
Weblogging Feb 19 2002

Through this incestuous circle of weblog linking with which we find ourselves, I found PageCount – Into the Lake of Fire, a blog created by Mike Golby from South Africa.

Mike trips fantastically over a wide variety of interrelated subjects, from Jeneane Sessum’s review of Chris Locke’s Bombast Transcripts to yesterday’s touching weblog posting that Chris made, dropping quotes from the bible equally with ones from Bob Dylan and Pete Seger. Sometimes dizzying but never dull — and that’s about the best thing you can say about a weblog, isn’t it?


Uh, oh. We’re going there again — you know where.

Jacob from FuzzyBlogic is weighing in on the you know what. And this was picked up by Doc, which was then picked up by Dave.

There’s a hell of a lot of *POP* going on in weblogdom today.

BTW, who all thinks I should offer to host Mike Sanders Keep Trying weblog on my server? Because I keep trying and keep trying and keep trying, but the site is inaccessible…a lot. At least, I’m having a lot of problems accessing the site.


I got tired of looking up people’s current times so I’m printing out my “home base” time in California, and then showing the hour difference between me and my favorite webloggers. This effort is a work in progress and times will be filled in as I find them for folks.

Small world, isn’t it?


Hey! I’m a faction!

Now I feel like I should get my gang and go beat someone up. Wait a sec…I did this already, yesterday.

I guess the scam now is to put the word G**glewhack into your weblog and try and steal Google hits according to Andy, who found this at Richard’s and Dave.

I also found out that there’s now an official G**glewhack site.

Why am I using the asterisks? Because I don’t want more hits for G**glewhack. This weblog isn’t about G**glewhack. As it is, I’m getting too many for Z*ldman because I mentioned him a couple of times.

No G**glewhack here. No Z*ldman, either. Just barbie’d chooch…and friends.

Update: Oooh. I’m so excited. I checked my referrers and found the following: – – [16/Feb/2002:17:41:24 -0800] “GET /weblog/index.php HTTP/1.1” 200 42823 “” “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.13; Mac_PowerPC)”

I guess I’m in.


I was thinking of dropping the TechBlog. I was spending more time weblogging than working on my “regular” web site content and those babies are getting rusty.

However, I am addicted to weblogging — I am a blogaholic.

Instead of dropping TechBlog, I’m dropping two of my web sites: SolarLily and NetJetter. Thanks to my handy dandy PostCon (Post Content Management) system, it will be easy to merge their content into my other sites without 404 errors slipping through.

And I’m going to tie my P2P Smoke website into the TechBlog, since the latter focuses primarily on P2P anyhow.

BTW, I heard from Oracle about a possible position working on Financial software. I don’t know — am I an Oracle employee type of person? Can you all picture me working at Oracle?