
Giving Radio 8.0 to members of Congress

File this under one of the best ideas I’ve heard in a long time: Michael Webb suggests that Userland give copies of Radio 8.0 to all members of Congress, as a tool to communicate with their constituants daily.

I’d like to add one additional idea: that the congressional members also spend one hour a day reading weblogs of people who live in their communities, and one hour less listening to lobbyists.

Now that’s two-way web!


Applied at Google

I took Jonathon’s advice and put in an application at Google. Not sure about my chances, though.

Of course, I don’t have a PhD. And I don’t have a Masters, either. Does a BA in Psychology and a BS in Computer Science count? And I write books. That has to count for something. They don’t always sell as well as I like, but neither does most dot com businesses.

And I haven’t worked in a research position since I left Boeing several years ago, but have worked on major systems for a host of organizations such as Nike, Intel, Harvard, and Stanford — that sounds impressive, doesn’t it? So what if you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting an out of work research PhD within the SiliValley area.

Hire me! I helped spread the meme of Google Instant Messaging! I am Orange!

Think it will work?


Dvorak is a walking dip stick

For years I’ve thought that Dvorak was a smug, condescending, pompous asshole with too high an opinion of his own worth. Boy, I’m sure glad all those years weren’t wasted! The man is still a walking dip stick.

Mighty mouth pontificates on why we weblog. Let’s see now, I’m a professional writer, so the wanna-be-writer isn’t me. Perhaps it’s ego gratification, or maybe it’s the elimination of frustration.

Sharing? That’s a good possibility. However, why not try just plain old fun. It’s fun to talk to the threaded void and have it talk back. Fun fun fun fun fun!

Excuse me — I have to go do some heavy self-indulgence and blatant exhibitionism now.


Superbowl ads

Thanks to TX Meryl for finding a page with all of the SuperBowl ads. Who cares about the game, I want to see the ads.

My favorite was the Budweiser New York ad. Beautifully photographed and choreographed. Sentimental without being heavy handed.

Do you think if all the webloggers in the world chipped in at least 100.00 each we could generate enough money to pay Britney Spears from ever performing in public again? It would a charitable donation. What think?


You blinked

I actually had my phone number embedded in the page yesterday. Anyone see it? See, I knew you were all not paying attention. You’re fired.

Speaking of which, I had a GIM came through while my GIM reader wasn’t working yesterday, so I sent a few off tonight. I don’t know why but I find GIMs to be more fun than Googlewhacking.

And on a related subject, Stavros found a Google Programming Contest! I read the rules and this is going to be one challenging little contest. I’ve already started downloading the 57M of contest materials.

If I win, Blog mugs full of beer on me! If I lose, you’re buying.