
Rude RSS poster

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Looking at RSS posts and the results in the News Aggregator, I’m finding that I’m a rude poster. My postings are quite large. My last one is huge. Within the Aggregator, they take up a disportionately large amount of space.

Will RSS/syndication create a new set of rules regarding polite behavior? Keep your weblog postings small, and use Stories for the larger material?


What do I want

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I am having a particularly troublesome night tonight with technology.

I look at RSS and syndication and say, well this is neat technology. But what about the interactivity? What about the context of each communication? If you think about it RSS and syndication strips away any mark of individuality of the posting and returns only an isolated bit of news, along side other isolated bits of news.

It’s nice, but not what I’m looking for. It has part of what I’m looking for, the seeds of something interesting.

UDDI sounds good on paper — shop for web services from a centralized service that is, in actuality, distributed nodes within a cloud. But then I look at the sponsors and I look at the specifications and I look at the potential restrictions and this is not what I want. Still, other seeds are getting planted.

Lots of talk about two-way web and that sounds appealing — let’s all work together. Hey. La La La. And with this we want to do … what was it again? More seeds, but no sprouts.

Google — all of the world’s sum total information in a little bitty living space. Smart bot, smarter algorithm. Big seeds, getting closer.

Web services. Seeds and some fertilizer throw in.

What do I want. What do I want.

I want to put my head next to my laptop monitor and have it tell me what I want, and then go find it for me.

Technology Weblogging

Trying out Blogger Pro

I’m trying out Blogger Pro functionality for review purposes, so expect things to come and go (Yes, I am still doing MT, but review first, play later).

Actually very nice tool! It might not have all the bells and whistles, but what it does have is very attractive. The ability to draft a posting, and then repost it and have the same comments attached is incredible!






Just Shelley

More Googlewhacking

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

More Google fun. I know that Cam thinks that Googlewhacking is nothing more than surfing Google with the Mature Content Filter set to “off”, but it’s still one of my favorite tech toys. Besides, we all know that Cam is an effete snob, anyway. (Just joking Cam! Honest! Really! Cross my heart!)

I’m getting some interesting Google search patterns in my little Google trapper. I can’t tell if someone is sending me GIM or if there are a lot of interesting people in the world.

One is based on a misspelling of mine — Saudi Arabia, rather than Saudi Arabia (since corrected). The search is insurance company in saudi arabia. I’m third in Google for this one. Try this one out and look very very carefully at the title for my link in the result set. Now, if you were looking for an insurance company in Saudi Arabia, would you click my link?

My favorite is bird spike canada. Now, doesn’t that just sound like a drink?

“What will you have?”

“Yeah, I’ll have a Bird Spike Canada.”

“Do you want that with a twist?”

What would you put into a drink called the Bird Spike Canada?


Laura Croft: Tomb Raiders

‘m trying out Blogger Pro functionality for review purposes, so expect things to come and go (Yes, I am still doing MT, but review first, play later).

Actually very nice tool! It might not have all the bells and whistles, but what it does have is very attractive. The ability to draft a posting, and then repost it and have the same comments attached is incredible!


After the first 1/2 hour all I can say is, this (Laura Croft:Tomb Raider) will improve, won’t it? The rest of the movie isn’t this bad, is it?

Update Bad. Really bad. After an hour I finally shut it off. How did Angelina Jolie get herself into this tripe?

The War Bus was better, and in that movie, some of the “dead” extras got up and ran during one of the scenes when the fire got too close — and the camera kept rolling. < edit />


After concerned emails from friends of the Bird (?), I decided I needed to lighten up. Do you know how I’m going to do this, hmmm?

I’m going to watch that horrible, trashy, overplayed, and oversexed movie “Laura Croft: Tomb Raiders”. This is another movie I haven’t seen and decided to try.

Woman kicking butt. What’s not to like?
