
Podcast, whether you want it or not

As per more in-depth looking at enclosures in WordPress, 1.3:

I created a new WordPress 1.3 site, and linked an old audio recording of mine (when I tried audio blogging before I decide it was not for me — and if you listen, you’ll hear why) and as you can see in the RSS 2.0 feed the MP3 file linked in the the post has been put into an enclosure. This is not an option in the weblog — you link to a video, MP3 file, or image, it will be put into the RSS 2.0 feed as an enclosure automatically.

This means aggregators can scrape these media files independent of your post.

I would strongly suggest that the WordPress developing team consider running this one past their users.


Since this tends to support some of the assertions that Marius Coomans made recently, I thought he might get a kick out of this post in the test weblog, where I linked directly to a photo of Jonathon Delacour’s.

As you can see in the RSS feed — this became an enclosure in my RSS feed, too.


Spirits Lighten

It’s an odd thing, but after I voted today, I felt revitalized – is if a huge weight has dropped off. I want to work in code and plan my Ozarks trip (now Thursday as the weather blows), and write things and even watch the returns tonight.

All from punching holes in a card and making sure no little whatyoucallums are stuck on the back. It’s done, done, done, done, and there’s nothing left to do, do, do, do, except move on.

Please let there be a clear winner tonight.

I did find out that my ISP hosts several Florida county supervisor sites, so expect the site to go up and down all day today. At one point, looked like an even dozen servers were down. The American Election has become a Dos (Denial of Service) to the Internet.

Technology Weblogging

From WordPress to Wordform

I feel a strong urge to work on code, I’m not sure why. Perhaps it’s because code is something I can wrap my hands around…and throttle the heck out of it.

Note if you’re not a tech, much of the following is still going to be of interest if you use or plan to use WordPress. Including some gotchas.

Since I’m basing Wordform as a fork of 1.3, I’ve been looking carefully through the 1.3 code changes in the CVS repository. That’s the beauty of open source projects that post their files in a publicly accessible directory – you can reverse engineer the code, while it’s still being developed. And since I’m used to deducing functionality from code in process (which is how I wrote most of those 14 or so computer books I was involved in), I can see the directions the tool is taking. I’m finding some interesting stuff out for those of you using WordPress or moving to WordPress 1.3.

For instance, it looks like by default ,Wordpress does not provide a link in the sidebar for RSS 1.0 or Atom; it only provides links to RSS 2.0. I can’t help thinking a better option would be to provide all the links to the popular syndication feeds, and then let the people delete as needed. It’s easier for non-techs to remove an option, than it is to add an option.

It does have Atom, as well as RSS 2.0 and .92 as options in the header for autodiscovery. I would think that it’s time to drop .92 and put RSS 1.0 in, instead. But that’s just me.

Of course, you’ve probably heard about the new WordPress split of the original index.php page into multiple pages consisting of wp-footer.php, wp-sidebar.php, and so on. There’s an interesting caveat to this, in that the application looks for a user-defined page, such as sidebar.php. Only if this isn’t found, is the wp-sidebar.php page used, instead.

This is a good design decision. By doing this, when you update your WP files, you’re not overwriting your customized work. But my goodness there is a lot of files, now. I would think a better approach would be to put the default WordPress sidebar, footer, etc into a separate sub-directory–to beging to clean out the home directory. This is going to be even more critical if people choose to have different category and archive and individual pages.

There’s also a new template/theme system. I know that people can use functions to hide and show pieces of data based on a single page request versus multiple, and so on – but this isn’t intuitive for the non-tech. It would seem that the WP developers agree with me, because the new template system now defaults in favor of category, archive, date, and author individual pages and so on in the template directory if they exist–rather than feed all requests through index.php

In other words, if you’re using a custom template, such as I am at Kitchen, which is based on Gemini, and you create separate pages for individual, category, and so on entries, the system now defaults to these without you having to screw around in .htaccess.

So, for Burningbird now, I have a category.php, archives.php, individual.php, insert.php, and fulltext.php custom pages. I could create a template theme directory, call it ‘burningbird’ and drop these files into it (after first updating to 1.3 code), and I would no longer have to worry about adjusting the .htaccess entries for these items, like I do now.

Better, if I decide to impulsively switch to another theme and style, I could do so just by dropping that themes/template files on to my server, push a button on the admin page, and off I go with a completely different look and set of pages, with no code changes.

Yes, yes, you’re nodding your heads at this. You like this. Trust me, you do.

There is a slight, teeny performance hit by doing redirection in code rather than in the .htaccess. But I believe it would be negligible. Agree? Disagree?

The blog header file, which you’re not supposed to touch, has been cleaned up enormously. Now I just have to find all the bits of the code that are no longer in the file, because I have modified it.

Ouch, though! The developers are splitting DIV open and close tags across files – opening in one file, closing in another. This is going to bite people in the butt when the start to customize the pages to their look and feel.

The main index page is, of course, cleaned up considerably since much of the content for it has been split off. A basic page would have:

-Include the blog header file (for all the data query and redirection, should not change)
-Include the header file (for CSS and autolinks and that sort of thing – HEAD stuff)
-The actual post loop is kept in index.php
-Include comments template file
-A call to a function to do the NEXT and PREVIOUS post links
-Include the footer file, which includes the sidebar

The NEXT and PREVIOUS link thing is when you have more than 20 posts (or whatever count you set, in admin I believe), from a category list or archive or search, you get the next and previous links that allow you to ‘page’ through the results. Yes, this is very tasty, you’ll want this.

The comments code isn’t much changed, though I read at the 1.3 wiki about using a weighted means throttle to keep from being crapflooded with hundreds of comment spam. Hmm, will have to see. I like mine, and it works nicely. As for the rest of the code, I’ll be replacing much in the comments because I support per-post moderation, and the WordPress developers just won’t buy into this. This was one major architectural difference between the WP team and myself.

Moving on, looks like they’ve worked on and hopefully fixed the trackback and pingback problems.

In the admin files, they’ve done a lot of splitting here, too. From the wiki, it looks like 1.3 may be opening up for administrative customizations. Curious how this will work. They have removed the geo stuff from the administrative pages, and it’s being moved to a plug-in. Now this is a goodness. Most people don’t use the geo stuff, and cluttering up the admin pages with stuff that could be a plug-in is an improvement.

Still nothing on that mysterious Dashboard page. Will this end up being a placeholder for future expansion? Something dropped in at the last moment, to have people going ‘ooo’ and ‘aaaah’?

Over into the wp-includes, the engine of the tool, I found the following CVS check in comment attached to a file: Don’t forget to strip. So, don’t forget to strip when you use WordPress.

There’s a lot of clean-up in the code, and I’m really pleased to see functions that are going to be deprecated commented with the fact. What deprecated means is that the function isn’t going to be used in future versions, and is just included now so that people have at least one release in order to adjust to the function being dropped. With this, hopefully your 1.2 customizations won’t break in 1.3 (though they will in 1.4 if you don’t clean your own code up).

There’s a new class called ‘retrospam_mgr’, which I assume is focused on ‘death to all spam’ efforts.

All in all, there’s a goodly amount of cleanup and separation of data access from processing, and processing from presentation – a good three-tier split in the code. This will make it really easy to modify the code.

I am going to yank that damn convert_smilies function. Smilies are evil.

Going over to the hackers archive, I can see that there’s discussion about allowing person to replace the comment checking functionality with their own, which is a good idea – for technologists. But then, I could create a function to do my automatic moderation on posts over a week old, and you could just plop the code into your installation, and get the same functionality without having to touch code. So the idea is a win/win. I wonder if they’ll go this route.

There’s a new ’static’ page option in 1.3, which allows you to create pages such as an about page and so on that fall outside of the normal chronological flow. I used my insert post status for this, and to me, this makes more sense. In other words, don’t duplicate the same form, provide more statuses.

Anyway, this shows in the version of 1.3 we’re using at Kitchen, but doesn’t work in the version of code we have (which is a couple of weeks old).

A great deal of discussion about multiple blog support and how this is necessary for it to be considered a true CMS. I am curious – why do people think that a CMS is a multiple blog setup? There are things one can do by author and by category that could support much of the CMS functionality. So, why do people want multiple blogs, and how would they use them? I know how I used them, but I don’t think this is the same as how other people use them.

Ut ohthere’s the enclosure thing. For non-technical people, podcasting.

The two options listed, if I’m reading the mailing list entries correctly, are to provide a field, just like with trackback, that adds the enclosure to the RSS feed. Or to skim the HTML and pull out links to media automatically. (See options in thread). It looks like the decision was to automatically wrap all URLs within the post as enclosures in RSS.

Hmmm. Can’t be reading that right. I’ll have to grab the nightly and test this one, and write about it individually. This one makes no sense.

I would still need my modifications, including my anti-spam mods, my individual comment moderation, my post statuses, full text, comment editing, like comment preview, and full page preview for the editor.

For new stuff – well, I want to take a shot at adding in some more meta capability, including the Poetry Finder. I’ve always felt that the only want something like this could work, is if it gets added on to other tools. This will give me a chance to find out. The key is, being able to add sophisticated meta data such as what would be needed for Poetry Finder, but allow a person to specify their own vocabulary and map it to the data. Or choose not to have it at all.

However, you all don’t care about what I plan to do, only when I’ve done it. In the meantime, I hope this little code review of WP 1.3 has been of interest.

This thread at the support forum points to a hint at Matt’s about Magpie code for the Dashboard of 1.3.

So we all go Kubrick for design, and Magpie for aggregation in the Dashboard, and RSS 2.0 with enclosures.

Lot’s of developer decisions being made – any user feedback to any of this?



I haven’t voted yet, decided not to add to the times of the people who are voting before going to work. Since I work from home, I can vote anytime during the day, though I plan on going over in a bit.

I received email about how to vote pro-life, sent by the Archbishop who sets up shop in the offices on the other side of the church where I’ll vote. I am curious if he’ll try to add some kind of influence at the polling place. Normally, though, the people who run the polls at this church are meticulous about preventing any such thing. We’ll see in a bit.

When you vote, you can save time by selecting a straight party line vote. I am voting straight party line, but will still vote individually. Democrats, of course. There wasn’t one Republican in this state who didn’t bring up that their most important concern is the prevention of gay marriage. I only hope when these people meet their God someday that he proves as intolerate of them, as they are of everyone else.

Well, that was a piece of cake. No waiting since I was the white ballot machines, and the current flurry was the green machines. I just missed the flurry of white machine voters. Go me.

No muss, no fuss.

There was a funeral going on at the same time, though. Interesting to see a gold hearse right out in front of the entrance to your polling place.

second update

I had a feeling my timing was good. According to this Bloomberg story:

In Palm Beach County, Florida, a Democratic stronghold, the wait was as long as an hour and a half. In Webster Groves, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis, voters who arrived when the polls opened at 6 a.m. had to wait an hour.

Yup, that’s my area, though most likely not my polling place.


The Historian

Born too late in a strange land,
lost with love of a people
you can never claim.
Living a time you can never know.
Touching flyleaf of book
as hand of friend.
Surrounded by plain walls that can’t
keep you safe, from sepia
faces with delicate tints.
You walk streets you resent
because your prints are misplaced.
You drink of waters faint
as fog and myth.
You don’t see me because
I’m too real. I’m messy and chaotic,
and speak words you can hear.
I walk in light, no stones lie on me.
Smell of sweat and soap,
not flowers decayed.
I am less real to you than images
in print and paint.
In your mind, less real than
beauties in a field scattered about;
like painted bluebirds on fragile teacup.
Your life ended when
Atom’s fire blossomed,
Your time started when the ashes
had cleared.