
Bye Bye BB Gun

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

As I just detailed at my Just Shelley site, I’m ‘rolling’ my three weblogs back into one and making various other changes. I’ll still write on the topics I’ve covered here, but in one place. It should make keeping up with comments simpler.

None of my other sites on specific topics will be weblogs. They’ll be more ‘traditional’ web pages, with no comments, no date emphasis, longer and more self-contained articles, how-tos, and so on.

Burningbird, as in (not the weblog) will end up being the main point of entry for my site (a place holder is in place now).

I’m still keeping Yellow Alligator, with some style changes, but it’s going to become re-purposed.

I’ll be closing comments here starting tomorrow in preparation for cutting a static copy of this site for the closure. Links will be maintained for those who have linked to stories. Feeds will be permanently redirected to the Just Shelley site, so those of you who have subscribed to both sites, my apologies if you get double stories (not sure what aggregators will do with this).