
Double takes

Dorothea accepts a challenge that I don’t remember making and has put her weblog into the public domain. Well, cool. Aquarionics took her up on her offer in a surprisingly short amount of time. Comments look nice in the design.

Personally, I could care less what people do or don’t do with their writing, painting, photography, music, weblogs, web sites, and even tables. Seriously. You’re all big boys and girls and can do whatever you want, and accept the consequences of same.

I think I’d rather talk about something else, such as music. For instance, if you haven’t heard Norah Jones sing, you’re missing out on a wonderful experience. I don’t care if you like Pop, rock, country, jazz, blues, or soul, you’re going to like Norah. Luckily, there’s two sites that contain complete recordings of some of her songs, including ones from her debut album, Come Away with Me. I love the whole album, but favorites are The Nearness of You, Come Away with Me, Nightingale, Shoot the Moon, and Don’t Know Why.

I guess that’s half the album. But then, I also like the Painter’s Song, and …

Look: Take a moment, click a link, sit back and enjoy beautiful, beautiful music. And then go over to Aquarionics and leave him a comment that he can continue to use the image if he keeps the look.


Only room for love and run-on sentences

Congratulations to Ben and Tempe Vierck on the birth of their baby Rebecca. This event is made more special by knowing how hard and how long Ben and Tempe have been trying to have this little sweetheart. A little peek into the archives from about a year ago says it all.

Then, Ben wrote:


we will have children. it’s been almost 7 years of anticipation, disappointment, doctors visits, cycles, drugs, tests, and surgeries, but we will make it.

Ben writes today:


monday morning at 7:56am my daughter arrived weighing 9 pounds 11 ounces measuring 21 inches from head to toe. she is beautiful and healthy.

i’ve been searching for words since monday night… and i haven’t found any… except to say that she has healed me even though i did not know i was sick. we have had many moments, some lasting for hours, where she makes me perfect. room 768 is our world and there are only 3 people. mommy, daddy, and rebecca. she sleeps on top of me while i lay on my back and she heaves and hos her little belly and breathes little swishes of air in and out onto my cheeks and in each breath there is no room for war, or economy, or labor… there is only room for love and run-on sentences.

Rebecca already has her own weblog.

You know, sometimes this is all worth it, isn’t it?


Here come da Librarian

Congratulations to my favorite librarian-to-be, Dorothea Salo, for getting accepted into the UW-Madison School of Library, starting Fall, 2003.

Enjoy Dorothea’s weblog now, while you can. Come this fall, the writings going to dry up for sure when she has to hit the books.

Congrats, Dorothea!


Speaking anonymously

I stated once before that if an anonymous commenter wrote something against other commenters who at least left their names, or made comments I felt to be racist, sexist, or bigoted, I would pull the comments.

I pulled a comment this morning that was all three.

I won’t pull a comment — even one bigoted, racist, or sexist — if the person is willing to put their name on the line. But I won’t provide a forum for a gutless wonder.

Technology Weblogging

Month, day, year, oh my

Another fooflah, this time over archiving.

Dorothea picked on Mark’s archive setup, which is based on archive-month-link. Jonathon responds with a push-back at Dorothea’s weekly archive. He’s joined in his comments by Mark who pushes back with justification for his archive-month-link. Aquarionics bravely joines the discussion, Dorothea retracts.

Could be me misreading everything but it sure looked like good fun was NOT had by all. Good lord, I thought I was the only person who took things too seriously.

Being the pain in the butt, annoyance, and general irritant that I am, I thought I would make things worse. It’s part of my philosophy that if you push things enough, either it blows totally, in which case we’ll at least have an interesting afternoon; or everyone collapses into laughter, poking gentle fun at each other’s font choice.

In line with this, I take a great deal of satisfaction in knowing that everyone would be uncomfortable with my archive setup. I list categories, the last 50 entries, and I provide search. That’s it. No weekly or monthly archives at all. I never really thought anyone used them. From this discussion, though, I think I may be off in my assessment; perhaps people do use archives. Well, this is a lowering thought. All this time I’ve been depriving my readers of my archives.

However, after reading all this, I wasn’t sure how to do archives. No matter what kind of archive I implemented, I would be taking sides, and that kind of ruins some of the fun. But I didn’t want to do all of the archives, as static web page generation is taking far too long now as it is. So I did what any self-respecting blogger would do: I picked door number 3.

Instead of static archive pages, I added a form to my main Archive page just under the categories. A person puts in a specific date (using a specific format), picks if they want the material ordered reverse chronological, and clicks the button. A MySql/PHP page opens that lists all of the content in either chronological (default) or reverse order. They can then click on an item to go the main page to view the trackbacks and comments, or they can just read the material there (though I might change this).

Because I let MT do my line breaks I had to a little tiny munging on the text, but that’s my own fault for not doing my own markup.

If a person screws up the format, they’ll get all of my material dating back to when I did my last port in March of last year (I didn’t move all my old content over). However, I also put a limit of only 300 entries on the page. I might play with this a bit, add a range later, but we’ll see how it goes for now.

Following is the code — change stuff appropriately.


$dt = $_POST[‘create_date’];
$reverse = $_POST[‘reverse’];

if ($reverse)
$order = “ORDER BY entry_created_on desc limit 300”;
$order = “ORDER BY entry_created_on limit 300”;

$link = mysql_connect(“localhost”, “user”, “password”)
or die(“database errors”);
mysql_select_db (“database”);

$query = “SELECT entry_id, entry_title, entry_text, entry_created_on FROM mt_entry where entry_created_on > ‘” . $dt . “‘ and entry_blog_id = 2 and entry_status = 2 ” . $order;

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(“database errors”);

while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {
$input = $line[0];
$input = str_pad($input, 6, “0”, STR_PAD_LEFT);

$text = str_replace(“</blockquote><br />”, “</blockquote>”, str_replace(“<blockquote><br />”, “<blockquote>”,nl2br($line[2])));

printf(“<div class=’titlebox’><span class=’title’>”);

printf(“<a href=’’>%s</a></span></div>”, $input, $line[1]);

printf(“<div class=’blogbody’ style=’font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px’>%s<div class=’posted’><p>Posted on %s</p></div>”,
$text, $line[3]);

/* Free resultset */

/* Closing connection */