Burningbird Technology Weblogging

Drupal and PHP Safe Mode

I had asked about a new hosting company on Twitter. My main interest was cutting costs, but I’m also having problems with my current hosting company. Frankly, I think the problem is all of the Ruby-on-Rails applications running—database access almost comes to a standstill at times.

Regardless, the company also turned on PHP safe mode, which is going to cause nothing but havoc with my Drupal installation. I don’t have much choice about moving, now. I had a couple of suggestions for sites, including InMotion, which I’m considering. I’m concerned, though, about sites that offer unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited storage. These companies tend to oversell the severs. However, InMotion does have the advantage of being very inexpensive.

Any thoughts on InMotion? Any other suggestions? I need SSH, PHP 5+, ImageMagick, prefer cPanel, Drupal friendly, and also a host that doesn’t change things on the fly.

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