Immigration Legal, Laws, and Regs

US vs Abbott and preliminary hearing

Re: my pet case, US vs Abbott

The three panel Fifth circuit judges have scheduled a hearing for October 5th on the appeal of Judge Ezra’s preliminary injunction.
In the meantime, the IBWC did another survey of the buoy locations after Texas did a middle of the night move on them once it was discovered most of the buoys were in Mexico. The buoys are now all in US territory.

Judge Ezra asked Texas to reposition the buoys to the shore while the case was ongoing. From the snapshot, it wouldn’t take a lot of effort to do so. And if there’s a storm, the thing will probably get pushed back out to the middle of the channel again.

That we have to waste all of this time to remove the damn things is SOLELY because of SCOTUS corruption.

Immigration Legal, Laws, and Regs

US vs Abbott and a disappointing Fifth Circuit

Disappointed that the Fifth decided to let Abbott keep his killing buoys in place until oral arguments.

I can understand it. If they had decided to force Abbott to move the buoys, Abbott would have gone to the Supreme Court, and it’s likely SCOTUS would have decided in Abbott’s favor.

But it’s Mickey Mouse law. It’s pandering to an out-of-control justice system filled with idealogues rather than lawyers.

And it sends a message to our neighboring countries—and others—that they can’t work with the US as a country anymore.

Immigration Legal, Laws, and Regs

US vs Abbott Preliminary Injunction

Regarding my current pet court case, US vs Abbott, Judge David Ezra just ruled in favor of the US and granted the US a preliminary injunction against Texas.

Texas will have to remove that inhumane barbaric barrier.

I expect Texas to immediately appeal to the Fifth. It will be hard even for the monkey show that is the Fifth to find fault with Judge Ezra’s carefully written decision.

One step forward.


Immigration Legal, Laws, and Regs

US vs Abbott Preliminary Injunction

Both the DOJ and Abbott have filed their closing arguments for the motion for a preliminary injunction.

Do you know those twisty straws that are somehow supposed to make drinking something cooler? Well, that’s Abbott’s filing, in a nutshell. Even after Judge Ezra told Texas to cut the crap about an invasion, that’s all that’s contained in their document.

And Texas keeps bringing up the Sackett vs EPA lawsuit, and in particular, Thomas’ note on navigability. But the Sackett case wasn’t about navigability, it was about surface connection between wetlands and federal waters.

No self-respecting lawyer should want their name to be appended to this document. And it’s a pure Thomas dog whistle.

And by all that’s holy is there ANY human being STUPID enough to believe that drug and human traffickers are going to be crossing the river? What? Are they strapping baggies of drugs onto people as they cross?

Can the media possibly for once, just once, call this out as bullshit?

US filing

Abbott’s joke

An interesting summary of the hearing, including transcript

Immigration Legal, Laws, and Regs

US vs Abbott and no, there is no invasion

Pet case again.

The hearing was today, and as expected, Ezra rejected any of Abbott’s claims about ‘invasion’.

He’ll rule on whether the buoys violate the Rivers and Harbors Act, and whether the Rio Grande is a navigable river. I expect him to rule in favor of the federal government.

But, this is Texas. And the Fifth Circuit does not like Ezra.

Texas Judge rejects Texas’ migrant ‘invasion’ defense in DOJ lawsuit over border buoys