
Too much writing

Another day of 16-18 hours of writing…Burningbird is burnt to a crisp. Nothing but fried chicken. I’m going to take a break from the weblog for a few days and try and get some of my other writing caught up, and then be able to come back with a fresh zizzle and ping.

I know, you’ve heard this before. But this time I really mean it.

For your listening pleasure while I’m gone, a little tune.

Or, did I mean this tune?

Or this?

(Whatever did we do before Google came along?)


Radio 8 stuff

I may try Radio 8.0 myself. There’s been a lot of *hooplah on this product:

Karl Martino Radio UserLand – The Lotus 123 of weblogging

Dan Shafer – Radio UserLand 8 changes that equation forever. It is the Great Democratizer of Web Publishing.

SJL – Radio 8.0 – It’s My Secret Weapon

and so on…

Amidst the hyperbole, there have been posts that are very intriguing, particularly to someone with my interest and background in emerging technologies. Posts such as those from David Davis dicussing weblog updates through his phone using SMS; or from Dane Carlson, posting via email. It is the non-traditional communication capabilities of Radio 8.0 that intrigue me.

Since the Userland folks are kind enough to provide the product for a 30 day free trial, I’ll check it out. Join the party. Give into the momentum. Glow with the flow, or some such thing. Don’t be surprised to see a Burning Bird Radio Weblog. I want to see this beastie in action, for myself.

However, I have work on the RDF book that must be finished today for the editors tomorrow, so no more weblogging for me today.

On Another Note: Check out the title graphics that Sharon created, and vote for your favorite (top to bottom, post in comments or send email). So far, the top title is the unanimous choice. Sharon also found a lava light and other graphics with a more 60’s tone.

50’s: turqoise and flamingo pink, black and white, chrome, plastic, and the space age (Jetson’s type of thing). Duck and cover.

60’s: advocado green, autumn orange, harvest gold, lava lights, flower power, mother nature. Give peace a chance.

Can these two co-exist? You tell me.

The decision now is whether to stay a straight 50’s look, or go for a blended 50’s/60’s type of look. Call it: When the Formica meets the Flower

*hooplah — hype when the word hype has been too hyped


Dave Winer talks about how people are complaining that Scripting News is focusing way too much on Radio 8.0.

Dave has a point — Scripting News is his weblog, he wants to write about what interests him, and now, and probably for long into the future, his focus will be on Radio 8.0.

It will be up to individuals, then, to decide if they want to continue checking out Scripting News or not. Personally, I’ll miss the comments about issues that generate a lot of weblog buzz — such as open source. And I’ll miss the fun postings such as the one about Madge. However, I’ll be cutting back views of Scripting News, at least for the next few weeks until the release of Radio 8.0 “settles in” so to speak.

And I can always work on a filter for “…Radio Weblog” if I want to view a cleaned up

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the title graphics that Sharon created, and vote for your favorite (top to bottom, post in comments or send email).


Weblogging Jan 14 2002

Ladies, Gentlemen – it’s my great honor to say that The Lord of the Fishes, otherwise known as Fishrush has bestowed on me….

….drum roll now….


………dum da da da dummmm!!!!


The incredibly prestigious . I am humbled. Honored. Confused.

Whyforhowcome am I confused, you ask?

In the awards letter, Fishrush announced that I’m the only person to win the award twice. Twice, I say? Twice it says. Heck if I can remember the first one…hmmm…must be the drugs I took when I was younger…you mean I was sucking up for an award I had already won?



Anyhoo, regardless, I want to thank (___fill in the blank ___) and the Fishy One for this honor. I’ll try to live up to the honor from this day hence. Henceforth. This calls for a rousing course of the Burningbird theme song.

P.S. I was just joking about the drugs. Really. Honest. No Foolin. Cross my heart. And it’s nice to find people with such GSOH on the web…


With appreciation to The Official Jon Sullivan weblog for naming me the Link of the Day.

Kind sir, you do me honor! And the Steak and mushrooms looks really good right now.

Really, really, really good right now.

Really. (Whimpering, cutting into eggs fried up to the consistency of rubber, *choking on too much pepper – darn shaker. Whimper.)

*choking — sound president makes when he eats a pretzel too fast and the piece lodges in his esophogas and the flow of blood to his brain is cut off and he passes out and falls down and scrapes his face but then recovers and tells everyone that it’s okay, he’s really not drunk or stoned.

Not to be confused with chocking — A block or wedge placed under something else, such as a wheel, to keep it from moving

Come to think of it, though, both definitions are quite similar.


Fishrush caught the new Blogicon term….


The Fishrush Technique:

Getting buzz or blogrolling via an award
A rousing tune of Roll me over in the clover. Roll me over lay me down and do it again for the Lords of the Fish for catching it so quickly!

(do you think i’ll get a five fish for this? me want fish. me want fish. fish. fish. have to have fish. nice fishies. Gollum want fishies.)



RDF to SVG tool

Found at Eclectic – an RDF to SVG tool. You’ve heard about RDF before in this weblog — consider it a meta-language for describing data on the web (and elsewhere). Though you can represent RDF in various forms, the most commonly used technique is XML. SVG is Scalable Vector Graphics and is a way of describing 2D graphics in XML.

Nice tool, though the batch job doesn’t terminate cleanly in W2K. However, it does the job. I was able to create this SVG diagram from one of my RDF documents in five minutes — from download to install to image capture to post.

The tool is based on Jena, an open source Java API that processes RDF and that HP sponsors. Unfortunately, RDF2SVG isn’t open source at this time. No biggie. Fun tool, and useful.

Just Shelley

Life Jan 13 2002

Hey I remember Madge!

Those were such twisted times — women were doctors, lawyers, corporate officers, cops, software developers (ahem), writers, and heads of state. But the TV showed us with our little pinkies in a bowl of green dishwashing soap with no thoughts in our pretty little heads other than being pretty pretty for Joe The Stud.

I didn’t mind the Madge commercials as much — they’re still around in spirit if not in actual products and people. The one I hated — hated with a deep purple passion — was the one that had the tune:


We can bring home the bacon
Fry it up in a pan
And never, ever let you forget you’re a man…

Cause I’m a woman…

It was for Enjoli. These ads were geared to making any woman feel inadequate if she wasn’t the perfect Mom, Breadwinner, and Whore.

Suck prunes, Enjoli.

Speaking of which, this little segue found me Work at Home. Great stuff!

That was fun.


I must talks about her separation, divorce, and self-discovery. Sometimes, angry is not only good, it’s healthy.

I wonder how many of us are in the process of divorcing, or have divorced recently? My own marriage of 18 years ended in 2001. And I’m one of the lucky ones – I’m still friends with my ex-husband.

No matter if you have a “good” divorce or a bad one, you’re still adrift, floating without anchor. Lonely. Unfocused. Lost.

The greatest joy for a person who is newly divorced or separated is to reach that point when you feel normal being single.


Working today — should finish a chapter by tonight. Triumph! Time for a weblog break, and then apartment cleaning and lovely walk on the beach. Life’s joy is found in the simplest things.

My new weblog look will be pretty much as you see now – plain, grays and black and white, little bit of fire, and lots of blogstickers. I have new ones into the blogsticker machine:

-Roll me over in the clover
Roll me over lay me down and blog me again.

The Mae West collection:

-Why don’t you come up and blog me sometime?

-Opportunity knocks for every man, but you have to give a woman a blog.

-Any time you got nothing to do–and lots of time to do it–blog.

-I’m a woman of very few words, but lots of blogging.

Pretty soon, my weblog will look a lot like my kitchen refrigerator.


The sun is shining and it’s a brand new day. I’m not going to waste any more time on “the suits”; instead I’m going to focus on only positive things today. Go for a drive and a walk. Work on my book. Clean my apartment. Ignore the clutter and debri on Compliment folks.

No, I’m not on drugs. I haven’t had my morning coffee yet.