
Googlewhacker Book

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

From my Google search referrals, I’m getting people looking for a “googlewhacker book”.

Well, okay, here you go:


1. First, buy a computer

2. Setup the computer

3. Turn on the computer

4. If computer doesn’t come on, call someone. Do not call me.

5. Connect to the Internet. If you need help with this, check with AOL. If you don’t know what the Internet is, check with your local hospital. You’re ill.

6. Once connected, open up a browser. It will be a small ‘e’ on your desktop. If you don’t see it, you’re using Linux or the Mac. If you’re using the Mac, contact Mac help. If you’re using Linux — stop now. You’ll hurt yourself.

7. Type into the browser Address window. It’s the white space. No, not that white space, the smaller one.

8. You’ll get a simple page back with Google on it. Now you have the playing board

9. Type two words into the search edit box on the form. That’s two. T-W-O. Yes, 2. No, don’t type them into the Address box again — into the form on the page itself. Very good.

10. Click the button. The button that says “Google Search”.

11. You’ll get a page back with results. If you get a result set of only one link, in that big white space below, you found a googlewhack!

12. No, a result like this “Your search – fdsfd jmkljkl – did not match any documents.” doesn’t count. You have to get a result with a link.

13. Are you sure there’s only one link. Count it out for me – 1. Very good. You just found a Googlewhack!

14. No, you don’t get a prize for this.

15. No, I didn’t make up the rules. I don’t have any prizes to give you.

16. No, you can’t sue me. Sue Microsoft instead. They have lots of money, and they created the browser you’re using — it’s their fault.

There you have it — your Googlewhacker Book!


January 30, 2002

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I am so glad I took one more wander around cyberspace before going to bed.

Here’s an Australian IT ezine article featuring googlewhacking and our own celebrated Jonathon Delacour.

Congrats, Mr. Delacour. We’ll try to remember to treat you with more respect hence forth. No more messages from Pudding, that sort of thing.


Over 12 hours later, and I finally filled in the last form, signed the last W2, toted the last barge, lifted the last bale. I’m one tired puppy. The 940 was almost the breaking point, but I held it together. Rah.

The good news is I only made one small mistake in withholding last year, and it was in December, so no fines. The bad news is that I missed one quarter filing. In fact there’s a whole story on this I could bore you with, but not tonight — too tired (you’re saved).

Next up: 1120 income tax in March. Ugh. However, I’m done with this monumental balance and check, and in time to get it into mail tomorrow and save myself some nasty fines. Dancing in the moonlight.

Quick note — I plan on updating the Blogicon this weekend including new entries, of which one is named after a certain someone you all hold dear. Don’t you? Thanks for being patient if your item hasn’t shown yet.

Googlewhacking is sure going insane isn’t it. We’re all such crazy people.

Green eyes signing off for the night.


One more tax form — took a break to get the mail and guess what came today: the fruitcake that my mother sent me at the beginning of December.

This deserves a 2001 sound byte!


There’s a light at the end of the tunnel with my tax and year end filings. I’m also finding some amazing revelations….

to be continued…

For now, I’m taking a quick break for a sup and a quick blogpeek (blogging when you shouldn’t be). I found two more Google Instant Messages:


burningbird Stav says hi



shelley powers finish the rdf book


Well, we know who the first one is — guesses as to the second?

I think I have a few minutes….WTF!?! What’s this Do a Shelley I’m seeing!.

‘EXCUSE ME! I have to go back to work now. I can’t play anymore. I have to be good.


I find that Rogi is a level headed, very cool person. He made an excellent point in a comment attached to my last posting. As a result, after thinking about it, I decided not to waste my blogspace on the content. And pulled it. Yes, I did a Dave. Flushed it down the blogging toilet.

Thanks Rogi — must be that Azores air that makes you smart!

(P.S. I still want to see some of your photos!)


One more quick note before crawling off to bed. I just saw evidence of Google Instant Messages within the Referrer Thingy at three places, and I’ve seen links elsewhere.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re in on the birth of a new meme. May I introduce to you to Googlewhacking’s baby brother:


Google Instant Message.

Take a bow Stav and Amphiskios — you’re meme parents! <edit />




Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

When working on a book, normally I can produce the chapters fairly consistently. However, with the RDF book, I’m having a bad case of writer’s block with one of the chapters. I can’t seem to sit down, sit still, and finish it. Tomorrow (well, today), no online time, no blogging, no googlewhacking, no cross-blogging, no Google Instant Messaging — finish the chapter. Do or Die. And if I don’t send out my W3s and W2s and other tax forms by end of day tomorrow, the revenue people will come and cart me away — for real.

I think one of my difficulties with the chapter is that I need a break from the city. I love this city, it’s so beautiful. And I love city life, though if I were rich, I would live half of my time in San Francisco or Boston or New York, and the other half in Vermont or Cannon Beach, Oregon. (So when my books publish this year, you’ll all have to buy at least two…of each. Call it the “Run the Bird out of town” fund.)

Still, regardless of how much I love San Fran – I – Need – A – Break – From – This – City! You can put that into a Google Instant Message and send it!

On the Australian home front: Jonathon — taking time off from swimming in the warm summer sun over the land of Oz — wonders if the next time I posted, it would be from Camp X-Ray in Cuba. I don’t know, there is  resemblance. But the resemblance is only skin deep—I can walk away, anytime. Get in new car, head up the highway.

A tiny creature’s breath caused a tiny breeze that mixed with a drop of rain that bonded with other drops of rain that created a flood that re-sculpted a continent in a long ago time, eventually shaping the destiny of two peoples. And now members of one group of people sit behind razor wire and fencing in Cuba, held captive by the vanquisher of a war with no winners; and members from the other people, including yours truly, sit behind razor wire and fencing in San Francisco, held captive by fear of the vanquished.

‘Nuff! Any more of this “chaos” stuff, and I’ll lose my honorary membership in both the Meryl and the Australian Blogger web rings!


Google Instant Messaging

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Garth has taken Stav’s Google Instant Message to new heights — luckily the victim has a sense of humor.

I received a gentle message from a secret friend: burning bird hi shelley! is this flowbait

I think this was the only GIM — I don’t think “free unlinking porn”, “treacle tart”, and “tim tams uk” were secret messages.

Remember: GIM is for fun — use good judgement in knowing what to send to whom.

If we aren’t having fun, why bother?


Web Services Working Group

I’m extremely pleased to see the formation of a new working group at the W3C. It will be responsible for generating some meaning of the chaos that is Web Services. I may not be an adherent of the “Standards at all cost” club, but we do need to have standardization in three specific areas:

  • Protocols
  • Syntax
  • Semantics

Syntax is XML, Semantics is RDF, and a  public domain Protocol will, hopefully, come quickly and efficiently out of this new group.

XML as a syntax is safely within the public domain. However, there is too much implied ownership of the protocols (openly available or not), and there’s too little understanding of the importance of the semantics.

We don’t need centralized enforcement agencies such as UDDI., or centralized security paradigms such as Passport if we only have a standardized syntax, semantics, and protocol. Give me these, and I can build you an interface to anything, from anything.

My strongest hope is that the W3C moves swiftly — they’re late in the protocol game.