Diversity RDF Technology

Women and Web 2.0

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I have many things to do and it seems or feels little time to do them. This is compounded by some frustration in wanting to get a little of the Fall photography in while I have the opportunity, but this endless summer refuses to end.

The only tasks I have left now are writing and the preparation for the RDF tutorial at XML 2005, and they’re slow going. In addition to my commitments, I also want to get some writing here to the weblog before I take what could be a longish break. I want to finish my bottoms up RDF tutorial, and yes, finally, my part 2 and 3 of Parable of the Languages, and few other odds and ends that aren’t tech related.

I am also planning on writing a detailed response to Tim O’Reilly’s Web 2.0 writing, but was dismayed when I looked at the speaker list for the O’Reilly Web 2.0 Conference. For a topic as diverse as Web 2.0, what statement about this wonderous new world is being made when only 7 out of 106 speakers are women? Is there room for hope among the hype of Web 2.0?

We can only wish that during the parties and schmoozing, those attending will look through their glasses of bubbly and notice that something seems to be missing.