
Weblogging Feb 18 2002

Chris, otherwise known as Stavros the Wonder Chicken (Waeguk is not soup) counts me as part of his virtual neighborhood.

After reading today’s posting I feel priviledged and honored that he would say so. Not many could face such early losses and come away with such inner strength as Chris has. And we’re richer for his sharing his life with us.

Chris, I regret that the neighborhood is virtual and that you’re on the other side of the planet, because I bet sharing a brew and a chat with you would be a highly rewarding experience.


Well, I’ve managed to snap at two of my favorite weblogging people tonight. I should quit now before I antagonize the rest.

To those who’ve been the recipient of bites today — my apologies. To those others who managed to avoid the bites — lucky yous.


Jonathon responded to my note on nobility and death.

One clarification: I am not taking away from the nobility of the actions of a person in how they face death, or the actions they take before death. I consider these to be the last acts of life.

But to use nobility in reference in death in order to somehow make the act acceptable or more palatable — for newscasting or for politics — is wrong.


Steve talks about our current “war on terrorism” and its impact on the language we use today. For instance, we say “hero” instead of “dead” when referring to a dead soldier.

There is no nobility in death, only in the lives we lead. Trying to make death pretty or noble hides what it really is — the loss of a life and the hurt and the pain and suffering of those who are left behind. The unfulfilled potential.


One person somewhere in the Universe will really hate my new color scheme. One person somewhere in the Universe will really love my new color scheme. The rest of the Universe will fall in between.

I can live with this.


Reasons to own a cat — from NJ Meryl:

It’s a little disconcerting to think of yourself from a cat’s-eye-view. But then again, it’s a lot comforting to be followed from room to room by a small, purring creature who only wants to stay within arm’s reach because he loves you so.


Updated Mike Sanders is continuing the discussion began here this weekend about weblogging and introspection. I missed the fact that Anita Bora also weighed in on this issue, as did From the Treetop (who happens to be listening to U2’s All that You Can’t Leave Behind, as I am at this time).

I like Mike’s comment: It is interesting how a “Do Your Own Thing” response can sound so authoritarian. I also caught that, and for a moment this weekend I was ready to burn brightly into the velvet black of a weblogging night (fried Rogi, anyone?). But then my foot hurt and my mind went in other directions.

Thoughtful commentary and what I would expect from Mike. Even though he’s not had Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food ice cream.

I’m OK. You’re OK. Weblogging is OK.