Just Shelley

Fog is in the Bay

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I am in such an ambivalent mood this morning. Maybe the orange is getting to me, also. Maybe it’s the story I wrote last night. Maybe it’s the emotions that have run behind the scenes via email this week. Some of my weblogging friends have been hurting, and that hurts me.

Did you know that when you forgive another, you give a gift to yourself? Just a thought.

Anyway, the fog is in the Bay today, and I’m going to go for a walk.


Too Orange

Recovered from the Wayback Machine. And I apologize for the tastelessness of the post.

Orange. Orange. Orange!

Let me hear you folks — is BurningBird’s color scheme too hot? Too bothersome? Does it burn your eyeballs out, and make you want to grit your teeth?

Well, if you said yes to any of these questions, I want you to get your cute little hind ends (remember, all my weblog readers have cute hind ends) over to the Anti-Bloggies and nominate my weblog for COLOR SCHEME MOST LIKELY TO CAUSE EPILEPTIC SEIZURES.

Now, this is a weblogging award I can really get behind!

So, show The Bird you love her by telling the world that my weblog colors make dogs howl at the moon and small children run in fear to their mamas!

Go ahead. You know you want to.


Rogi has seen the light! He’s come over to the Orange. And Jonathon has gone over to some pinky sort of color – but with a button and a stylesheet, I bet we can get him to see Orange!, can’t we?

Show me the Color! Come over to the Orange!



Weblogging Songs

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

A few days back I posted some words from a weblogging song I discovered. Well, I found that I didn’t search hard enough as there’s actually an MP3 recording of the song, in addition to just the lyrics.

I found this tidbit out via an email from another weblogger, Dave of Simple Weblog. (Is it just me or are there a lot of Daves in weblogging?)

Dave is collecting weblog songs and has links to the one I just ripped, one from Fairvue called “We Didn’t Start the Weblog” sung to the beat of “We Didn’t Start the Fire” from Billy Joel, and his own Weblog theme song. (Of course, we know what Burningbird’s theme song is, don’t we?)

If you know of other weblog songs, let Dave know and he’ll add to the collection.

Googlewhacks, GIM, Blogstickers, awards, and now songs. I think it’s time we formed a charter and created our own weblogging kingdom. WeblogTopia!

And I want to be Queen.


Who burnt the pizza?

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I’ve had a piece I’ve been wanting to write for the last few days, and today, it finally decided it was time to come out. I put on Sting’s Brand New Day and put a homemade pizza into the oven, promptly forgetting about it in the middle of my muse.

After the smoke cleared and the fire alarm stopped ringing and the neighbors stopped coming out into the hallway going “Who burnt the pizza?”, I finally finished the story, I’ll Never Write for The New Yorker.

This is one of those that doesn’t take comments well, so I’ve disabled them for this article. Just accept it as something I wanted to write. And if I ever ask you about it, lie and say it was great, fantastic, nothing better 😉

It’s funny what doing your taxes can do to you, isn’t it?

I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in pain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand


Fool You!

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

My Alter Ego pure tech weblog started getting buzzzy and I figured I was getting link-love from someone. Sure enough a quick look at the referrers and I found this link at Scripting News, quoting my words:

“I will continue to beat you about the head on this issue until you ultimately bow to my superior knowledge on this subject.”

I had such at laugh at this, and I bet Dave did also. Here’s all these people hitting the site thinking I’m ripping Dave a new one, and instead I’m trashing UDDI — a subject that both Dave and I are in strong agreement on.

Fool you! Fool you!