
Completed first draft of Practical RDF uploaded

I just uploaded the completed first draft of Practical RDF. You can read about it, and download the chapters at the book weblog. I was delayed with the upload trying to get a couple of RDF applications/APIs working this weekend, one last time, but finally had to give them up for a lost cause.

At this time, I have so much alpha/beta code on my laptops, I’m surprised they haven’t gone up in smoke. *POOF* Everytime I boot up my Windows machine, 7 different framework/application servers battle it out for supremacy in memory.

“I’m loading first!” “No! Me!” “I’m Bigger!” “I’m prettier!”

Joking about alpha/beta aside, I am impressed at the quality of the material I covered. So much of it was easy to install, use, intuitive, and worked very well. Who said that the only implementation of RDF is RSS? What a load of bunk that is!

Now, I need help from all of you. Those of you with a few cycles of extra time and a modicum of interest, please visit the site and review a chapter or two. Don’t expect much — these are still a work in progress. However, every little feedback helps.

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