
Cooler breezes

A thunderstorm rolled through today, breaking the heat spell. The temperature should be in the 80’s for the next couple of days, though dewpoints are high.

Before moving to St. Louis, I talked about humidity. Now I talk about dewpoints; I am becoming one with the area. I loved what the weather person said yesterday in regards to the high dewpoint, “Today’s a very juicy day!”

Speaking of weather, are you curious about how the Heat Index (HI) is calculated? Of course you are. Following is theĀ simple formula:

1) Heat index(HI), or apparent temperature(AI)= -42.379 + 2.04901523(Tf) + 10.14333127(RH) – 0.22475541(Tf)(RH) – 6.83783×10**(-3)*(Tf**(2)) – 5.481717×10**(-2)*(RH**(2)) + 1.22874×10**(-3)*(Tf**(2))*(RH) + 8.5282×10**(-4)*(Tf)*(RH**(2)) – 1.99×10**(-6)*(Tf**(2))*(RH**(2))

Piece of cake, do it in my head.

I finished closing up my California bank account and transferring the funds into the St. Louis account. The people in St. Louis areĀ so nice! The teller at my new bank, Courtney, spent an extraordinary amount of time today helping me get what was a mess – of my own making – cleaned up. What blew me away is that she knew every single person who came in while I was there – by name.

I am now “Miss Powers”, so show a little respect you dweebs.

Tomorrow promises more thunderstorms and cooler weather. If the dewpoint drops a bit, I found a nice little trail close to home I want to try. As a break from writing and ThreadNeedle and other coding. Of course.

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