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Stop. Stop right now.

I won’t point to the sites, and I won’t repeat the exact words. But now is not the time to point to a ‘wiki’ setup to collect information about the bombs in London, and smugly say how much better it is at covering the news than the New York Times.

Now is not the time to point to each other, almost in joy, because, to paraphrase, “we’re covering the story better than the BBC”.

Now is not the time to bring up the incriminations of why this happened and use it as fodder and ammunition in this stupid oneupmanship that characterizes too many of the popular web sites.

Write on our shared sorrow for the people in London. Or write on flowers and trips to Maine and life in general, because life is good. Life is good. But not this. Don’t use this event to promote weblogging.

You’re all pathetic, and you make me ashamed of writing to this weblog. Sorry, got just a wee bit angry. I forget sometimes that we all have different ways of dealing with tragedy.


West Side Story

We’ve had a delightful chat in the comments to the post about no singing at the XML2005 presentation. And though I sympathize with Charles about the use of “Somewhere” in an ad, I agree with Dan about show tunes being fun and contagious. I love Broadway show tunes, even those in the “King and I” ( Sorry, Yule).

James mentioned a Pet Shop Boys version of “Somewhere” and Ralph mentions one by Tom Wait (’gargling with gravel’–love it).

But I remember the first time seeing a young and innocent Natalie Wood singing this song (well, mouthing the words) as she and Tony cling to each other in her bedroom. Their world has collapsed around them and you and I watching the movie know that no good will come to them. That’s what saved the song, really: we knew that tragedy was inevitable, even in the face of such determined hope. In the movie, and in real life as an older, but not so old, Natalie, drifting face down in the water is superimposed over the younger in my mind.

Writing this I am reminded of another movie that released the same year: Breakfast at Tiffany’s. To a movie critic, to compare Breakfast at Tiffany’s to West Side Story, is the same as comparing the surgeon’s delicate touch to a jackhammer driver. Which is which, though, will change, critic by critic.

Do you remember the scene in Breakfast with the cat? It’s killer, I cried. But I also cried during West Side Story. I am not a sophisticated woman. This worries me sometimes.


Lowpoint in television

Thanks to Yule (who says it’s all Maria’s fault) I discovered that I’m Percy Bysshe Shelley in the “What famous Romantic Poet are you” quiz–not my favorite poet, but somewhat appropriate considering the name. In response, Yule wrote in comments:

No kidding! On the other hand, the poet Shelley’s full name never ceases to remind me of a cross-dressing Graham Chapman in Monty Python, leading a ’salon’ while totally inebriated, waxing enthused at the name of Shelley, which he (she) confuses with sherry (”Another sherry? Yes, yes, alright!”).

Ah, the baleful influence of television… 😉

The scene that Yule references is from the following (taken from script):

Chris in order to avoid this embarrassment, dives into the nearest department. A sign over the door reads ‘Victorian poetry reading hall’.

Cut to a poetry reading. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats and Tennyson are present. Chris stands quietly in the comer hoping not to be noticed.

Old Lady: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, it’s so nice to see such a large turnout this afternoon. And I’d like to start off by welcoming our guest speakers for this afternoon, Mr Wadsworth…

Wordsworth: Wordsworth!

Old Lady: Sorry, Wordsworth… Mr John Koots, and Percy Bysshe.

Shelley: Shelley!

Old Lady: Just a little one, medium dry, (a dwarf assistant pours her a sherry) and Alfred Lorde.

Tennyson: Tennyson.

Old Lady: Tennis ball.

Tennyson: Son, son.

Old Lady: Sorry – Alfred Lord, who is evidently Lord Tennisball’s son. And to start off I’m going to ask Mr Wadsworth to recite his latest offering, a little pram entitled ‘I wandered lonely as a crab’ and it’s all about ants.

Murmur of exalted anticipation. Wordsworth rises rather gloomily.

Wordsworth: I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high over vales and hills
When all at once I saw a crowd
A host of golden worker ants.

Ripples of applause.

Old Lady: Thank you, thank you, Mr Bradlaugh. Now, Mr Bysshe.

Shelley: Shelley.

Old Lady: Oh… (the dwarf refills her glass)… is going to read one of his latest psalms, entitled ‘Ode to a crab’.

Shelley: (rising: and taking his place quietly) Well, it’s not about crabs actually, it’s called ‘Ozymandias’. It’s not an ode.

I met a traveller in an antique land
Who said ‘Six vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert
And on the pedestal these words appear
My name is Ozymandias, King of Ants

(oohs from his audience)

Look on my feelers, termites, and despair
I am the biggest ant you’ll ever see
The ants of old weren’t half as bold and big
And fierce as me’.

Enormous applause.

Old Lady: Thank you Mr Amontillado. I’d like to ask one or two of you at the back not to soil the carpet, there is a restroom upstairs if you find the poems too exciting (she falls over) Good afternoon, next, Mr Dennis Keat will recite his latest problem ‘Ode to a glass of sherry’. (she falls off the podium)

Keats: My heart aches and a drowsy numbness pains
My senses, as though an anteater I’d seen

(panic spreads and the audience half rise)

A nasty long-nosed brute

(screams from the audience)

With furry legs and sticky darting tongue
I seem to feel its cruel jaws
Crunch crunch there go my legs
Snap snap my thorax too

(various screaming women faint)

My head’s in a twain, there goes my brain
Swallow, swallow, swallow, slurp (he loses control)

Silly, strange, defining, and oddly flattering to the audience. One never looks at British people the same way again, after having experienced Monty Python. The show was unique and original and TV at it’s best.

Compare this to the television show that Diane Reese pointed to today from Warner Brothers: Beauty and the Geek — receiving my vote for the most idiotic, phony, and offensive television show of all time.


Firefly and Battlestar

I rather liked tonight’s episode of Battlestar Galactica. It was twisty and turned a lot and I even liked the subplot with the Adam and mechanical Eve back on Caprica. Loved the last scene and the jazz and the whole crew dancing together.

The development of the female characters in the show continues to be terrific. They are wonderfully strong, independent, and, most importantly, consistent. I do think there are too many characters and subplots to be managed effectively, and I’m surprised more people haven’t noticed that Baltar talks to himself a lot. Still, it’s rich, and I’m glad to see SciFi hasn’t ‘mainstreamed’ it.

If you’ve not seen Battlestar and don’t have the SciFi channel, you can at least see the first episode, as SciFi has released a complete recording of the first episode including outtakes. (Thanks to SFCrowsNest for link.)

However, as good as Battlestar is, it doesn’t compare with Firefly, and I wanted to extend a thank you to those of you who recommended it. I rented the DVDs, watched them, gave them to my roommate, he watched them and then immediately went out and bought himself a copy. Now I’ve watched the series again — especially the Train job, which is one of the better of the episodes, though Out of Gas and Trash are, also, exceptional.

Can’t wait for the movie. Perhaps Firefly fans who are also bloggers should get together in one city and go see it at the same time. Anyone want to see the release of Serenity in St. Louis, September 30th?


A view of Galactica

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I agree with Dave Roger’s about the character of Starbuck on SciFi’s new Battlestar Galactica. I’m still somewhat reserved on the show, though it is a cut above many such on nowadays. But I have no reservations in how women are presented in this show, and I’m a pretty picky science fiction fan.

The character of Starbuck, though, is probably the first time I’ve seen a strong female character who can hold her own, but also screw up badly. She is neither Barbie nor Mother Theresa. And she’s not wearing the skin tight outfits that signaled the degredation of Star Trek, nor is every alien male falling in love with her as happens with Samantha in Stargate.

The other female characters are equally as strong, though not as rich as Starbuck. Even Number Six, supposedly every man’s dream, shows herself to be a creature of artifice and deceit, and I love the twisty irony of her character.

As for the guys, I also like Adama very much, and agree that Apollo is a weak character. However, I think that this is deliberate, as a counter to all the strong personas he finds himself surrounded by. He’s already had a confrontation with Starbuck that demonstrates this. In some ways, he represents that liberal, peaceful element among us that sometimes has a hard time committing to a course of action.

The story lines are realistic in that Bad Things Happen. In addition, the introduction of religion was actually pretty gutsy, as most sci-fi TV shows usually bypass religion altogether.

If I have problems with the show, it’s that it focuses on sex too much at times, as if it’s trying to demonstrate how ‘adult’ it is. I don’t think it should avoid sex, but I don’t think the show needs to focus on the boy-girl thing so much. I like the harsh, grainy light much of it is filmed in, but wish it wouldn’t quite flip around as much.

All in all, though, it is nicely different. More importantly, Battlestar Galactica is probably the first science fiction television series to provide effective role models of women. I just hope for Dave’s sake, this doesn’t end up being the kiss of death for the show.