


Additional Cavern Images:


A thousand words

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

California coastal path and the sea

Photography Weblogging

More pretty pics

And then Jerry posted a new photo essay, Foggy May Morning. Very, very nice work, Jerry. But where’s Zeke?

Note to virtual neighbors:

I have a bone to pick with all of you. You’re posting wonderful writing, lovely photos, and links to interesting sites. I – in the midst of a dark and stormy night blue funk – can’t hope to keep up with all of these extraordinary offerings.

I’m working myself up into a true, Burningbird snit about all this. If you continue posting wonderous material, I might have to do Something Drastic in return.


Pretty pics

Thanks to Allan for pointing out this lovely site, Astronomy Picture of the Day.

I also enjoyed the paperweight nebula.

Photography Places

Market Day

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Sleepless night followed by glorious dawn. Market day!

Farmer’s Market is a carefully controlled and monitored open market where farmer’s can bring their goods and sell direct to the public. Here is where you can get the best of California produce, all in season all guaranteed absolutely fresh.

Today, strawberries and asparagus were big items, as were navel oranges. The mushrooms looked good, too, and I grabbed some shiitake for a rice dish tonight. Rumor has it Morels will be out next week, and I’m contemplating making a mushroom soufflé with cranberry coulis.

My favorite olive bread was sold out — bummer! However, I picked up a nice sour dough round. And to feed the soul, flowers.
