Burningbird Technology Weblogging

Two down, three to go

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I’ve installed two weblogs in the For Poets site:

Linux for Poets – maintained by the freebie pMachine installation.

Internet for Poets – maintained by WordPress an open source weblogging tool.

Both support comments and trackbacks, and both weblogs feature the look and feel straight out of the box.

I couldn’t install Blojsom, based on RDF and Jena because it requires a Java servlet container and I don’t want to install Tomcat. In addition bBlog was a little too beta, and Bloxsom a little too simplified, especially since I’m reviewing tools for non-techs. However, may change my mind and go with Bloxsom.

To look for other weblogging tools to use, I spent some time randomly clicking on weblogs in Interesting results:

  • There are a lot of people using Movable Type. A lot. And there’s something about many of the MT sites that look similar – I could tell a MT site as soon as it opened, without looking for the MT banner. Regardless, I can see why Six Apart got VC funding – there are a lot of people that use MT.
  • Still lots of Blogger and BloggerPro sites – but no where near the number of MT users.
  • Light grey text and a slightly darker grey background is not elegant – it’s unreadable
  • Please don’t show pictures of your rash
  • Is that legal?
  • Where are the Radio weblogs?
  • No AOL or LiveJournal – they don’t ping
  • Some people are just plain tacky, especially in what they allow advertised at their weblogs. Dirt cheap ammo? Now guess what type of weblog I found this one one.
  • Is this photo for real? Looks retouched. Still kinda cool.
  • Ve are Movable Type and all your weblogs belonga us!
  • Larry using Bloxsom – I think I’ll give this another shot. At least it’s not MT.
  • What the world needs more of – diagonal weblogs
  • Why do people stick these things all over their weblogs? Weblog after weblog with very little text, but lots of empty space and little buttons and tiny people and graphics and hearts and flowers and quizzes and mood indicators and other things that are anything but writing. It’s as if their weblogs are only wire frames on which to poke bits of string and tinsel and colored ribbon. Do they weblog only as a placeholder? A way of saying, “I stake this space?”
  • Oh, there’s a LiveJournal.
  • Great come back for a complaint on style – cement canoes
  • 0xDECAFBAD also uses Bloxsom – okay, I’m convinced. Dorothea, he’s quoting your weblog.
  • Hey! Bloomington, Indiana library won’t install porn filters. Good on you Bloomington.
  • There was a war of the weblogging tools, and the squirrels won
  • There’s Tinderbox – nope, not at 145.00
  • Ohmigod! Pink! With little sprinkly, glittery things all over. I’ll take the grey on grey
  • Finally! here’s a Radio weblog! It’s called “Blogging Alone”. No shit.
  • What is Blogstreet? Am I on the list? No? Then who cares. I found this at the Agonist – wasn’t this the weblog that was accused of plagiarism? Yup, that’s what it takes to be a top weblog.
  • That’s a great name for a weblog Opinions you should have
  • I’m dying to know what this weblog is talking about – but scroll down – isn’t the flower photo nice?
  • From Ozark Rambler:


    For those I haven’t spoken to lately, “herself” is doing very well and “on the mend” following her surgery a month ago. Your prayers and support during the past month has been very much appreciated.

    She’s not quite up to doing any “plowing or mowing” yet, but then, those of you who know her realize that she wasn’t to excited about participating in those activities anyway. come to think of it, they don’t excite me much either.

    Thank you Ozark Rambler for you simple tales of berrying in chigger filled woods, for your sharing, your humor, your interesting political views and Orwellian quotes, and for reminding me that there is more to weblogging than Echo/Atom/RSS and fights between silly boys.

A productive exercise, one I recommend people do weekly. I didn’t find all the weblogging tools I needed, but I found something more important: perspective.

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