Events of note

Call out to London

For being a person who loves to travel, I’ve not had opportunity to travel outside the country as I much as I would wish. The only place I’ve visited in Europe was London, during the Easter holiday weekend in 2001.

I was charmed by the friendliness of the people, the wonderful architecture, and most of all, how extensive and rather amazing the Underground was. My favorite souvenir was a refrigerator magnet, now sadly gone, that featured the sign, “Mind the Gap”. I still have the brolly I bought, and a small bag of left over coins.

London is a wonderful city.

My sympathies and my compassion go out to those in London after this senseless attack today. If the terrorists think, though, that Londoners will respond in fear, they don’t know the history of the city, and the resolve of the people. As Euan Semple wrote today (and glad I am to hear he is okay):

Maybe is is because we have had years of being bombed by the IRA and who knows, maybe it goes all the way back to the blitz, but the prevailing response to the awful events in London today is one of calm interest and concern for those poor souls involved but not once anything resembling panic.

All of my friends have said they will be back on public transport tomorrow and all have expressed the view that becoming fearful and curtailing our lives is just the response terrorists want.

We in the States can learn much from our friends in London.


West Side Story

We’ve had a delightful chat in the comments to the post about no singing at the XML2005 presentation. And though I sympathize with Charles about the use of “Somewhere” in an ad, I agree with Dan about show tunes being fun and contagious. I love Broadway show tunes, even those in the “King and I” ( Sorry, Yule).

James mentioned a Pet Shop Boys version of “Somewhere” and Ralph mentions one by Tom Wait (’gargling with gravel’–love it).

But I remember the first time seeing a young and innocent Natalie Wood singing this song (well, mouthing the words) as she and Tony cling to each other in her bedroom. Their world has collapsed around them and you and I watching the movie know that no good will come to them. That’s what saved the song, really: we knew that tragedy was inevitable, even in the face of such determined hope. In the movie, and in real life as an older, but not so old, Natalie, drifting face down in the water is superimposed over the younger in my mind.

Writing this I am reminded of another movie that released the same year: Breakfast at Tiffany’s. To a movie critic, to compare Breakfast at Tiffany’s to West Side Story, is the same as comparing the surgeon’s delicate touch to a jackhammer driver. Which is which, though, will change, critic by critic.

Do you remember the scene in Breakfast with the cat? It’s killer, I cried. But I also cried during West Side Story. I am not a sophisticated woman. This worries me sometimes.

Social Media Weblogging

I’d call you smart

AKMA asked what tag I would apply to him from Dan Gillmor’s HonorTags. I do grow tired of offending people with my plain speech, but to use less now would ruin a fine and longstanding streak, so I’ll go for broke.

I would if I could try to find something urbane and witty, not to mention delicously snarky about ‘HonorTags’, but just looking at the word makes me cringe. Three years ago if someone had derived something like an HonorTag, we all would have jumped on and had a fine old time, because it would have been a joke; just like Googlewhacking and all the other silly memes.

But this was real, and no joke. What pill did we swallow to take us here?

AKMA I would call you a man of honor, today, tomorrow and even into next week. However, I won’t tag you, like you’re a cow and I’m a cowboy holding a hot iron. I won’t even tag Wonderchickenfree spirit that he is though like Dave, I miss him and Jonathon.

(Life happens. Sometimes it just happens elsewhere.)

I wouldn’t tag my worst enemy, so why would I do something like that to a person I admire?

There’s a place for us, Somewhere a place for us… Damn, I just cannot get that song out of my head.


Finger in the dike, thumb in the damned

Sam Ruby has asked people to publish a link to this post about the iTuned RSS 2.0 to generate enough noise to wake the dead. Or Apple, whichever comes first.

I do admire Sam’s persistence in wanting to ensure that RSS 2.0 is and remains a valid syndication format. When asked why we should care, Mark Pilgrim wrote in comments:

Am I the only one who doesn’t think this is such a big deal?

Apple is an 800-lb. gorilla in this space (at least until Microsoft releases an RSS-enabled IE in Longhorn). iTunes is to podcasting as Internet Explorer is to HTML. RSS interoperability, at least as far as podcasting goes, now means “works with iTunes.” Thousands of people and companies will begin making podcasts that “work with iTunes,” but unintentionally rely on iTunes quirks (e.g. Disney’s incorrect namespace). This in turn will affect every developer who wants to consume RSS feeds, and who will be required to emulate all the quirks of iTunes to remain competitive.

Apple has effectively redefined the entire structure of an RSS feed, added multiple core RSS elements, made all RSS elements case-insensitive, made XML namespaces case-insensitive, created a new date format, made several previously required attributes optional, and created a morass of undocumented and poorly-documented extensions… to what was already a pretty messy format to begin with.

Yet what happens when Microsoft does release it’s own version of RSS? Or any of the other numbers of companies attracted to the wealth that is currently buzzing around what was, at one time, a “really simply syndication” format?

After all, the age of RSS is just beginning. Don’t doubt that it’s for real: Microsoft Corp.’s next operating system, the oft-delayed Longhorn, will have RSS built in. The company is even adding a set of technical enhancements to RSS, and giving them the blueprints so anybody can use them.

Why so generous?

Microsoft is convinced that RSS is about to become a universal standard for sharing all kinds of data across all kinds of networks.

Microsoft is convinced that RSS is about to become a universal standard for sharing all kinds of data across all kinds of networks.

RSS is big. If 2004 was the year of the blog, 2005 is the year of RSS. Heck, there’s even an RSS session at the Blogher conference. Seems to me that updating the syndication feed validator is about to become a fulltime job.

During the initial discussion on all of this, Phil asked a question about a proposed extension to RSS 1.0, mod_company, which doesn’t validate as either XML or RDF. I’m not sure what the question was but I think it had something to do with the importance of validation. If it is, I can agree with Phil: validation is important. In fact, so important that the W3C spent years defining a model and an associated syntax that could be extended safely, easily, and most important, validly. In other words: resistant to crap.

Crap. Kind of like what Apple introduced into RSS. Except that unlike RDF, extensions to RSS 2.0 require changes to the validator. And changes, and changes, and changes…probably about 100 million or so dollars worth of changes. It’s a good thing Mark Pilgrim isn’t weblogging, because he’s going to be a busy, busy camper.

Poor Mark, and he doesn’t even like RSS 2.0.

As for the microformat folk’s response to all of this, Kevin Marks wrote the following after hearing about the RSS/Longhorn calendar demo:

Now, being able to subscribe to an event calendar is very handy, but there is a much simpler way – using hCalendar and Brian Suda’s x2v calendar parsing tool.

I adapted the conference calendar page, to add an “hevent” to each session ( with help from Ryan and his hCalendar creator).

In other words, why use RSS 2.0 and a future version of IE, when you can use XHTML and microformats now?

It’s funny, ironic even, that what finally brings together all the semantic web folk–RDF and microformat alike– is RSS 2.0, an XML vocabulary that is neither. Why? Because unlike RSS 2.0 we’re both based on a syntax with an associated model for extensibility that doesn’t require a re-write of the validation tool any time a new company develops a use for it.

“Phil is using XHTML.”


“Shelley is using XHTML.”

“Shelley? A chick? I didn’t think women could hack markup.”

“Joe the Candy store is using XHTML.”

“You want I should care?”

“Martha Stewart is using XHTML.”

“Tastefully, I hope.”

“The Guardian is using XHTML.”

“Is Ben going to write about us? Do we have to hate him forever now?”

“Microsoft is using XHTML.”

“Oh darn, we’ll have to re-write the validator.”

“Apple is using XHTML.”

“Apple? Arrggghhhhhh! Saints preserve us! We’re doo-o-omed! Doomed, do you hear!”

However, I admire Sam’s diligence in helping to keep RSS 2.0 alive. No matter how difficult the task will be. Must make Dave Winer tingly all over with feelings of warmth and joy. So I’m answering Sam’s plea, and linking to his posts.

But I draw the line at trying to save OPML.

We’ll tag this post 

Internet Just Shelley


Tuesday I called Charter Communications to see if I can continue the high speed internet but cancel the basic television lineup. I was informed that I could, but it would cost 10.00 more a month. Since I’m already paying twice as much for Internet access as Charter advertises at the company site and on TV, I wasn’t interested in being further penalized and said that I’ll just cancel both, then.

Only to be informed that to get the ‘good deal’ I have with my current internet service, I supposedly signed a contract in November to carry both television channels and internet for a year; if I don’t, I’ll be penalized 150.00. I don’t remember being told about $150.00 penalty for canceling my account. I asked where it said I had agreed to these terms. The Charter person said that when I signed the work order, I signed the agreement.

Tonight, the roommate and I thought we’d take in the free music concert at the Botanical Gardens. When we got there, I was surprised to find several parking attendants–big, burly, unsmiling, sun-glassed, parking attendants. Not the friendly, khaki clothed Park volunteers. No, these guys all looked like the type of people you would expect to come out of the woods from the movie, “Deliverance”–except wearing blue shirts, tan shorts, and wraparounds. They all had mullet hair cuts. It was surreal.

Following the signals, we found ourselves down one row where we were faced with two attendants, one of whom signaled me to pull into a slot between two cars. I signaled back that I couldn’t park between the cars–one was a very large Cadillac that stuck out in the back, and straddeled the parking line and I knew I couldn’t swing my car around enough to pull in. I pointed to the spot on the other side of the furthest car. The guy just looked at me, shook his head, and pointed at that one spot.

Now, the parking lot was about 70% empty. Still I started to reverse my car to see if I could angle it into the spot. About that time, a family had gotten out of their car and started walking behind me. So there I was, stuck between a couple of cute little kids, and two big, burly, unsmiling, black-mullet-haired, sun-glassed parking attendants.

I put my car back in drive, and started moving forward, yelling at the attendant to get out of my way, I was leaving.

And that’s exactly what I’m telling Charter Communications.