting in A+. A fourth person comes along and says “But wouldn’t it be better if it did this also?” and the whole cycle starts again. Pure de-centralized, distributed, open source, open input development in action. If this isn’t “social software”, I don’t know what is.

And weblogging is maturing in ways other than just technologically. Consider the the first generation of the weblogging, based on discovering what weblogs are and how they work. This is analogous to a child learning what its legs are and how they can be used. Following the early exploration stage, there was the second weblogging generation, much of it based on links and popularity. This is so reminiscent of our teen years, and our desire to fit in, to be popular, that the analogy to human behavior is nothing less than astonishing.

I’m hoping that we’re heading into a third generation of weblogging, young adulthood if you will.

My fondest wish for this next year is to see a diminishment in the novelty of popularity; then we can get down to some serious communication. In 2002 our conversations were too dominated by Google, page hits, page rank, Blogdex, Daypop, and a host of new popularity indicators such as Blogging EcosystemTechnorati, and Blogstreet. We applaud these technologies because we say they help us discover each other, but I’ve not once discovered another weblogger because of these tools. I usually discover them in the comments, here and elsewhere. And that’s as it should be.

Last year, all throughout weblogging, we had some intense cross-blog and cross-comment conversations, covering topics as diverse as terrorism, the war against Iraq, SFSU protests, technology, and even the recent one on girlism. I found these multi-threaded, engaged discussions to be far more exciting than the fact that hundreds or even thousands of faceless people have trooped through my pages. Yet most of these fascinating discussions — many stretching across dozens or even hundreds of weblogs in some form or another — barely made a blip on either Daypop or Blogdex.

Seriously, our value system is as wrongfully skewed to ‘hits’ as Google is.

flamingos2.jpgI started the Threadneedle project to capture this cross-conversation capability. In its first incarnation I discovered that my original concept was infeasible because of the space requirements and the forced centralization. Now, with trackback and increasing uses of other technologies, we’re starting to see ‘threadneedle’ take form, and we’re finding that what was wrong with my original concept is that it was based on one technology — threadneedle is not one single technology, it’s dozens created by as many or more people, all focusing in one way or another on Conversation — not hits.

How would you like to have a conversation with a thousand people all throughout the world? How long will it take a question to be answered when posed to 10,000 people? What kind of events can be influenced when you can collect 100,000 into one single voice?

Social software. That’s social software. And we even have SOAP and instant messaging and wireless and other techie tools to make it gadgety enough.

Now, I ask you, how can anyone possibly resist all of this?


Best reasons not to blog

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Dorothea Salo isn’t blogging much today due to a house cleaning frenzy brought on by a photographer coming from the Chicago Tribute to photograph David because he’s being interviewed on Professor Tolkien’s eleventy-one birthday (David is the Elvish expert in the LOTR movies.)

Well, as non-blogging excuses go, this has got to be one of the better. So Dorothea, you’re off the hook. And rest assurred: I never drink to drive, though I have occasionally been driven to drink.

Water, of course.

Technology Weblogging

The story of the RSS feeds and the little CC license that could

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Again the consideration of exactly what it means to put an RSS feed online has reared its head. Specifically, Mitch Wagner found out that his RSS feed — which includes full posting content not excerpts — was re-published online at LiveJournal. He wrote:


That site is my intellectual property. You do not have permission to post the entirety of my weblog to your site. Please take down the site


Well, all sorts of interesting commenting occurred, as you can imagine. In particular the implicit assumption that RSS feeds come with ‘tactic approval of republication’ was raised.

What was a surprise is that Mitch reversed himself and now offers a Creative Commons license on his material, though the license information isn’t duplicated in Mitch’s RSS feed directly. Mitch also brings up the ‘commercial’ aspect of re-publishing the material at LiveJournal, and what’s to stop someone from grabbing the content and putting it behind password protected sites that charge money for access.

Easy — don’t publish all your entire posts in your RSS feed. Keep the RSS feeds to excerpts only. Remove the content-encoded field and just leave the description. And adjust your blogging tool to publish excerpts, only. If your weblogging tool doesn’t allow this adjustment, ask the tool builder to provide this capability. The RSS feeds are there to help promote your ideas, not promote their theft. But you have to control the technology, not let the technology control you.

I have a feeling that 2003 is the year when technology and the law will finally find ways to learn to live together, or forever exist in a state of permanent hostility.

(Thanks to Ben for the story.)