
New look. Really new look.

I did testing of the new look in the validation engines, and several different browsers and it seems to work. I am aware of the float problem with IE 6.0 and will dig up the work around and add it. I’m getting to the point where if I no longer support Netscape 4.x, I don’t want to support IE 6.x, either.

But it is widely used so if you’re using it, be aware that I working the problem.

I have other new styles to add in addition to the ones you have now, but I’ll leave those for next week. I myself switch between Fire & Ice and Lemon Shake-Ups, depending if I’m in the mood for summer or winter. Shake-Ups is a bit busy, but it suits the photo at the top and is very cheerful.

Speaking of photos, yes I am using photos in the sidebar and yes it can slow load times. Hopefully once they cache, their bandwidth burden should be minimized.

The ice photos used in Fire & Ice are from the NOAA public libraries and they are lovely, aren’t they? The other photos that aren’t NOAA’s or mine are from Jon Sullivan who has generously placed most of his wonderful work into the public domain. (Jon has a weblog here. Read his disclaimer at the bottom for a giggle.) I will be using more of Jon’s work in upcoming styles.

I either created the clipart or downloaded it from the free clipart pages at

If you can try these different stylesheets in your browser and drop me a note and let me know what does or doesn’t work, I’d be appreciative. This is a very major change, and I imagine the site will be rough for a week, until I finish the transition.

I’ve had the old colors and look for so long, when I come to the pages, it doesn’t feel like my site. But change is good. Thanks again for those who have commented and tested; a special thanks to Roger for helping me with the Burningbird title positioning.

Fixed the layout problem in Safari and IE – I had an unclosed DIV tag within my last post (my update block).


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