
Radio 8 stuff

I may try Radio 8.0 myself. There’s been a lot of *hooplah on this product:

Karl Martino Radio UserLand – The Lotus 123 of weblogging

Dan Shafer – Radio UserLand 8 changes that equation forever. It is the Great Democratizer of Web Publishing.

SJL – Radio 8.0 – It’s My Secret Weapon

and so on…

Amidst the hyperbole, there have been posts that are very intriguing, particularly to someone with my interest and background in emerging technologies. Posts such as those from David Davis dicussing weblog updates through his phone using SMS; or from Dane Carlson, posting via email. It is the non-traditional communication capabilities of Radio 8.0 that intrigue me.

Since the Userland folks are kind enough to provide the product for a 30 day free trial, I’ll check it out. Join the party. Give into the momentum. Glow with the flow, or some such thing. Don’t be surprised to see a Burning Bird Radio Weblog. I want to see this beastie in action, for myself.

However, I have work on the RDF book that must be finished today for the editors tomorrow, so no more weblogging for me today.

On Another Note: Check out the title graphics that Sharon created, and vote for your favorite (top to bottom, post in comments or send email). So far, the top title is the unanimous choice. Sharon also found a lava light and other graphics with a more 60’s tone.

50’s: turqoise and flamingo pink, black and white, chrome, plastic, and the space age (Jetson’s type of thing). Duck and cover.

60’s: advocado green, autumn orange, harvest gold, lava lights, flower power, mother nature. Give peace a chance.

Can these two co-exist? You tell me.

The decision now is whether to stay a straight 50’s look, or go for a blended 50’s/60’s type of look. Call it: When the Formica meets the Flower

*hooplah — hype when the word hype has been too hyped


Dave Winer talks about how people are complaining that Scripting News is focusing way too much on Radio 8.0.

Dave has a point — Scripting News is his weblog, he wants to write about what interests him, and now, and probably for long into the future, his focus will be on Radio 8.0.

It will be up to individuals, then, to decide if they want to continue checking out Scripting News or not. Personally, I’ll miss the comments about issues that generate a lot of weblog buzz — such as open source. And I’ll miss the fun postings such as the one about Madge. However, I’ll be cutting back views of Scripting News, at least for the next few weeks until the release of Radio 8.0 “settles in” so to speak.

And I can always work on a filter for “…Radio Weblog” if I want to view a cleaned up

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the title graphics that Sharon created, and vote for your favorite (top to bottom, post in comments or send email).

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