JavaScript Web

Programming the web

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Dave is still talking about web versus C programming language. He mentions that scripting is what holds the web together.

Dave, someone has to write the base. You can’t create full applications with Javascript, without something taking the script and translating it into machine understandable bits. And that translation is accomplished through programming languages such as C.

As with proprietary and open source code, scripting and programming with a language such as C are not exclusive – they’re complimentary.

Now, if you’re saying that providing scripting capability gives people who aren’t programmers a chance to have a control over their content, I agree 100%. This is a win/win for both the scripting users and the professional developers — the former has more control over their environment, the latter can focus on the larger and more complex tasks we thrive on. And, yes, we have this increased flexibility due to the web … and to browsers that are enablers.

Perhaps Dave and I do agree on this issue but say things — or read things — differently.