Photography Places

Snow drops

I rented a car today, a ruby red Dodge SRT. I drove it to the top of Schweitzer long enough to check out the view and grab a few photos; I had to be back by 2:00. The view was terrific but I need my polarizing filter to get a clear shot of the distant Cabinet mountains and Pend Oreille lake. However, you can get an idea of what it was like from what I did manage to get.

Mountains and Pend Oreille Lake from Schweitzer

Cabinet Mountains from Schweitzer

For dinner, my Mom was in a mood for a hamburger, so I went to this little place, Dub’s that was at the end of Boyer. I placed my order and stood to the side to wait for it, near two tables with kids from the high school; I read the local free paper, which contained a joke about a cake, a toilet paper tube, and snooty people. Maybe I’ll try to re-create it sometime.

Media Technology

Playing the game

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

A while back I listed in a post 50 television programs the Boston Globe considered to be the top sci-fi shows on TV. In comments, we discussed shows we felt were missing, but none of us picked up that Max Headroom was missing from the list. Now that I look back on the discussion, I am surprised by its absence. Though Max Headroom was a short-lived series, I considered it to be both innovative and entertaining.

If you haven’t seen Max Headroom, the show centers around a television crew where the main character, a television journalist, has his personality copied into a digital construct named Max Headroom. In this future time, political entities no longer exist, and society is ruled by corporate rules and regulations, especially several competing broadcast companies, which, among other things, don’t allow televisions to be turned off. People are subjected, day in and day out, to broadcasting, including a continuous barrage of ads.

I was reminded of Max Headroom when I read about Microsoft Live last week, and again when I read Ray Ozzie’s supposedly leaked memo today. I don’t think any of us really doubts that the Microsoft memos were leaked deliberately and with careful thought and planning. Both memos, Gates and Ozzie’s, read as if they’ve been copy-edited, and every phrase meticulously constructed for maximum conjecture and obfuscation–perfect for a new takeover campaign.

Much of the writing is the usual hype–the sense of being on the verge of ’something new’–the ‘aha’ about technologies that are ubiquitous. But what surprised me about Ozzie’s memo and the Live discussion was the strong reference to advertising. Ozzie wrote:

Most challenging and promising to our business, though, is that a new business model has emerged in the form of advertising-supported services and software. This model has the potential to fundamentally impact how we and other developers build, deliver, and monetize innovations. No one yet knows what kind of software and in which markets this model will be embraced, and there is tremendous revenue potential in those where it ultimately is.

Julie Lerman also noticed this from the Microsoft Live announcement: advertising is now being seen as a technological innovation:

Now there is windows live and office live – but somehow the repetetive them(e) that kept jumping out at me when reading the press release was “advertising”.

Opera had ads around it’s browser before going all free; Google makes its money through adsense, and I’ve seen an increasing number of tools that you can use for free…as long as you allow certain bits of software to sit on your machine, counting your key strokes, reading you words, and feeding you focused ads. I do foresee a time when we’ll download Microsoft tools and products–all complete with bar frame and flitty, flighty ads. Not only that, but the technology will be added into .NET that enables those who build tools to do the same–and this enabling will then make it all okay.

At a time when television, radio, and music are becoming subscriber-based and on-demand downloadable for small fees, normally ad-free spaces–such as our desktops, browsers, and every day tools–will pick up the vacuum left by the broadcasters. You will have a choice: pay for the software, or allow ads. It is an inevitable next step in software product releases. With this approach, the software pays and pays no matter how long it takes people to upgrade. More importantly from Micrsoft’s point of view, the companies no longer need worry about pirated copies of any of the software because everyone can get it for free.

In our rush and our new enthusiasm–!?–for this new breed of ads, I can only hope that we remember, as Max Headroom surely could remind us: nothing is really free.


Power of One

Lots of discussion about long tails and links and what not, matched with more statistics than I’ve seen since college. I knew about Phil but thanks to Dave, I also found Adam and Sacred Cow Dung, who brings us the Sacred Cow Dung 500 Index, which is as good a rank list name as any.

All this math and figuring reminded me of a conversation I had with my Dad once. We were talking about the odds of winning Powerball. He would hold a ticket in his hand and read out that the odds were 23 gazillion to one or something like that; I would say that in actuality, you had one chance to win. He would shake his head in frustration, and start going into the math and such; I would just reply that it didn’t matter: at some point when the numbers get so high, the only thing that counts is what you can hold in your hand.



A couple of things:

Thanks to both Squidblog and Pharyngula for the eye opening explanation behind numerous sea monster sightings. Leads one to wonder what could be behind Nessie?

We found out that our panel at SxSW will be on Sunday around noon. High noon in fact, which Kathy will appreciate:

I’m also doing a panel at SXSW with Dori Smith, Shelley Powers, and Virginia DeBolt on “Why are women invisible on the web: whose butts should we be kicking?” As many of you know, I don’t even agree with the premise of the title (I’m a woman, I certainly am not invisible on the web), and I have intense disagreements about this with the other women on the panel, so… it should be a rather festive panel ; ) (I’m thinking smackdown) I have to hand it to Dori, of whom I’m a big fan, for putting together a panel that offers differing perspectives.

Smackdown! Love it.

I think Kathy and others will be surprised. I had an epiphany about this issue on the train ride out to Idaho. Anyway, March 12th in Austin — you can buy us margaritas after.



I could wish that the weather was a little less wet as I’ve not been able to get out much. I hope to visit the town where I was born and raised on Thursday. I will have to settle for Thursday as the rest of the time the weather promises rain or snow, or rain and snow. Oh well, I’m here to help my Mom anyway, and the weather keeps me home and helpful. Too helpful perhaps as even my mother has mentioned, wistfully, once or twice that isn’t the weather nice enough for me to go on a walk? Yet?

My mom’s two poodles like me. They’re tiny puffballs, and yes, they do yap. One is an apricot, the other white. They’re very affectionate, but the white one doesn’t feel good sometimes; when you pet her, most of the time she leans into you and cuddles; a few times though, she has turned on me and bit me. Luckily, she doesn’t have most of her teeth. Well, not lucky for her; lucky for me.

It is unnerving, though, as I don’t want to upset her. This aberrant behavior doesn’t happen with cats, you know. Either they love you or the loathe you, but they’re consistent.

All is going well, so much so that I will be going home on the 17th.