
YAM—Yet Another Modification

One more modification. Since I do make updates to a weblog posting — to add new information, make corrections, whatever — I made these easier to spot.

First, I’m now highlighting the change, putting a box around it with a different color of background. In addition, I pulled my old MT tag-based recent entry list and replaced it with a PHP/MySql application that lists the ten most recently modified weblog postings, regardless of whether this modification is a new entry, or a modification to an older one.

This list, which is between the Recent Comments and the Recent Trackbacks, should help you keep up with all my fast fingered, quick typing, multi-faceted, many changeable weblog posting entries. It’s part of my strategy to bubble-up changes to the top.

Champagne development and caviar schemes.

Of course, I realize that I’m violating one of the sacred rules of weblogging: thou shalt not edit. Oh, but it’s so fun! I could use this list in addition to the traditional MT Recent Entries listing, but for now I’ll just stay with the recent modified list.

I’ll probably get back to non-tech posts in a bit. Right now, I’m having a little bit of fun playing around here, in this my toy box. However, I feel a Mark Twain post hovering near my mind.

Code: Change database, blog-id, user, and password, as well as your own archive location and archive file format. Do not change the status or you’ll end up with the draft posts as well as the published ones. Could be embarrassing.



$link = mysql_connect(“localhost”, “user“, “password“)
or die(“database errors”);
mysql_select_db (“database“);

$query = “SELECT entry_id, entry_title, entry_modified_on from mt_entry where entry_blog_id = 2 and entry_status = 2 ORDER BY entry_modified_on desc limit 10″;

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(“database errors”);

while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {
$input = $line[0];
$input = str_pad($input, 6, “0”, STR_PAD_LEFT);
printf(“<a href=’‘>%s</a><br />”,
$input, $line[1]);

/* Free resultset */

/* Closing connection */

Technology Weblogging

Burningbird’s threadneedle strategy

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I wanted to provide the details of my overall Threadneedle strategy to fill in some of the gaps in the material I’ve supplied to this point for comments, Trackback, and Backtrack. I also want to provide instructions on how to incorporate some of this into non-Movable Type environments.

My goal is to encourage and track conversations related to, and surrounding, any one of my posts. Ultimately, from a Threadneedle perspective, this effort will add my thread into others in a distributed conversation open to any interested party.

This multi-step guide should provide the detail about comments, trackback, backtrack and related technologies, so that you can incorporate much (or all) of this information within your weblog, regardless of tool. Read on…

Step 1The first step in Threadneedle enabling this weblog was to enable comments. Comments allow people to join the conversation associated with a post, even if they don’t have a weblog (or prefer to be anonymous). The use of comments was further refined by the “Recent Comments” functionality. Recent Comments allows my readers to see where new comments are occurring so that they don’t have to hunt around among my posts — even older posts — looking for new activity. You can read how I enabled Recent Comments in this posting.

In parallel with this activity, I’m replacing all of my web sites with weblogs, and enabling comments on all of my work, not just the so-called ‘traditional weblogging writing’. I’m making this move because weblogging software, with its comfortable templates and lean, but sophisticated content management is, to me, an incredibly effective tool to use for all web content management. And comments add a dynamic to my existing static pages, which should help them to remain vibrant and healthy, rather than dulled, dusty, and disused.

However, I don’t want all of this material across all these weblogs to exist in isolation, so I want to show on each ‘main’ weblogging page — not the individual pages, which should be kept free of processing — the recent comments across all of the weblogs. I could use a MT plug-in, but this would be forcing a re-build on all of the main weblog pages for each new comment issued. This is prohibitive. A better approach is a well-tuned SQL query, embedded in PHP.

At this time, I’m using Movable Type tags to track recent comments for each individual weblog. A future enhancement will use PHP/MySql to track recent comments across all my weblogs.

If you’re not using Movable Type, then, of course, you’ll use whatever comments are available in your environment. This also applies to how you would track comments across many implementations of weblogs, something I just can’t cover here because the different comment implementations vary too widely.


Step 2 

The second step in my threadneedle strategy was to enable Trackbacks. With this, people who link to me, or write something related to one of my posts, can send me a trackback ping. This ‘ping’ is really an HTTP call with some associated data, such as entry being pinged, the link of the remote posting that pinged me, and that posting title and an associated excerpt. The Trackback functionality, implemented as part of Movable Type using Perl and CGI on my system, takes this information and stores it along with the associated weblog posting that was ‘trackback pinged’.

In my main page is a link that opens a CGI generated page that lists all of the trackbacks that have been made against the page, along with the unique trackback ping for that entry. A movable type tag lists the number of trackbacks the entry has received and when I receive a trackback ping, my main page is automatically re-built so that this number is incremented.

Additionally, I also added trackback to my individual posting archive pages so that each is listed just above my comments. You can read how I accomplished this functionality in this weblog posting

On final change I made was to add the RDF/XML for Trackback auto-discovery. This is added to the individual posting page, and allows any tool that can process the RDF/XML to find out the trackback ping id, excerpt, title, and link associated with that posting. You don’t have to add this RDF/XML to your page, as long as you provide some other way for people to discover your trackback ping URL and identifier. But the RDF/XML allows automated discovery.

Embedded RDF/XML causes XHTML validation to fail, so the RDF/XML is enclosed in HTML comments. Read more about this RDF/XML here. Read more about enabling trackback in MT weblogs here.

In a nutshell, trackback works by generating a unique trackback ping identifier and associating this with a specific weblog entry. Since I use MT, trackback is incorporated into my weblogging tool, but there is also a very handy stand alone Trackback Server that the Trott’s have released under Artistic license. This means you can copy it and use it, or even include it in your weblogging software distribution, as long as the code is left relatively intact, and the copyright information is kept within the code.

How does Trackback work? Following are the events associated with it:



  1. Write a post that references another post
  2. If Trackback auto-discovery is not turned on, find the trackback URL associated with the post you’re writing about, and use whatever means you have to send the trackback ping, which includes your posting URL, title, and a brief excerpt as well as the ping id of the posting you’re pinging
  3. If you do enable auto-discovery and the remote weblog has embedded RDF/XML into their posting, you don’t have to do anything further; however, if the remote weblog does not have the embedded RDF/XML, follow step 2.
  4. The remote weblog gets this ping, and pulls out the URL, title, and excerpt, as well as the trackback ping id and associates this trackback item with the proper post. It can do this because stored, somewhere, is a mapping between a weblog post entry, and a trackback ping id. Entry-ping. Entry-ping. Ping-Entry. Just like peanut butter and jelly. The grape kind.
  5. At this point, you sit back, feeling like Joe/Jill Cool because you’re on the hip, leading edge of technology and people are going to think you’re macho-techno-alpha-geek because you Implement Trackback. You techie hotie you.


Now, mechanically, how does TB work. First of all, TB is RESTful. You’ve seen this term used before, most likey, but what does it mean?

Without getting into gory details, REST follows a principle based on why get fancy when plain works. It uses standard HTTP calls to communicate data, rather than using the more encoded procedural call like processes to send data, such as SOAP or XML-RPC. Since all web servers provide access to data transmitted in standard HTTP calls, all web servers are already enabled to use REST.

Now you can see why people use RESTful — they aren’t just being weird.

REST makes Trackback extremely easy to work with, in different languages and within different weblogging tools, because it’s just HTTP, a little processing, and some static storage. That’s all it is.

Now, you don’t have to be using Movable Type to implement Trackback. In fact, you don’t have to be using Perl and CGI. All you really have to do is follow the Trackback Specification. To allow your site to be trackback enabled, you need to provide the technology that implements this specification, using whatever technology that works for you. For instance, the Homebrew Trackback Tutorial provides how-to implement Trackback in PHP.

The key element to this is sending an HTTP call with the required trackback info, and providing the ability to intercept an HTTP call and pull the information from it. This is combined with functionality to generate a unique trackback ping, and store the trackback information for each posting so that it’s accessible with the posting in whatever method works for you.

I know this sounds simple, and it is is you’re an experienced web developer. If youre not, and you’re not using MT, list in the comments what your weblog environment is, and what functionality can be used with your system, and we’ll see if we can’t map you to an implementation, or at least help point you in the right direction.

Rather than using Trackback, I could scan my referrer logs and pull referrers, but I’ve never been happy about this approach. I wanted to incorporate into my Threadneedle strategy a deliberate interest in being part of a conversation, and this occurs with Trackback — you have to enable it, ping me, or at least turn on Trackback auto-Discovery. No accidental tourists here.

One future enhancement I am making is to create a web page form that allows a person to enter the trackback information — link, excerpt, title, and so on — that will automatically create the trackback ping for whichever of my postings they wrote about in their weblog. A trackback entry would then appear for them in my posting without them having to enable trackback, at all. This is how the trackback works with LazyWeb.



Step 3 

The third step in my Threadneedle enablement was incorporating Recent Trackbacks (same as Recent Comments) as well as Backtrack. Recent Trackbacks is incorporated using PHP/MySql, and will only work with Movable Type, but you should be able to get this functionality within your Trackback implementation by polling recent entries in whatever store you’re using to map trackback entries to weblog entries.

(Again, if you need help implementing this with other systems, I would suggest writing this request in these comments, or in your weblog and trackback ping this entry. Or you could invoke LazyWeb — this is the perfect LazyWeb type of request. Something very doable, a small, one-person, fun type of tweaky task.)

My implementation of Backtrack displays a list of all trackback pings sent with one of my weblog postings (not received), listed below the trackback entries I’ve received, and labled with “Sticky Strands”. Now the trackback ping URL isn’t all that useful, so what I’ve done is created a PHP web page that takes this ping URL, adds a small bit of information to it and invokes it as an HTTP request. This HTTP request then returns with the title, link, and excerpt from the posting I trackbacked, and also a listing of other trackbacks that posting received, including my own. Both my readers and I can discover who else is participating in the conversation associated with the one posting.

How this works: Backtrack relies on another aspect of the Trackback specification, which allows a return of information formatted in RSS. To get this RSS feed, you simply attach the following string on to the URL used for the trackback ping:





At that point all you need to do is process the RSS into viewable content. My processing is based on PHP, but you can use whatever works for you. See this page for my code for Recent Trackbacks and Backtrack.

Now, a future enhancement could be to do something similar to what Sam Ruby does, which is to follow trackbacks he receives and find out who trackbacked them and so on; and follow my trackbacks to find their trackback pings sent, and so on. In other words, Sam allows a person to follow a thread all the way up and all the way down, without leaving his Backtrack page. (Here’s Sam’s Python code.)

Sam’s code works because of that RDF/XML that’s added to each page to support Trackback auto-discovery. I could implement this, but I’m hesitant, and the reason has nothing to do with technology.

I am a huge believer that one thing that differentiates weblogs from usenet or MetaFilter or online forums is the weblog itself — the unique location, and the unique look. The comments, and trackbacks, and previous postings all combine with the posting to create a unique avator virtually representing ourselves on the net.

Because of this, I don’t like putting full exceprts into my RSS files for aggregators — I want people to come here to read my writings. And this strong belief in the weblogging avatar also plays into my reluctance to extend Backtrack more than one level.

With just the one level, you can click on any of the links and go to that weblog posting, and see the writing within the avatar rather than stripped of all identifying characteristics. With multi-threaded Backtrack, it’s too easy to skip around, and you miss things. At least, this is my interpretation when I tried it out over at Sam’s. All it became at one point is just words.

Now, Sam’s idea is a great one, and the technology is cool. But for the nonce, I think I’ll keep Backtrack the way it is, same as I’ll keep my Trackback listings the way they are.


Step 4…n 

Continuing Threadneedle strategy incorporates enhancements to existing technologies, including providing email notification when a thread has received new input (such as a new comment or trackback thread) and an RSS feed for same for people to subscribe to (a Threadneedle thread RSS feed viewer? Hmmm.).

Additonally, following a thread is very doable with Trackback auto-Discovery enabled (that’s why adding the RDF/XML is so important.) I wouldn’t mind playing around with the graphics software available to generate graphical/clickable ‘maps’ of a thread in its entirety.

Lastly, I want to start a compaign to encourage all webloggers who are interested in weblogs as a mode to conversations to incorporate Trackback technology. I know there are some geeky alternatives, such as pingback, but the most widespread technique used now is Trackback. It would be nice for all of us to focus on one specification. This means encouraging non-Trackback enabled weblogs to trackback enable their tools. In the meantime, though, the Trackback specification tells users of some of the tools what they can do to trackback-enable their weblogs.

My personal to-do list:


  • Encourage implementations of Trackback in other technologies for others to use.
  • Finish transforming all web content into Movable Type
  • Implement Recent Comments and Recent Trackbacks across all weblogs
  • Create Form to allow Trackback pings to my posts from non-trackback enabled weblogs
  • Enable technology that allows a person to be notified by email when a thread they’re interested in has had activity (new trackback or comment)
  • Create RSS feed of a thread that a person can subscribe to
  • Perhaps play around with technology that tracks a thread in its entirety, cabled with web graphics software to draw graphical/clickable picture of same
  • Harrass other weblog makers to add Trackback specification capability to their tools


More Reading: Trackback White Paper. And Ben Hammersley has re-capped many of the Sticky Strand technologies.

This is a start to documenting Threadneedle as is is incorporated here at Burningbird (and elsewhere). I’ll continue to refine this, and will gather these documents into a separate How-To Weblog.

But one starts walkin’ before one starts skippen’ before one starts runnin’ and before one goes to the moon.

Programming Languages Technology Weblogging

Trackback technologies

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Trackback stuff.

First, to re-cap, this page covers how to add trackback to your individual pages, and to force page re-builds when a new trackback ping arrives for the specific page.

I put the code for the Recent Trackbacks and Backtrack into text files that you can download and use in your MT weblog. It’s worked nicely since I put it in, and is ready for others to try. Consider it beta, and it’s not wrapped up pretty, pretty, but tech is gritty. Pretty bows get in the way of the moving parts.

The first file is backtrack.txt, which contains the Backtrack technology. To use this, modify the HTML to create a layout you want and then rename the file to “backtrack.php”, putting it into your main weblog directly.

Next, modify the individual daily archive page template to call the file:


<a href=”<
$MTPingsSentURL$>”><$MTPingsSentURL$></a><br />


That’s it for backtrack.

Last, the PHP/MySql code that displays the Recent Trackbacks in the sidebar can be found in this file. To use, copy it into your main index template where you want the recent trackback list to go. You will need to change the username, password, weblog id, and database name in the code to match your environment. The values that need to change are bolded below:



$link = mysql_connect(“localhost”, “user“, “password“)
or die(“database errors”);
mysql_select_db (“database_name“);

$query = “SELECT tbping_id, tbping_source_url, tbping_title,
entry_title, entry_id FROM mt_entry, mt_tbping, mt_trackback where tbping_blog_id = 2 and entry_id = trackback_entry_id and trackback_id = tbping_tb_id ORDER BY tbping_id desc limit 10″;

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(“database errors”);

while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {
$input = $line[4];
$input = str_pad($input, 6, “0”, STR_PAD_LEFT);
printf(“<a href=’%s’>%s</a> on <a style=’font-weight: normal’ href=’’>%s</a><br />”, $line[1],$line[2], $input, $line[3]);

/* Free resultset */

/* Closing connection */


Any suggestions to improve the code are welcome — feel free to leave in comments, or cross-post…with trackbacks, of course.

So, there you go. New Toys. Enjoy.

Burningbird Technology Weblogging

Hosting stuff

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I had some serious Perl/CGI/MT problems earlier and couldn’t post, and you all couldn’t access the comments. Not overly thrilled with my host at this moment, to be honest. Especially when I see indications of a machine that’s overly burdened.

The problem with my host is the same problem with any host whose customers are using the identical functionality — everyone’s hitting the same types of system needs at the same time. Most of the folks here abouts are using Movable Type against MySql. That means Perl, CGI, MySql, and some PHP.

I used the ‘top’ command on my Linux server to see who was using the CPU for what. I saw one process that was using about 90% of the CPU running a Perl command, which most likely accounted for some of my problems.. When that one ended I saw a lot of mt-comment.cgi calls. What was funny is I saw some webloggers I know. For instance, I saw Moxie floating past.

It’s strange who you can run into deep in the innards of a machine.



Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Mark Pilgrim is a bit testy about the removal of certain elements within the XHTML 2.0 spec — specifically the *cite element. I checked around the forums associated with the XHTML working group’s effort. From what I can see, looks like the removal of cite may have been an accident.

Still, even if the removal was deliberate, if people aren’t happy about the XHTML specification and the direction it’s heading, why aren’t they talking at the W3C XHTML forum? The W3C isn’t going to go around our weblogs and look for our opinions. No offense but there’s probably 100,000 ‘regular web site’ pages for every weblogging page on the Net. Media darlings or not, we ain’t that big a thang …yet.

For instance, yesterday I found the following in the forum, which should warm Mark’s heart:


As it is in its 2002-12-11 WD, I think that XHTML 2.0 is far
away from both what the Web Authors are expecting and from what
could be done to “lead the Web to its full potential”.

The current WD makes some strategic choices (style attribute
for instance) that seem to me harmful.

I see no incentive for a Web Author to ever move to XHTML 2 from
a simple XMLized version of the actual transitional HTML4 (call
that as you wish). XHTML 2.0 does not contain ANY new key feature
and seem to get totally rid of all Authors’ requests between 1998
and today.

From my perspective, XHTML 2.0 as it is today is a failure and the
work of the HTML WG on this topic should be immediately and
totally reoriented.


Tantek Celik posted a link to Mark’s rant out at the XHTML forum and others who have responded have also agreed with my interpretation — it looks like the element was dropped by accident.

Regardless of ‘accident’ or not, the very fact that Tantek can post to this forum (which is monitored by the working group) demonstrates that there is communication paths to the W3C. Have a beef with XHTML 2.0? Then take it to the source, because there’s no guarantee that the W3C have even heard of Daypop much less read it with the breathless anticipation webloggers exhibit.

If you do choose to post out at the XHTML forum, a word to the wise: Just don’t have a hissy fit if you find that the people in the forum don’t agree with you, and have valid arguments to back their opinion.

*Personally, I’m more concerned about XHTML 2.0 dropping the style attribute than I am the cite element, though I understand the reasoning. And also note, the working group hasn’t dropped support for H1-H6 headers — they’re considering this based on issues raised.


search on ‘cite’ in the W3C-html (XHTML) forum.

Second Update:

We were correct — the cite element’s drop was an accident. A member of the W3C working group just posted to the forum that it will be put back in the next draft.

Third Update:

Fooflah. Mark has decided to continue with his snit about XHTML 2.0. I believe that his interpretation about the reason for the return of the CITE element is a bit self-centered — there was discussion about this before Mark’s post (as I pointed out in my post, linking to the relevant HTML forum news item), and general acknowledgement that this was most likely just a drafting error. And Let’s hope he doesn’t mind if we don’t choose to follow in his golden ‘well-linked’ footsteps about the direction we’ll take when it comes to technology implementation. I’m heading towards XHTML 1.0, not ‘back’ to HTML 4.0.