
Adding comments again

I’m tentatively adding back comment capability to Burningbird. It already exists if you access the Burningbird Mastodon account ( If you reply to a Mastodon post, it shows up here as a comment. And if I reply, it shows up in Mastodon.

But not everyone has Mastodon. However, I’m also not sure how willing folks are to comment on weblogs. It’s not like the old days, where we had some pretty amazing conversations in our weblogs. Most discussion now happens in social media, such as Facebook, or Threads, or Mastodon, or whatever.

Still, as long as I’m not overrun with sp*m like the last time I turned comments on, we’ll see how it goes.

People Political The Democratic Difference

Goodbye Joe, Hello Kamala

A whole lot changed since my last defense of President Biden. Last week he decided to step down from his re-election attempt and put all his support behind his VP, Kamala Harris.

Democrats came together behind Kamala Harris in enthusiastic numbers I haven’t seen in a long, long time. Within two days, she had enough delegation support to win the Democratic primary. I suspect by the time the convention rolls around, she’ll have everyone’s support.

I am sad that President Biden had to end his campaign, but ultimately, he sacrificed his ambitions for the country, and he did the right thing: he gave us a candidate we can ALL embrace.

And I want to go down on record as saying I want to be adopted by the Harris/Emhoff family.


Silent Sunday July 28 2024


Silent Sunday July 21 2024

Political Whatever

Unity Trump meets Chaos Trump and the results aren’t pretty

I don’t listen to speeches I read the transcripts. The transcripts cut through the optics to the substance, and the substance is all I care about.

After Trump’s RNC speech, I went looking for the transcript and found one at a local NBC affiliate. The only problem is, what I was reading in that transcript didn’t match what people were talking about. What the NBC affiliate had posted was the press-release speech that was posted to the teleprompter…not the actual speech with Trump riffs. A whole lot of Trump riffs.

I found the actual speech at the NY Times and copied it. I thenĀ  decided to post it here, and note the differences between the two. The question then is: highlight the prepared or highlight the riffs?

The riffs won. And if you want to really know what we’ll get with Trump as President, I’d pay attention to the bold bits.