
Survival guide to LAMP: Basic ingredients

Recovered from the Wayback Machine. I’ve heard from several people interested in moving to an open source weblogging tool like WordPress or Textpattern, but they’re concerned about having to manipulate PHP code in order to modify the templates or make the changes to the tool to incorporate modifications some of us have created. What happens, then, is these […]

Burningbird Weblogging

Smart URLs, converting from MT to WP, and die, URL, die

Recovered from the Wayback Machine. I am in the midst of trying to salvage weblog entries that have gone through many variations of URL identification, as I’ve passed from tool to tool, and through many variations of what is subjective goodness in URL naming strategies. At the same time, I am also dealing with years old links […]

Plants Weather

Summer in April

We’ve had an unusually warm Spring this year. The temperatures yesterday and today are close to breaking record highs, and I think today we’ll actually make it. That means over 90 F (that’s ‘hot’ in Celsius). This combined with the rain we’ve had has led to an explosion in growth, and even people who have […]


Home sweet home

Other than the fact that my recent comments listing doesn’t show using Navigator on Mac OS X, I’ve found my new home to be quite nice. I am still impressed with the speed of publishing. I took some time off to work on other things, but now I’ll start looking at finetuning my own hacks […]

Burningbird Weblogging

Moving to a new weblogging tool

Recovered from the Wayback Machine. As you’ve seen, I am moving Burningbird to a new weblogging tool this week. After testing several, and after long deliberation, I decided to move to WordPress. Once that decision was made, I have been spending the last couple of days making some extensive template and code changes to WordPress 1.02 […]